Leaf Collection
Leaves must be as close the road's edge as possible and not obstructed by vehicles.
Please DO NOT rake leave into the street as they could get washed into storm inlets or freeze to the roadway during inclement weather.
Leaf vacuuming schedule:
For Monday and Tuesday trash customers - leaf vacuuming will be the weeks of October 30th and November 13th.
For Wednesday and Thursday trash customers - leaf vacuuming will be the weeks of November 6th and November 27th.
There is no appointment necessary for this service. One final Township-wide cleanup will take place the week of December 4th.
Eagle Disposal Leaf Bag Pick-up
Besides leaf vacuuming, Eagle Disposal will again be collecting leaves that are placed at the curb in biodegradable bags as part of the Yard Waste Collection Program. See the trash and recycling schedule for more information.