Caln Township Board of Commissioners
January 25, 2018 Revised 1/25/2018
7:30 pm
1. Call to Order
2. Salute to the Flag
3. Prior to the meeting, an Executive Session was held to discuss legal and personnel matters.
4. Swearing In Ceremony - Deputy Chief of Police Mitchell J. Rock
5. Police Department Awards Ceremony
6. Citizens to be Heard
7. Township Solicitor – Ms. Camp
I. Proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Chapter 134 Section 134-16 “Application for Permit” (Road Opening)
II. Proposed I-2 Zoning Ordinance Amendment
III. NTB Modification Request
8. Township Manager – Ms. Denne
I. Auditor RFP
II. Acceptance of Civil Service Commission Eligibility List
III. Request for Payment – M&M Fashions in Flooring
IV. Griffith Farm South 30 Lease Discussion
9. Township Engineer – Mr. Kulakowsky
10. Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration
I. Ordinance Establishing a Stop Sign Intersection on Barley Sheaf Road
11. Directors Reports
I. Police Chief Elias
II. Fire Chief Cordisco
III. Director of Buildings & Life Safety Mr. Stackhouse
IV. Director of Public Works Mr. Fragale
V. Ingleside Golf Manager Mr. Ward
12. Finance Report—Mr. Wilson
I. Monthly Report
II. Bill List for General Check Numbers 41069-41125, Bond 1181 - motion to approve
13. Receipt of Planning Commission Minutes of December 12, 2017
14. Approval of Minutes of January 2, 2018 & January 11, 2018
15. Additional Business
16. Public Comments
board_january_25_2018_agenda.pdf |