Caln Township
Board of Commissioners
March 30, 2023 7:30 PM
Hybrid Meeting
A Public Hearing will take place at the beginning of the meeting.
Tonight's hybrid Board meeting will be held remotely via Zoom AND in person at the Caln Municipal Building.
Please click here if you'd like to join the webinar remotely:
Passcode: 251765
Or to join by telephone: Dial +1 929 205 6099
Webinar ID: 832 2447 6768
Passcode: 251765
Resident comments will be accepted when the Board calls for them:
If you are logging on to the meeting using your laptop or other device, please click the “RAISE HAND” function at the bottom right of your screen to indicate that you would like to speak. When your name is called, please state your name and address and then make your brief comment. You can also submit comments via the "Q&A" function on your device.
If you are dialing in to this meeting by phone, you can press *9 to raise your hand to speak. When you are called upon, we will unmute your phone. State your name and address and make your brief comment.
You can also submit comments via email to [email protected] up until 4:00pm the day of the meeting.
Feel free to contact us with any questions at 610-384-0600 x148 or [email protected].
Call to Order and Pledge Allegiance to the Flag
Citizens to be Heard
Township Solicitor – Ms. Camp
Township Engineer
- Request for Consideration to Approve PSA 1022-PC10, in the Amount of $55,000.00 to Compile and Submit the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Status Report for the Reporting Period from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023, for Caln Township Before the September 30, 2023 Reporting Deadline.
- Request for Consideration to Approve Contract Extensions to MOR Construction Services, Inc. for the Following Projects
- North Barley Sheaf Road Culvert Project for Final Completion April 28,2023
- Barley Sheaf Road Swale Project for Final Completion on April 28, 2023
- South Lloyd Avenue Culvert Project for Final Completion on May 19, 2023
- Request for Consideration to Approve Construction Masters Services, LLC Change Order in the Amount of $6,200.00 to Excavate Around and Under PECO’s Gas Line and Provide and Place Sleeve in Wall for the Moore Road Bridge Replacement
- Non-Profit/Grant Funding/Foundation
- Pennsylvania Attorney General Opioid Settlement Ratification
- Emergency Culvert Work GO Carlson Boulevard
1. Request for Consideration to Adopt an Ordinance of Caln Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania amending the Caln Township Zoning Ordinance of 2005, As Amended, Which is Codified in Chapter 155 of the Caln Code Specifically to Amend the Definition of Commercial Drive-Thru Establishment and Add a Definition for Commercial Car Wash in Section 155-12; to amend Section 155-27 C by Adding a New Subparagraph (32) to Allow a Commercial Car Wash as a Use Permitted in the C-1 District by Conditional Use; to Amend Matrix Chart 7 to Add Utility and Dimensional Requirements for a Commercial Car Wash in the C-1 District; to Amend Section 155-79.B (2) Which Defines the Uses Permitted as Part of a Commercial Drive-Thru Establishment and To Add a New Section 155-99 to Add Regulations for a Commercial Car Wash
Minutes to Approve
- Request for Consideration to Approve the March 9, 2023, Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes
- Request for Consideration to Acknowledge the Receipt of the February 21, 2023 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
- Financial Report
- Request for Consideration to Approve the Accounts Payable Bill List for General Checks 49778 to 49887
- Police Chief Elias
- Fire Department Chief Taylor
- Director of Building & Life Safety & Public Works Mr. Stackhouse
- Request for Consideration to Accept Hurricane Hill Farm as the 2023-2024 Property Maintenance Season Lowest Responsible Bidder for Bid Options 1 Through 16 at $2,110.00 Per Week, or Total of 28 Cuttings at $59,080.00, Conditioned Upon Them Providing the Required Amtrak Contractor Training Certification
- EMS Chief Stewart- Minquas Fire Company Ambulance
1. Request for Contribution for Minquas Fire Department Ambulance Services
Public Comments