(Taco Bell – 50 Rock Raymond Road)
Applicant's Exhibits - Board Exhibits
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- You can also submit comments via email to [email protected] up until 4:00pm the day of the meeting.
July 30, 2020 7:30 PM
Call to Order and Pledge Allegiance to the Flag
Citizens to be Heard
Township Solicitor – Ms. Camp
Township Engineer – Mr. Kulakowsky
- Planning Commission Update
- 2020 Road Program Bid Award
Township Manager – Ms. Denne
- Emergency Declaration Extension
- Blight Remediation Grant
- Vision Partnership Agreement
- Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful Adoption Program - Fisherville and Reeceville Roads
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration
- Resolution 2020-26 A Resolution Authorizing the Board President to Sign and Submit a Traffic Signal Approval Agreement on Behalf of the Board, to PennDot for the Upgrade Signal Controller for the Existing Traffic Signal Located at Reeceville Road and US 30 East Ramps
- Resolution 2020-27 A Resolution Authorizing the Board President to Sign and Submit a Traffic Signal Approval Agreement on Behalf of the Board, to PennDot for the Upgrade Signal Controller for the Existing Traffic signal Located at Reeceville Road and Fisherville Road
- Resolution 2020-28 A Resolution Authorizing the Board President to Sign and Submit a Traffic Signal Approval Agreement on Behalf of the Board, to PennDot for the Upgrade Signal Controller for the Existing Traffic Signal Located at Reeceville Road and Brandywine Hospital Driveway/School Driveway
- Resolution 2020-29 A Resolution Authorizing the Board President to Sign and Submit a Traffic Signal Approval Agreement on Behalf of the Board, to PennDot for the Upgrade Signal Controller for the Existing Traffic Signal Located at Manor Avenue and Westbound US 30 Ramps
- Resolution 2020-30 A Resolution Authorizing the Board President to Sign and Submit a Traffic Signal Approval Agreement on Behalf of the Board, to PennDot for the Upgrade Signal Controller for the Existing Traffic Signal Located at Manor Avenue and Rock Raymond Road
- Resolution 2020-31 A Resolution Authorizing the Board President to Sign and Submit a Traffic Signal Approval Agreement on Behalf of the Board, to PennDot for the Upgrade Signal Controller for the Existing Traffic Signal Located at Lincoln Highway and Veterans Drive
- Resolution 2020-32 A Resolution Authorizing the Board President to Sign and Submit a Traffic Signal Approval Agreement on Behalf of the Board, to PennDot for the Upgrade Signal Controller for the Existing Traffic Signal Located at Lincoln Highway and South Bailey Road
- Resolution 2020-33 A Resolution Authorizing the Board President to Sign and Submit a Traffic Signal Approval Agreement on Behalf of the Board, to PennDot for the Upgrade Signal Controller for the Existing Traffic Signal Located at Lincoln Highway and North Bailey Road
- Resolution 2020-34 A Resolution Authorizing the Board President to Sign and Submit a Traffic Signal Approval Agreement on Behalf of the Board, to PennDot for the Upgrade Signal Controller for the Existing Traffic Signal Located at Lincoln Highway and Municipal Drive
- Resolution 2020-35 A Resolution Authorizing the Board President to Sign and Submit a Traffic Signal Approval Agreement on Behalf of the Board, to PennDot for the Upgrade Signal Controller for the Existing Traffic Signal Located at Lincoln Highway and Amoco Drive/Caln Village Shopping Center
- Resolution 2020-36 A Resolution Authorizing the Board President to Sign and Submit a Traffic Signal Approval Agreement on Behalf of the Board, to PennDot for the Upgrade Signal Controller for the Existing Traffic Signal Located at Bondsville Road and G.O. Carlson Boulevard
- Resolution 2020-37 A Resolution Authorizing the Board President to Sign and Submit a Traffic Signal Approval Agreement on Behalf of the Board, to PennDot for the Upgrade Signal Controller for the Existing Traffic Signal Located at Bondsville Road and Route 30 Off Ramp
- Resolution 2020-38 A Resolution Authorizing the Board President to Sign and Submit a Traffic Signal Approval Agreement on Behalf of the Board, to PennDot for the Upgrade Signal Controller for the Existing Traffic Signal Located at North Caln Road/Reeceville Road and Kings Highway
- Resolution 2020-39 A Resolution Authorizing the Board President to Sign and Submit a Traffic Signal Approval Agreement on Behalf of the Board, to PennDot for the Upgrade Signal Controller for the Existing Traffic Signal Located at Lincoln Highway and Barley Sheaf Road
- Resolution 2020-40 A Resolution Authorizing the Township to acquire a Loan from Mid Penn Bank for a 2019 Peterbilt 348 Dump Truck.
- Resolution 2020-41 A Resolution Authorizing the Township Manager to Sign any Documents Necessary to Purchase a 2019 Peterbilt 348 Dump Truck.
- Resolution 2020-42 A Resolution for a Blight Remediation Program Grant of $65,000 - 3 Roussey Drive
Minutes to Approve
- Motion to Approve the July 9, 2020 Board of Commissioners Minutes
- Acknowledgement of Receipt of the Planning Commission June 16, 2020 Approved Minutes
Directors Reports
- Police Chief Elias
- Fire Department Chief Donnachie
- Director of Building & Life Safety Mr. Stackhouse
- Director of Public Works Mr. Fragale
- Ingleside Golf Manager Mr. Ward
Finance Department – Mr. Barron
- Finance Report
- Motion to approve General Checks 45227 to 45325 and Manual Checks 137 to 142
Additional Business
Public Comments

july_30_2020_agenda.pdf |