253 Municipal Drive
Thorndale, PA 19372
Monday August 24, 2020
7:00 PM
Those Present and Absent via Zoom Meeting
George Chambers – Chairperson
Paul Mullin – Vice Chairperson
William Schew – Treasurer
Tony DiSario – Assistant Treasurer/Assistant Secretary
Noel Bernard – Secretary
Scot Gill – Wastewater Department Director
Kristen Denne – Township Manager (Absent)
Jennylyn Tanedo – Recording Secretary
Ross Bickhart – Gilmore & Associates, CTMA Engineer
Mr. Chambers called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM
Minutes of the July 27, 2020 Meeting
Mr. Chambers called for additions or corrections to the July minutes. There were none. After discussion, Mrs. Bernard motioned, seconded by Mr. Disario, to adopt the July 27, 2020 minutes, as presented. Vote passed 4.0 and 1 Abstained.
Public Comment
Mr. Chambers called for public comments. There were none.
Villages of Hillview
Mr. Gill informed the Board that Hillview III, LLC (Joseph Behrle) and U.S Home Corporation (Lennar) entered into an Agreement for the Sale and Purchase of the Villages of Hillview Project, along with the rights and obligations under the Amended and Restated Sanitary Sewer Capacity Reservation, Contribution and Extension Agreement. Mr. Gill presented the Board the Villages of Hillview Assignment and Assumption Agreement and the letter acknowledgment from the Board that they have no objection of transferring all the rights and obligations for the Amended and Restated Sanitary Sewer Capacity Reservation Contribution and Extension Agreement dated October 23, 2019 to U.S Home Corporation. After discussion, Mr. Disario made a motion, seconded by Mr. Schew to authorize the Chairperson to sign the enclosed letter acknowledging that the Board has no objection to the Assignment of the Sewer Capacity Agreement in the form as was presented, subject to the delivery by Lennar prior to the next regular meeting of the Board on September 28, 2020 of the following also the form as presented: (1) the Sewer Agreements Executed and notarized (where applicable) by Lennar (2) the Performance Bond Executed by the Surety, (3) the Surety’s form Power of Attorney, and (4) the Cash Escrow required under the Performance Bond. Vote passed 5.0.
I/I Reduction Program
Mr. Gill updated the Board on the current I&I Reduction program and informed the Board that the Wastewater Crew is continuing working on cleaning and televising the lines in the area.
Municipal Pump Station Project Update
Mr. Gill updated the Board on the Municipal Pump Station Project and informed the Board that Anrich has completed the installation of the force main and now finalizing the restoration work and there is no payment request from Anrich Inc. for the month of August.
Mr. Gill updated the Board that MGK Industries, Inc. is currently working on the control building and installing the required equipment. Mr. Gill presented the Board with the 8th payment request from MGK Industries, Inc. for Contract# CAL-02-1A. After discussion, Mr. Mullin made a motion, seconded by Mr. Schew to recommend to the Board of Commissioners to authorize release of MGK Industries, Inc. 8th payment request for Contract# CAL-02-14-1A in the amount of $ 56,050 contingent that all work is completed to the satisfaction of the authority engineer. Vote passed 5.0.
Mr. Gill presented to the Board Change Order #4 from MGK Industries, Inc. for Contract # CAL-02-14-1A requesting a 30 days extension due to the delays resulting to the manufacturing/supply delays associated with Coronavirus pandemic. After discussion, Mrs. Bernard made a motion, seconded by Mr. Schew to approve Change Order #4 for Contract # CAL-02-14-1A for an extension of time due to the delays. Vote passed 5.0.
Mr. Gill updated the Board that Garden Spot Electric is continuing to work on electrical installation for the new Pump Station. Mr. Gill presented to the Board with the 5th payment request from Garden Spot Electric Contract# CAL-02-14-1B. After discussion, Mr. Mullin made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Bernard to recommend to the Board of Commissioners to authorize release of Garden Spot Electric 5th payment request for Contract# CAL-02-14-1B in the amount of $18,427.50 contingent that all work is completed to the satisfaction of the authority engineer. Vote passed 5.0.
Mr. Gill presented to the Board Change Order #3 from Garden Spot Electric Contract # CAL-02-14-1B requesting a 30 day extension due to the delays resulting to the manufacturing/supply delays associated with Coronavirus pandemic. After discussion, Mrs. Bernard made a motion, seconded by Mr. Disario to approve Changer Order #3 for Contract # CAL-02-14-1B for an extension of time due to the delays. Vote passed 5.0.
Act 537 Plan Additional Capacity Update
Mr. Gill presented a project update spreadsheet showing the status of pending projects that will be needing capacity in the future along with the most recent DARA flow report, the 52 week average chart and most recent email correspondence related the plant expansion. Mr. Chambers updated the Board with the Dara meeting that was held on August 17, 2020.
PA Small Stream and Sewer Grant Program Update
Mr. Gill informed the Board that the CTMA was not awarded the Pa Small Stream and Sewer Grant and. Mr. Gill also stated that the Township did receive a grant for Storm Water work on Reed Street which included a small sewer extension and staff will work with their engineer for the sanitary sewer portion.
281 Norton Avenue
Mr. Gill presented to the Board the Sewer Capacity Relinquishment Agreement for 281 Norton Avenue previous received CTMA approval and PADEP exemption approval Code #1-1512-397 for a 4-lot subdivision for 2-single family duplexes, which consisted of 4 EDU’s. The 4-Lot subdivision was never constructed, since the approval and William A Paoletti bought the property and is now proposing to construct only 1 Residential unit consisting of a single family home on the 0.74 acre parcel. The owner wants to relinquish to the Authority the 3 extra EDU’s of the sewer treatment capacity that was granted previously by the CTMA in the sewer system and assigned by the DEP to the Property as a result of the DEP Planning Approval, which will than leave him 1 EDU for his project. After discussion, Mr. Disario made a motion, seconded by Mr. Chambers to authorize the Chairperson to sign the enclosed Sewer Capacity Relinquishment Agreement for 281 Norton Avenue. Vote passed 5.0.
Financials; Sewer Fund,
Mr. Gill reviewed the sewer financial summary and the revenues and expenditures for the Sewer Operating Fund for the month of July 2020 and the balances on the Act 57 and Sewer Capital Fund. After discussion Mr. Disario made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Bernard to accept the July financials, as submitted. Vote passed 5.0.
Penalty Waiver Request Update
Mr. Gill informed the Board that no requests were made for the month of July.
2021 Budget Proposal
Mr. Gill presented to the Board the CTMA 2021 proposed operating, capital and Act57 budget. After discussion, the Board agreed to table it on September 28, 2020 Meeting.
Royal Farms Refund
Mr. Gill informed the Board that during the Audit review this year it was determined by the finance department that when the Royal Farms account was set up it wasn’t being billed properly. Mr. Gill presented to the Board the Royal Farms breakdown of past bills where it was found that they were overbilled since the account was established back in 2018 and a refund should be issued in the total amount of $7,965.34. After discussion, Mr. Mullin made a motion, seconded by Mr. Disario to recommend to the Board of Commissioners to authorize the release of a refund to Royal Farms in the amount of $7,965.34. Vote passed 5.0.
Audit Proposal
Mr. Gill presented the Board the proposal from Maillie for the preparation of the 2020, 2021 and 2022 Municipal Authority Audit in the amount of $8,000 per year which reflects no increase. After discussion, Mrs. Bernard made a motion, seconded by Mr. Mullin to accept the audit proposal submitted from Maillie for the preparation of the Authorities 2020, 2021 and 2022 audit at a cost of $8,000 per year. Vote passed 5.0.
Director’s Report
Mr. Gill discussed his Director’s Report and noted a list of current projects which the Department is working on, and their progress.
There being no further business, Mrs. Bernard made a motion, and seconded by Mr. Schew to adjourn the August 24, 2020 meeting at 8:45pm. Vote passed 5.0.
Respectfully Submitted
Jennylyn Tanedo,
Recording Secretary
august_24_2020_ctma_minutes.pdf |