253 Municipal Drive
Thorndale, PA 19372
Monday July 22, 2019
7:00 PM
Those Present and Absent:
Paul Mullin – Chairperson
George Chambers – Vice Chair
William Schew – Treasurer
Tony DiSario – Assistant Treasurer/Assistant Secretary
Noel Bernard – Secretary
Scot Gill – Wastewater Department Director
Kristen Denne – Township Manager (Absent)
Jennylyn Tanedo – Recording Secretary
Bill Dingman – P.E., Gilmore & Associates, CTMA Engineer
Mr. Mullin called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM
Minutes of the June 24, 2019 Meeting
Mr. Mullin called for additions or corrections to the June minutes. There were none. After discussion, Mr. Schew motioned, seconded by Mr. Chambers, to adopt the June 24, 2019 minutes, as presented. Vote passed 5-0.
Public Comment
Mr. Mullin called for public comments. There were none.
Act 537 Plan Additional Capacity Update
Mr. Gill presented a project update spreadsheet and discussed the outstanding projects that may need capacity.
Dwell Capacity Agreement
Mr. Gill Informed the board that Mr. Pompo reached out to the Attorney representing Dwell to inform them that the upcoming September 30, 2019 deadline for Dwell to make the next payment of the $210,000 is coming up. Mr. Pompo also informed them that the CTMA is now implementing the municipal pump station project, using borrowed funds and that the Board adopted new tapping fees and a new capacity reservation policy earlier this year. Mr. Gill informed the board that on July 17th the developer’s attorney responded that they will likely not be making the payment required under the current agreement in September nor are they in the position to begin the reservation of capacity set forth in the new policy of the MA. After discussion, Mr. Chambers made a motion seconded by Mr. Schew to authorize the staff and solicitor to inform the developer of the Board’s intent to terminate the existing agreement, initiate the Act 537 reversal action with the Township and record the relinquishment agreement, unless the developer fully complies with the terms of the existing agreement. Vote passed 5-0.
Municipal Pump Station Project Update
Mr. Dingman updated the board on the status of the Municipal Pump Station Project. Mr. Dingman discussed with the board an option to authorize Mr. Gill with Gilmores recommendation to make a decision in case there is a field change that needs to be implemented, that doesn’t exceed $20,000.00 total. After discussion Mr. Disario made a motion, seconded by Mr. Chambers to authorize Mr. Gill with the recommendation and approval by the authorities engineer to make a decision to authorize a field change not to exceed $20,000 and with an immediate follow up notification to the board. Vote 5-0.
I/I Reduction Program
Mr. Gill updated the board on the list of projects that the department is working on to help address the I&I issue. Mr. Gill also discussed with the board the project associated with the televising of the Interceptor that began on July 22nd and the amount of ground water that is being found entering the system by the failing joints along the interceptor. After discussion the board recognized that there is an immediate need to make the necessary repairs to the interceptor to reduce the I&I from entering the system, as it’s found to alleviate the excessive flow that Caln is sending to the DARA treatment plant which is now very close to its permitted hydraulic rating of 7.5 MGD. Mr. Gill also informed the board that Mr. Mays is concerned that continued flows at that level at the plant could cause the PADEP to impose restrictions on future connections. After discussion Mr. Disario made a motion seconded by Mrs. Bernard to authorize the staff to make the necessary repairs along the Interceptor to help reduce the amount of I&I and to not exceed $100,000 conditioned upon the Solicitor agreeing that there is an immediate need for these repairs. Vote passed 5-0.
Dogwood/Scott Drive Project Update
Mr. Gill presented the board that to date we received payment for 46 Full Tapping Fees (35 Connected and 6 Still need connected) and 3 five year extensions granted (Special Part Tapping Fee Paid). Mr. Gill presented signed copies of the Grinder Pump and Maintenance Agreement that need signed by the chairman. After discussion, Mr. Schew made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Bernard to authorize the Chairman to sign the Operation and Maintenance Agreement for Grinder Pump System for 1306 Blackhorse Hill Road. Vote passed 5-0.
S-1 Truck Replacement
Mr. Gill presented a quote in the amount of $55,082 provided by Hondru Ford utilizing the CoStars Program, for the purchase of a 2020 Ford F-350 (Replacement for S-1) which includes the Reading Equipment upfit charge. Mr Gill informed the board that if the department gets the order placed prior to August 2, 2019, that we may be able to get the 2019 model year at a lower price. Mr. Gill requested approval to proceed to order, with delivery expected 1st quarter of 2020. After discussion the board approved with all vote aye.
Financials; Sewer Operating Fund, Act 57 Fund
Mr. Gill reviewed the cash basis summary and detailed accrual reports of revenue and expenditures for the Sewer Operating Fund, Municipal Authority’s Tapping Fee Account, and Capital Fund for the month of June 2019. After discussion Mr. Chambers made a motion and seconded by Mr. Disario to approve the June financials, as submitted. Vote passed 5-0.
Delinquency Reports
Mr. Gill reviewed and discussed the current delinquency report for the month of June, reflecting current year accounts past due, prior year’s outstanding balances sent to Portnoff Law Associates for collection, and the status of commercial in house collection.
2018-2019 Request for Penalty Waiver
Mr. Gill presented a spreadsheet showing the 2018-2019 request for Penalty Waiver. Discussion was held regarding the request of penalty waiver from 14 Parkside Drive. After discussion the Mr. Chambers made a motion seconded by Mr. Schew to authorize the chairman to approve the request of a penalty waiver in the amount $6.30 for 14 Parkside Drive. Vote passed 5-0.
Directors Report
Mr. Gill discussed his June, 2019 department report and noted a list of current projects which the Department is working on, and their progress.
There being no further business, Mr. Chambers made a motion, and seconded by Mr. Schew to adjourn the July 22, 2019 meeting at 9:20 pm. Vote passed 5-0.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jennylyn Tanedo,
Administrative Secretary

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