August 5, 2019 @ 7pm
- Call to Order
- Roll Call – Angela, Pat, Brett, Chris, Josh and Abbey were present (Angela lead the meeting)
- Approved 7/1/2019 minutes
- Old business
- 2019 Group Trips – Waiting to hear from bus company which exact casino we’ll be visiting on October 5th. Abbey will reserve the parking lot at Reeceville for the New York trip in December.
- Summer Series #2 – Chico’s Vibe was a hit again. We spoke about doing an additional concert night next year – maybe moving a second movie to the fall. For a fall movie, we could host it at the Township building, since we could start early. If we add a concert, we can do it in July. Abbey will look into the Mango Men and Amish Outlaws. Pat suggested bringing shorter table for small kids and bringing the bubble recipe for people to photograph.
- Summer Series #3 – 5:45 call time for Parks and Rec folks (this has been working well).
- New Business
- Community Day – we could use some volunteers to help, especially with set-up.
- Adjournment