Caln Township Board of Commissioners
February 22, 2018
7:30 pm
(6:30 PM CU Hearing 4060 Edges Mill Road – Antonini)
1. Call to Order
2. Salute to the Flag
3. Citizens to be Heard
l. John Hashem – Golf Course Proposal
4. Township Solicitor – Ms. Camp
5. Township Manager – Ms. Denne
I.March 29th Meeting
II.Otis Eastern Rental Agreement
III.Traffic Engineer
IV.Recycling Assistance Grant for $7500
V.Roadside Cleanup
6. Township Engineer – Mr. Kulakowsky
I.2018 Road Program
II.Planning Commission Updates
7. Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration
I.Ordinance 2018-04 Zoning Ordinance Amendment Adding a New I-2 District
II.Resolution #2018-05 Peer Program Grant
III.Resolution #2018-06 PennDot ARLE
IV. Resolution #2018-07 2018 Updated Fee Schedule
V.Resolution #2018-08 Disposal of Outdated Ethic Forms
VI. Resolution #2018-09 Disposal of Outdated Resumes, Applications, and other Pre-employment Records, for Persons not Hired
8. Directors Reports
I.Police Chief Elias
II.Fire Chief Cordisco
III.Director of Buildings & Life Safety Mr. Stackhouse
IV.Director of Public Works Mr. Fragale
V.Ingleside Golf Manager Mr. Ward
9. Finance Report—Mr. Wilson
I.Monthly Report
II.Bill List for Check Numbers - motion to approve checks 41176-41250
10. Approval of Minutes
I.January 25, 2018
II.February 8, 2018
11. Additional Business
I.Substantial Business Communities
II.Golf Course Redesign
12. Public Comments
13. Adjournment

boc_february_22_2018_agenda.pdf |