253 Municipal Drive
Thorndale, PA 19372
Monday July 26, 2021 7:00 PM
Those Present and Absent:
George Chambers – Chairperson
Paul Mullin – Vice Chairperson
William Schew – Treasurer
Tony DiSario – Assistant Treasurer/Assistant Secretary
Noel Bernard – Secretary
Scot Gill – Wastewater Department Director
Kristen Denne – Township Manager (Absent)
Jennylyn Tanedo – Recording Secretary
Ross Bickhart – Gilmore & Associates, CTMA Engineer (Absent)
Call To Order
The meeting of the Caln Township Municipal Authority was called to order by Mr. Chambers at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held at the Caln Township Municipal Building Meeting Room located at 253 Municipal Drive Thorndale, Pa. The regular scheduled meeting of the Caln Township Municipal Authority was advertised in the Daily Local News on December 28, 2020 and the agenda was posted on the Caln Township Website and Lobby on Friday July 23, 2021. Copies of the Agenda were made available to the public.
Minutes of the June 28, 2021 Meeting
Mr. Chambers called for additions or corrections to the June minutes. There were none. After discussion, Mrs. Bernard motioned, seconded by Mr. Schew, to adopt the June 28, 2021 minutes, as presented. Vote passed 5.0.
Public Comment
Mr. Chambers called for public comments. There were none.
I/I Reduction Program
Mr. Gill informed the Board that Equix Integrity Inc. finished up their contract. The weather didn’t cooperate so that the additional add-on work wasn’t completed as discussed on the last month meeting.
Mr. Gill informed the Board that the department and Gilmore did a site visit for the Phase 4 Interceptor Repair Project checking for the potential access limitations, identifying good access points and putting together a cost estimate. Mr. Gill stated that during the site visit there were areas identified that potentially would need additional investigation, which would be included in a future project. Mr. Gill presented the Board the Preliminary Cost Estimate of $353,285 and tentative schedule for the 2022 Phase 4 Interceptor Repairs Project. The Sewer Repairs project will involve the testing of all pipe joints that fail the test for approximately 2,421 linear feet 21” diameter gravity sewer approximately 1.777 feet of 24” diameter gravity sewer. The bid will also include an Add-Alternative option for testing/grouting of about 1,686 LF of 8” sanitary sewer lines. After discussion, Mr. Schew made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Bernard to authorize Gilmore to assemble the bid pack and post the bid for the Phase 4 Caln Interceptor Repairs Contract with an anticipated bid opening mid-November, 2021. Vote passed 5.0.
Municipal Pump Station Project Update
Mr. Gill updated the Board on the Municipal Pump Station Project and informed the Board that Anrich Inc. CAL-02-14-2 and MGK Industries, Inc. CAL-02-14-1A are working on their punch list items and there was no pay requests for the month of July.
Mr. Gill updated the Board on the North Caln Road Area Sewer Modification CAL-01-21. Mr. Gill informed the Board that Fidelity Contracting, LLC. Finished up all the pipework on June 18th and currently they are working on scheduling the blacktop restoration work. The department is waiting for the installation of the permanent flow meter to be installed by our metering company, which will be able to give us flow data from the western part of the system.
Act 537 Plan Additional Capacity Update
Mr. Gill presented a project update spreadsheet showing the status of pending projects that will be needing capacity in the future along with the most recent DARA flow report and a 52 week average chart. Mr. Chambers updated the Board on DARA.
Fernmoor Homes at Downingtown Phase 2 and Phase 5 (Dwell)
Mr. Gill presented to the Board the signed Financial Security Agreement and Performance Bond for the Phase 2 On-Site Arbor Hills Sewer Improvements. After discussion, Mr. Mullin made a motion, seconded by Mr. Disario to authorize the Chairperson to sign the Financial Security Agreement and Performance Bond for the Phase 2 On Site Arbor Hills Sewer Improvements in the form as presented, subject to the delivery by Fernmoor Homes Prior to the next regular meeting of the Board on August 23, 2021 the following: (1) Performance Bond executed by Surety, (2) Surety’s form Power of Attorney. Vote passed 5.0
Mr. Gill presented to the Board the Signed Financial Security Agreement and Performance Bond the Phase 5 On-Site Arbor Hills Sewer Improvements. After discussion, Mr. Mullin made a motion, seconded by Mr. Disario to authorize the Chairperson to sign the Financial Security Agreement and Performance Bond for the Phase 5 On Site Arbor Hills Sewer Improvements in the form as presented, subject to the delivery by Fernmoor Homes Prior to the next regular meeting of the Board on August 23, 2021 the following: (1) Performance Bond executed by Surety, (2) Surety’s form Power of Attorney. Vote passed 5.0
5013 Horseshoe Pike Sewer Extension Agreement
Mr. Gill informed the Board that the applicant from 5013 Horseshoe pike intends to connect the existing 3 unit dwelling located on the property to the public sewer and which will require 3 EDUs of sewer capacity in the sewer system. The applicant intends to construct an extension of the sewer system that was installed as part of the Royals Farm Project across Parcels Nos. 39-2-29 and 39-2-30 to the point of the proposed connection of a lateral to serve the existing dwelling. The proposed sewer extension will ultimately be offered for dedication of the Authority. Mr. Gill presented to the Board the Sewer Capacity Reservation, Contribution and Extension Agreement that will be needed for the project. After discussion, Mr. Schew made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Bernard to authorize the Chairperson to sign the enclosed Sewer Capacity Reservation, Contribution and Extension Agreement in the form as presented. Vote passed 5.0.
Financials; Sewer Fund,
Mr. Gill reviewed the sewer financial summary and the revenues and expenditures for the Sewer Operating Fund for the month of June 2021 and the balances on the Act 57 and Sewer Capital Fund. After discussion Mr. Mullin made a motion, seconded by Mr. Disario to accept the June financials, as submitted. Vote passed 5.0.
Mr. Gill also informed the board that he did follow-up with the CTMA Solicitor about the timing of the principal payment of the bond. Mr. Gill informed the board that financing through the Delaware Valley Regional Finance Authority was relatively inexpensive, they set the rules for repayment and are able to obtain very favorable interest rates. Mr. Gill also informed the board that if the board had not decided to finance through the Delaware Valley Regional Finance Authority and elected to change the provisions for repayment, they would have likely needed to hire an investment adviser, a bond underwriter, and bond counsel, which would have increased the cost of the borrowing, without any assurance that the amount of interest or the terms of repayment would be less favorable than with DelVal.
Penalty Waiver Request Update
Mr. Gill informed the Board that no requests were made for the month of June.
Director’s Report
Mr. Gill discussed his Director’s Report and noted a list of current projects which the Department is working on and their progress.
There being no further business, Mr. Schew made a motion, and seconded by Mrs. Bernard to adjourn the July 26, 2021 meeting at 8:30pm. Vote passed 5.0.
Respectfully Submitted
Jennylyn Tanedo,
Recording Secretary
july_26_2021_ctma_minutes.pdf |