October 7, 2019 @ 7pm
- Call to Order
- Roll Call – Angela, Pat, Brett, Chris, Josh, JoEllen, Licia and Abbey were present (Guests: Vince Rose and Dr. Jaclyn Gleber)
- Approved August 2019 minutes
- Old business
- 2019 Group Trips – Atlantic City trip was good (to Ceasar’s) and people would like us to add more trips. Abbey will develop a survey to hand out to everyone who is on the NYC bus trip to gage interest in future trip destinations. Vince will be a bus leader for NYC.
- Lung Youngs At Play – Dr. Jaclyn Gleber told the group about the Young Lungs at Play program to help prevent smoking in the parks. The Township would need to pass an ordinance updating the Township code to reflect more comprehensive rules about tobacco and vaping use. Once adopted, we would have access to free “Young Lungs at Play” signs for the parks/trails.
- Summer Series #3 – 5:45 call time for Parks and Rec folks (this has been working well).
- New Business
- Community Day – we could use some volunteers to help, especially with set-up.
- Adjournment