November 1, 2021, 2021 @ 7pm
- Call to Order
- Roll Call – Josh Young, Brett Klukan, Helen Eckel-Wiener, BOC liaison Jane Kennedy, Abbey Swan, and guest Anne Duzan (no quorum)
- Review August 2021 minutes (quorum required to approve)
- Old business
- Sept. movie night recap – Helen and Brett attended. Attendance was pretty low (it was very cold). September might not be a great month for movie nights.
- Halloween Recap – it was pretty chaotic and most of our volunteers were new. The turnout was great. We added a scavenger hunt and gave out candy. We also had prizes for each age group. We also had guess the candy corn and pumpkin weight which is always popular. Jane, Paul and Kristen served as judges for the costume contest – feedback was that the flow was awkward this year. If the grass is wet, maybe stick to the sidewalk. We also need to lead the parade better to improve the flow. We could add “parade route” signs. Previously, the parade signed up near the small pavilions, along the walkway and ending at the upper pavilion. The scavenger hunt was pretty popular. We should revisit the scarecrow contest again next year.
- Tree lighting Planning – We won’t be doing an indoor party for the kids due to COVID, but will stick to the outdoor tree lighting portion. Abbey will reach out to the Historical Commission to see if they’d like to hold schoolhouse tours, as well as the Meistersingers, the fire company, the mobile bar, and the Rotary. We will allow people to bring homemade ornaments to add to the tree and can offer people the option to pick up craft supplies beforehand. After some discussion, it was decided that Abbey would send out a short paragraph about our nominated tree lighters and that the group would vote via email. Abbey will buy new ornaments for the tree, which should help it look nicer.
- Abbey will also reach out to the decorating companies about adding Christmas decorations to the banners. We’ll revisit this in February.
- We will also bring the Toys for Tots box down from the PD and advertise that people can bring donations.
- The date will be December 5th
- House Decorating Contest
- Abbey will reach out to the Chamber of Commerce about sponsoring the contest for our prize money. We’ll keep the categories the same as last year and include a residents’ choice again with Facebook voting. Judging will take place between the 15th and 18th of December. Sign up due by December 13th. The residents’ choice will be up until Christmas. Change: we’ll let people choose the category they want to sign up for on the google form.
- Riparian buffer/wildflower meadow/pollinator updates –
- Our riparian buffer planting is next Saturday. Trees have arrived at the Conservation District. Abbey, Mike, and Anne will mark out spacing for the trees with labeled flags to make planting easier. Public Works will try to fill in the trench created by water in the dog park and add some snow fencing and signage to protect the eroded part of the stream. We have lots of volunteers signed up so far.
- Abbey has spoken to lots of potential grant providers for the wildflower meadow project. Christina Watershed is looking for a municipal demonstration site, so that’s an option too. Abbey is doing a meadow planting workshop later this month. Helen suggested adding bluebird boxes once it’s established.
- The Girl Scouts did a great project for their Good Deeds Day. They painted bricks to surround the pollinator garden. They want to come back for Earth Day to finish up. The older girls stenciled on the stormwater inlets.
- Dawkins Park Play Equipment – has been delivered
- 2022 Parks and Rec Budget Request – request was submitted
- New Business
- 2022 Meeting Schedule – keeping our usual schedule, first Monday of the month – February-June, August, October-November. We’ll have a reorganization meeting in February.
- Adjournment