253 Municipal Drive
Thorndale, PA 19372
Monday February 27, 2023
7:00 PM
Those Present and Absent:
George Chambers – Chairperson
Paul Mullin – Vice Chairperson
William Schew – Treasurer
Tony DiSario – Assistant Treasurer/Assistant Secretary
Noel Bernard – Secretary
Scot Gill – Wastewater Department Director
Kristen Denne – Township Manager (Absent)
Jennylyn Tanedo – Recording Secretary
Ross Bickhart – Gilmore & Associates, CTMA Engineer
Vince Pompo- LambMcErlane, CTMA Solicitor (Absent)
Call to Order
The meeting of the Caln Township Municipal Authority was called to order by Mr. Chambers at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held in person at the Caln Township Municipal Building Meeting Room located at 253 Municipal Drive Thorndale, Pa and via Zoom. The regular scheduled meeting of the Caln Township Municipal Authority was advertised in the Daily Local News on December 27, 2022, and the agenda was posted on the Caln Township Website and Lobby on February 24, 2023. Copies of the Agenda were made available to the public.
Minutes of the January 23, 2023 Meeting
Mr. Chambers called for additions or corrections to the January minutes. There were none. After discussion, Mr. Mullin motioned, seconded by Mr. Schew, to adopt the January 2023 minutes, as presented. The vote passed 5.0.
Public Comment
Mr. Chambers called for public comments. There were none.
Dogwood/Scott Drive Project Update
Mr. Gill updated the Board with the 4 properties that need to be connected to public sewers.
Municipal Drive Force Main Update
Mr. Gill informed the Board the Gilmore is currently finalizing the report for preliminary investigation as to the cause of the failed joint of the force main for the Municipal Drive Pump Station back on January 3rd 2023.
Downingtown Investors LLC. Taco Bell Project
Mr. Gill presented to the Board Resolution 2023-1-CTMA accepting a certain Deed of Dedication of Sanitary Sewer Lines and Maintenance Agreement for the Taco Bell Project. After discussion, Mr. Schew made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Bernard to approve Resolution 2023-1-CTMA accepting certain Deed of Dedication of Sanitary Sewer Lines that were installed as part of Downingtown Investors Taco Bell Project and authorized the Chairman to sign associated Maintenance Agreement. The vote passed 5.0.
5033 Horseshoe Pike Project
Mr. Gill presented to the Board the 5033 Horseshoe Pike Sanitary Sewer Capacity Reservation, Contribution and Extension Agreement. After discussion, Mr. Mullin made a motion, seconded by Mr. DiSario to authorize the Chairperson to sign the enclosed Sanitary Sewer Capacity Reservation, Contribution and Extension Agreement in the form as presented. The vote passed 5.0.
Mr. Gill presented to the Board the 5033 Horseshoe Pike Operation and Maintenance Agreement for Duplex Grinder Pump Systems. The project consists of converting an existing veterinary hospital into a new optometry office. After discussion, Mrs. Bernard made a motion, seconded by Mr. Schew, to authorize the Chairperson to sign the enclosed Operation and Maintenance Agreement for Duplex Grinder Pump Systems in the form as presented. The vote passed 5.0.
Thorndale Real Estate (Starbucks/Chipotle Project
Mr. Gill presented to the Board the Starbucks and Chipotle Sewer Easement Agreement for the twenty foot (20’) wide sanitary sewer easement for the proposed sanitary sewer that will cross the property that will serve Lots 1 & 2. After discussion, Mr. Mullin made a motion, seconded by Mr. DiSario, to authorize the Chairperson to sign the enclosed Sewer Easement Agreement in the form as presented. The vote passed 5.0.
Mr. Gill presented to the Board the Chipotle Lot 1 Grease Trap Operation and Maintenance Agreement. After discussion, Mrs. Bernard made a motion, seconded by Mr. Schew to authorize the Chairperson to sign the enclosed LOT 1 Grease Trap Operation and Maintenance Agreement for the proposed Chipotle Restaurant in the form as presented. The vote passed 5.0.
Mr. Gill presented to the Board the Starbucks LOT 2 Grease Trap Operation and Maintenance Agreement. After discussion, Mr. DiSario made a motion, seconded by Mr. Mullin to authorize the Chairperson to sign the enclosed LOT 2 Grease Trap Operation and Maintenance Agreement for the proposed Starbucks Café in the form as presented. The vote passed 5.0.
Reed Street Area Sewer Project
Mr. Gill informed the Board that Gilmore is continuing to work with ARRO on the sewer portion of the Reed Street Drainage and Sewer Project that the Township received a grant for. Mr. Gill informed the Board that as part of the project the CTMA will need to obtain 4 sewer easements from the property owners whose parcels border 14th Avenue. Mr. Gill also mentioned to the Board that the CTMA Solicitor drafted up the Easement Agreements and Gilmore finalized the Easement exhibit along with the legal description and forwarded to the Township Solicitor to be included in their mailing to the residents. Mr. Gill informed the Board that one of the residents sent him an email informing him that they wanted compensation for their easement. Mr. Gill stated that the next step will be to get the appraisal done for this property and stated that the department reached out to William Wood requesting an estimate to complete the appraisal for this property and the other 3 if needed. After discussion, Mr. Schew made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Bernard, to authorize a not to exceed amount of $1,600 to complete the 4 appraisals if necessary. The vote passed 5.0.
Act 537 Plan/ Additional Capacity Update/ Dara Update
Mr. Gill presented to the Board a spreadsheet showing the status of pending projects that will be needing capacity in the future, the 52-week average chart and Dara weekly flow report. Mr. Gill also presented to the Board the response letter from Chester County Health Department to the Township Act 537 Plan Update. Mr. Chambers updated the Board that the other municipalities are looking to get their Act 537 Plan done maybe summer 2023. Mr. Chambers informed the Board, that DARA is coming out with new design plan concept for the expansion and the extra cost for the UV upgrade, which will be presented to the DARA Board sometime in April.
I/I Reduction Program
Mr. Gill presented to the Board Change Order#1 from Equix Integrity Inc. for contract # CAL-02-21 for the Final Adjustment of Quantities for Contract Closeout. After discussion, Mr. DiSario made a motion, seconded by Mr. Schew to approve Change Order #1 for Contract #CAL-02-21 to allow for the Final Adjustment of Quantities for Contract Closeout. The vote passed 5.0.
Mr. Gill presented to the Board the Final 2nd Payment Request from Equix Integrity Inc. for Contract #CAL-02-21. After discussion, Mr. Schew made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Bernard to recommend to the Board of Commissioners to authorize release of Equix Integrity Inc. 2nd/Final Payment Request for Contract #CAL-02-21 in the amount of $15,923.08 contingent that all worked is completed to the satisfaction of the authority engineer and all the closeout paperwork is found acceptable. The vote passed 5.0.
Mr. Gill updated the Board on the Caln Interceptor Repairs Project Phase 5. Mr. Gill stated that Gilmore issued a notice of Intent to award to Standard Pipe Services, LLC. on January 3, 2023 for the Phase 5 Caln Interceptor Repairs Project. Mr. Gill stated that the sewer repair project will involve the cleaning, Televising and Grouting for approximately 3,300 linear feet of 24’ diameter gravity sewer and the project will also include an Add-Alternate option for testing/grouting of about 1,500 LF of 8” sanitary sewer lines.
2022 Chapter 94 Report
Mr. Gill presented and reviewed the 2022 Chapter 94 Annual Sewage Report which is the year-end report for the sewer system. After discussion, the Board approved Staff to forward the final documents to DARA and PAWC so that they can be included in their submission to the PADEP.
2023 Crane Truck Uplift Charge
Mr. Gill presented to the Board the quote in the amount of $77,852.63 provided by Baldwin Truck Equipment and a quote from Reading Truck in the amount of $77,652 which both utilize the Costars Program. Mr. Gill informed the Board that quotes are for the uplift charge for the F-550 Crane Truck Chassis that was ordered last fall with an anticipated delivery of the chassis to the upfitter sometime this summer. Mr. Gill mentioned that Baldwin Truck Equipment did state that once we issue a purchase order, they will lock their price in and order the equipment for uplift, but the Reading truck quote states that Reading reserves the right to adjust pricing to cover supplier increases and commodity surcharges that may occur after the receipt of a purchase order and before final delivery. Mr. Gill informed the Board that the amount budgeted for the chassis and uplift charges was $160,000 and to date the Chassis was $67,275 and with the Uplift the total will come $145,128. After discussion, Mr. Schew made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Bernard, to authorize the staff to proceed with the Baldwin Truck Equipment in the amount of $77,852.63. The vote passed 5.0.
Financials; Sewer Fund,
Mr. Gill reviewed the sewer financial summary and the revenues and expenditures for the Sewer Operating Fund for the month of January 2023 and the balances in Act 57 and Sewer Capital Funds. After discussion, Mr. Mullin made a motion, seconded by Mr. DiSario, to accept the January financials, as submitted. The vote passed 5.0.
Penalty Waiver Request Update
Mr. Gill informed the Board that no penalty waiver requests were made for the month of January.
Director’s Report
Mr. Gill discussed his Director’s Report and noted a list of current projects which the Department is working on and their progress.
There being no further business, Mr. Schew made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Bernard, to adjourn the February 27, 2023, meeting at 8:25pm. The vote passed 5.0.
Respectfully Submitted
Jennylyn Tanedo,
Recording Secretary

02.27.2023_ctma_minutes.pdf |