253 Municipal Drive
Thorndale, PA 19372
Monday April 23, 2018
7:00 PM
Those Present and Absent:
Paul Mullin – Chairperson
George Chambers – Vice Chair
John D. Contento – Treasurer
Tony DiSario – Assistant Treasurer/Assistant Secretary
Noel Bernard – Secretary
Scot Gill – Wastewater Department Director
Kristen Denne – Township Manager (Absent)
Jennylyn Tanedo – Recording Secretary
Bill Dingman – P.E., Gilmore & Associates, CTMA Engineer (Absent)
Mr. Mullin called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM
Minutes of the February 26, 2018 Meeting
Mr. Mullin called for additions or corrections to the February minutes. After discussion, there were 2 minor corrections. Mr. Contento motioned, seconded by Mrs. Bernard, to adopt the February 26, 2018, as presented. Vote passed 4- 0, Mr. Chambers abstained.
Public Comment
Mr. Mullin called for public comments. There were none.
Dogwood/Scott Drive Project Update
Mr. Gill presented official Notice to Connect letters were mailed to the 53 homes that will be benefitting from the project on March 6, 2018. To date we received payment for 6 Tapping Fees and to date 2 connections made. Furthermore, Mr. Gill presented signed copies of the properties that will need signed by the chairman. Mr. Disario made a motion seconded by Mr. Contento to authorize the Chairman to sign the Operation and Maintenance Agreement for Grinder Pump System for 414 Dogwood Lane, 517 Dogwood Lane, 1198 Blackhorse Hill Road, 1212 Blackhorse Hill Road and 515 Acorn Street. Voted passed 5-0
Hills @ Thorndale Woods Extension Request
Mr. Gill presented as requested by the developer, a Third Amendment to Sanitary Sewer Capacity Reservation, Contribution and Extension Agreement between Caln Township Municipal Authority and Southdown Properties. Mr. Contento made a motion seconded by Mr. Chambers to authorize the Chairman to sign the Third Amendment to Sanitary Sewer Capacity Reservation, Contribution and Extension Agreement between the CTMA and Southdown Properties, Inc. Voted passed 5-0
251 S. Bailey Partners LLC (Formerly SABIC)
Mr. Gill noted on March 12, 2018 the department was informed that the former SABIC/LNP building located at 251 South Bailey Road was purchased by E. Kahn Development. At the request of staff, Mr. Pompo reached out to Eli Kahn to inform him of the letter he sent to SABIC’s attorney last year and to let him that if there is a change in building classification that appropriate Sewage Planning Requirements for the property may need to be completed as stated in the letter. Mr. Kahn informed us that he has 60% of the building leased to an Industrial Manufacturing Tenant, which is the same use as the prior occupant who will be moving in by May 1st. Mr. Kahn also informed us that he wants to reserve the rights to the capacity that SABIC purchased in case one of their future tenants needs it.
Downingtown Borough Capacity Offer
Mr. Gill presented a letter dated April 16, 2018 from the Borough of Downingtown which states they have an intention of selling a portion of their sewer capacity allocation (50,000 gpd) to East Caln Township at $22.19 +/- per gallon. The board made the recommendation to the BOC that they have no interest in participating in purchasing a portion of the allocation being offered for the per gallon price as stated in the letter. If for any reason that the capacity would be offered at a lower price than the $22.19 per gallon, then the authority would like reconsider at that time. All Voted passed 5-0.
Draft Capacity Allocation Policy
Mr. Gill mentioned his been working with Vince and Bill to come up with a revised capacity allocation policy on how we can continue to allocate capacity and remain consistent to our capacity allocation policy (10% rule), Act 537 Approvals, Act 57 (Tapping Fee), Municipal Authority Act and the way we draft our current capacity allocation agreements. The last update on the policy was done back in 2005 and since then the following has changed, received PADEP Act 537 approval Adopted the current Act 57 Tapping Fee Resolution, and Purchased 177 EDU’s from the Board of Commissioners. Futhermore, Mr. Gill presented spreadsheet breaking down the remaining capacity into 3 categories: CTMA Capacity (Current Tapping Fee, but restricted in allocation to only 10% of remaining),BOC Purchase Agreement (Current Tapping Fee without treatment + BOC Capacity Purchase and no current restrictions on remaining capacity) and MPSP Diversion (Flow is eventually required to be diverted to PAWC as recognized by the PADEP in their planning module approval via the MPSP Project once we reach 1.3875 gpd at DARA and as per our approved Act 537 Plan. After discussion the board made some recommended changes and staff will present the revised version at future meetings.
Financials; Sewer Operating Fund, Act 57 Fund, and Delinquency Reports
Mr. Gill reviewed the cash basis summary and detailed accrual reports of revenue and expenditures for the Sewer Operating Fund, Municipal Authority’s Tapping Fee Account, and Capital Fund for the month of February 2018. After discussion Mr. Contento made a motion and then seconded by Mr. Disario to approve the February 2018 financials, as submitted. Vote passed 5-0.
Mr. Gill reviewed the cash basis summary and detailed accrual reports of revenue and expenditures for the Sewer Operating Fund, Municipal Authority’s Tapping Fee Account, and Capital Fund for the month of March 2018. After discussion Mr. Contento motioned and then seconded by Mr. Disario to approve the March 2018 financials, as submitted. Vote passed 5-0.
Mr. Gill reviewed and discussed the delinquency report for February and March reflecting current year accounts past due, prior year’s outstanding balances sent to Portnoff Law Associates for collection, and the status of in-house commercial collections.
2017 Year End Write-off
Mr. Gill presented email from the Finance Department requesting to write off several accounts with small minimum balances which remain uncollected as of December 31, 2017, and a total write-off of 2 account that went to Judicial Sale.
The finance department requesting the board to made a motion to write-offs the amounts totaling $ 1,579.66. After discussion the board requested that the department verify with the finance department whether the 2 accounts showing a credit should be issued a refund. Mr. Contento made a motion seconded by Mr. Disario to write-offs the amounts totaling $ 1,579.66 after verification with the finance department of the 2 accounts showing a credit. Voted passed 5-0.
Directors Report
Mr. Gill discussed his April, 2018 department report and noted a list of current projects which the Department is working on, and their progress.
There being no further business, Mr. Chambers motioned, and seconded by Mr. Contento, to adjourn the April, 2018 meeting at 8:30 PM. Vote passed 5-0.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jennylyn Tanedo,
Administrative Secretary
april_23_2018_ctma_minutes.pdf |