Caln Township Board of Commissioners
July 26, 2018
7:30 pm
Call to Order
Salute to the Flag
Citizens to be Heard
Township Solicitor – Ms. Camp
Township Manager – Ms. Denne
I. Civil Service minor rule change
II. RFP for Civil Engineer Services
III. Transfer of Capital Funds
Township Engineer – Mr. Flinchbaugh
I. Planning Commission Update
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration
I. Resolution 2018-30 Municipal Records Manual Disposition of Township Records
II. Resolution 2018-31 Recognizing and Accepting the sale of excess property placed on Municibid Auctions for the disposal of municipal property
III. Resolution 2018-32 Appointing Ana Stefanski the Right to Know Officer for the Police Department
IV. Resolution 2018-33 A resolution allowing the transfer of funds from the fund balance to the capital fund to address the change order for the capital improvement plan
V. Ordinance 2018-06 Park and Recreation Bylaws
Directors Reports
I. Police Chief Elias
II. Fire Chief Cordisco
III. Director of Buildings & Life Safety Mr. Stackhouse
IV. Director of Public Works Mr. Fragale
V. Ingleside Golf Manager Mr. Ward
Finance Report—Mr. Wilson
I. Monthly Report
II. Bill List Motion to approve checks
- Manual General Checks 14-16 and General Checks 41986 to 42061
Acknowledgement of Planning Commission Minutes
I. April 17, 2018
Minutes for Approval
I. July 12, 2018
Additional Business
I. Garbage/Recycling Carts
Public Comments

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