May 7, 2018 @ 7pm
Call to order
Board Members In attendance: Brett Klukan, Angela Cordisco, Chris Cordisco, Nate Weaver
Others in Attendance: Abbey Swan (Staff)
Not in Attendance: JoEllen McBride, Dyneco Gibson, Jo Detelus
Approval of Minutes
Motion made by Mrs. Cordisco and seconded by Mr. Klukan to approve the March 2nd, 2018 meeting minutes. Vote passed 4-0.
Old business
- Caln Pride Day Recap
- Summer Series
- Movie selection - The group discussed movie selection for the first Summer Series event. There was a lot of debate about which movie to choose – in the end, the group agreed to allow people to vote for their favorite on Facebook.
- Other activities – The group agreed to do a bubble station (Mr. Klukan agreed to look into a bubble machine). Ms. Cordisco will run four-square (need to get a kick ball type ball and chalk, she will also find the rules to print out). Ms. Swan will make signs for four-square and the bubble station.
- Music – Ms. Swan will buy a blue tooth speaker to use for the music.
- Chester County Dental Arts may be interested in sponsoring the Summer Series.
- Contract is signed with Chico’s Vibe and Fun Factory, waiting on a contract from Schaefer’s Fireworks.
- Still trying to nail down food vendors – Midway Grill seems interested.
- Ms. Swan will make sure that all the vendors for the July 20th event know about the rain date.
- Recreation Leagues – tabled since Mr. Detelus was not in attendance.
- Discounted tickets – tabled since Mr. Young was not in attendance.
- Group trips – Hagney tours have buses available for a variety of Saturdays in July and August. August 25 was the date picked by the group. At $25, we would need 40 people to sign up to break even.
- Basketball hoops – ordering all new basketball hoops for both Municipal and Dawkins Park.
- Pickleball – the group discussed adding pickleball lines to the tennis courts. Ms. Swan will follow up with the manager about making this happen.
- The group discussed fencing in a portion of the Lloyd Park dog park. Perhaps a veterinarian or pet store would be willing to sponsor an enclosure. Ms. Swan will get a price on fencing in a portion of the park.