253 Municipal Drive
Thorndale, PA 19372
Monday September 23, 2019
7:00 PM
Those Present and Absent:
Paul Mullin – Chairperson
George Chambers – Vice Chair
William Schew – Treasurer
Tony DiSario – Assistant Treasurer/Assistant Secretary
Noel Bernard – Secretary
Scot Gill – Wastewater Department Director
Kristen Denne – Township Manager (Absent)
Jennylyn Tanedo – Recording Secretary
Bill Dingman – P.E., Gilmore & Associates, CTMA Engineer
Mr. Mullin called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM
Minutes of the August 26, 2019 Meeting
Mr. Mullin called for additions or corrections to the August minutes. Some minor correction was made. After discussion, Mr. Chambers motioned, seconded by Mr. Disario, to adopt the August 23, 2019 minutes, as presented. Vote passed 5-0.
Public Comment
Mr. Mullin called for public comments. There were none.
Act 537 Plan Additional Capacity Update
Mr. Gill presented a project update spreadsheet and discussed the outstanding projects that may need capacity.
Municipal Pump Station Project Update
Mr. Gill presented the proposal from Anrich to remove the willow trees and replace with Black Gum and Red Maple Trees. Mr. Dingman updated the Board on the status of the Municipal Pump Station Project. Mr. Dingman informed the Board the Field Change with the project.
After discussion the Board agreed to move forward with the removal of the 22 Willow Trees and decided to hold off on the replacement trees at this time, until they find out the placement of the Force Main. Mr. Disario made a motion, seconded by Mr. Schew to approve Field Change #1 in the amount of $31,654 for just the Removal of the 22 existing Willow Trees on the North Side of G.O Carlson Blvd. between Municipal Drive and Bailey Road including the grinding of the stumps and removal of debris. Vote passed 5-0.
I/I Reduction Program
Mr. Gill presented a map showing the lines that were televised over the years. Mr. Gill informed the Board that Propipe began relining on September 10, 2019 the 1st 3,000 of the interceptor beginning in the field in the area of North Caln Road. Mr. Gill informed the Board that Propipe submitted their 1st payment request. After discussion, Mr. Chambers made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Bernard to recommend to the Board of Commissioners to authorize release of Propipe 1st payment request of $126,608.43 contingent the work is completed to the satisfaction of the Authority Engineer. Vote passed 5-0.
Mr. Dingman presented the Board the Memo summarizing the flow study that has been completed so far, which began December, 2018.
Mr. Dingman informed the Board that they finalized the bid documents and advertised the solicitation of bids on September 17, 2019 for the sewer relining project that will involve the CIPP of approximately 2,517 linear feet of 15’ diameter gravity sewer and approximately 2,056 feet of 18’ diameter gravity sewer and 10 spot repairs. Bid opening is anticipated on 10:00 A.M local time, Tuesday, October 15, 2019.
Dwell Update
Mr. Gill presented the Board the draft of the Arbor Hills Associates Seventh Amendment to Sanitary Sewer Capacity Reservation and Contribution Agreement. The amendment grants the following, Arbor Hills granted 1 year extension September 30, 2020 to diligently obtain any and all approvals necessary for the recordation of the PRD Final Plans for the Development. Requires Arbor Hills to tender to the Authority the third non-refundable payment in the amount of $210,000 on or before September 23, 2019 and doesn’t include an escalator and also gives the developer the option of entering into a new capacity reservation agreement within the one year extension period and it will be based upon the Authority’s new tapping fee and capacity reservation policy.
After discussion, Mr. Disario made a motion, seconded by Mr. Schew to authorize the Chairman to sign the Arbor Hills Seventh Amendment to Sanitary Sewer Capacity Reservation and Contribution Agreement. Vote passed 5-0.
Dogwood/Scott Drive Project Update
Mr. Gill presented the Board that to date we received payment for 46 Full Tapping Fees (34 Connected and 8 Still need connected) and 3 five year extensions granted (Special Part Tapping Fee Paid). After discussion, Mr. Gill recommend to the Board that we ask Mr. Pompo his recommendation for next step for the remaining resident that fail to make the connection.
Financials; Sewer Operating Fund,
Mr. Gill reviewed the cash basis summary and detailed accrual reports of revenue for the Sewer Operating Fund for the month of August 2019. After discussion Mr. Schew made a motion and seconded by Mr. Chambers to approve the August Sewer Operating Fund financials, as submitted. Vote passed 5-0.
2020 Budget Presentation
Mr. Gill presented and discussed with the Board the 2020 Budget Proposal. After discussion the Board agreed for staff to forward the 2020 proposed budget to the Board of Commissioners with all vote Aye.
Directors Report
Mr. Gill discussed his August, 2019 department report and noted a list of current projects which the Department is working on, and their progress.
There being no further business, Mr. Chambers made a motion, and seconded by Mr. Schew to adjourn the September 23, 2019 meeting at 9:30 pm. Vote passed 5-0.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jennylyn Tanedo,
Administrative Secretary

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