November 6, 2023 @ 7pm
Tonight’s meeting will be a hybrid meeting – both via Zoom and in person at the Township building.
Call to Order
Board Members Present: Helen Eckel-Wiener, Anne Duzan, Liz Malone, Jane Kennedy, and Isabel Clark.
Staff Members Present: Abbey Swan
Professionals Present: NA
Public: Tom Parr and Chris Parr, Mark Evans, Steve Santillo and Brian Milito (Caln Little League)
The Parks and Recreation November 6, 2023 agenda was posted on the Township website and at the township building on November 3, 2023. Agendas were made available to the public at the meeting.
The 2023 Parks and Recreation meeting schedule was published in the Daily Local News on December 27, 2022.
Public Comment – Mr. Santillo and Mr. Milito stopped by to introduce themselves as the heads of the Caln Athletic Association. Project they’ve been working on at the ballfields include: added security cameras on each field and the press box, new electronic locks, worked with sponsors to improve the fields – fertilizing, overseeding, weeding, cleaned up dead trees near batting cages, Boy Scouts replaced wooden bridge and Little League sign near the snack bar. Future projects include: replace storage sheds, gravel, repaint dugouts, netting fixes, upgrading the lights (save $ on LEDs). We also spoke about the future plans for the fields on school district property.
Minutes approved – October 2, 2023
Old business
- Halloween Party Recap – Halloween party was a hit. Our new plan to judge the costumes as kids arrive worked really well, except that judging by category was a little more difficult than by age. The timing with the dance performances should be re-worked next year since we don’t need to allow time for the parade. Parents preferred it this way since they didn’t need to arrive right on time. Trunk or treat worked well. The scavenger hunt was a hit – we received 50 entries. Thank you to United Sports for donating amazing certificate prizes. Categories were general enough to work well.
- Clean up Crew November Reminder – November 18th – Liz is heading it up. If we end up cancelling, everyone can be emailed. Focus will be on Lincoln Highway near the train station.
- Tree Lighting Planning – Meistersingers are confirmed, publication has started, Rotary will do refreshments, and the Fire Company is providing Santa again. Abbey will get stuff for s’mores and check the luminary supplies. Public works will bring the heaters, bleachers, some pop up tents, and our new bench for Santa to sit on. The plan is to use the string lights/ spot lights to illuminate Santa and hang a fabric backdrop with decorations. Everyone will bring potential decorating elements that day. Instead of updating the sleigh, Tom is going to update the Happy Holidays sign. Historic Commission will be giving tours of the schoolhouse. Tom Parr was selected to be the official tree lighter. The event is December 3 at 5:00 PM. The group should arrive at 2/2:30.
- Holiday Decorating Contest – Hatt’s will sponsor again. Abbey made the sign up form and removed the option to choose a category (Parks and Rec will choose the category while voting). December 13th will be our drive around for voting beginning at 6:00PM. Isabel offered to drive in her van again. We’ll try to encourage businesses to decorate. Abbey will also create a hand out to distribute while we’re driving around.
- Project Updates:
- Meadow Park – has been surveyed and Public Works will be installing a split rail fence along the back of the Thornridge homes. The fence will be 15 feet or so onto the Township’s property and the township will continue mowing on both sides of the fence, to create a buffer. There will be a gap in the fence where the easement is to allow the neighbors to access the property. Abbey is going to let the neighbors know what’s going on via letter. We’re hoping to sow a couple more acres next spring.
- Beaver Creek Trail – At the last BoC meeting, Gilmore presented a sketch plan for segment 5 of the trail through Lloyd Park. There have been issues designing the stormwater because the property is mostly in the flood plain. Anne asked about landscaping – but it’s not included in the scope for the project so it’s yet to be determined. There will be gates on either end of the dog park to let people in. We’re also starting on segment 4 with surveying and a preliminary trail route.
- Spackman – Davis Farm – We’re waiting for the roof report from Gilmore. An electrician was able to turn the lights and power on to about half the house.
- Tennis Courts – our newly resurfaced tennis court has some annoying bubbles. The contractor says the issue is that there’s too much water and it’s bubbling the paint. They will come back in the spring and help us fix it (including materials) for free. The bubbles may recur. This is a pretty good indication that we won’t be able to resurface the basketball courts for the same reason.
- New Business
- Appointment Expirations - Brett, Isabel, Jane (all would like to be reappointed)
- Township Holiday Party – December 8th
- Historical Commission Events for 2024 – Mark presented the Historical Commission’s ideas for events in the hopes that Parks and Rec will work with them again next year.
- Movie night, historic picnic, Witches and Ghouls Walk, Dickens Holiday Festival
- Parking needs to be resolved – Hist. Comm. will approach Faddis to sponsor
- Helen asked about fundraising vs free to the public – Mark indicated that events would be free with the option to make donations
- In February we’ll look at all the events for the year and have more conversations.
- Hockey rink rentals – United Sports is going to play street hockey using the rink in Municipal Park on Saturday mornings. They’ll maintain the rink and use it free of charge.
- Adjournment