February 7, 2022 @ 7pm
Because there was no quorum present, no official action could be taken.
- Roll Call - Helen Eckel-Wiener, Brett Klukan, Jane Kennedy, and Abbey Swan. Guests: Anne Duzan, Isabel Clark, and Liz Malone
- Review November 2021 minutes (quorum required to approve)
- Old business
- Tree Lighting Recap – we could emphasize our Toys for Tots collection a bit more next year and we should discuss adding food pantry donations in the future. Brett suggested coming up with a better place and sound system for the speakers. While we had the trailer for cookies and hot chocolate this year, the trailer has since been sold so it won’t be available next year. We added ornaments to the tree which made it look a lot better. Everything generally went well.
- Decorating Contest Recap – The judges enjoyed driving around to check out all the houses. This year people were allowed to select the category to be judged on. Two of the categories weren’t very popular. We need to discuss allowing people to win a different category in subsequent years.
- Riparian buffer/wildflower meadow/pollinator updates – We planted over 300 trees in Lloyd Park in November and the event went really well. There were about 50 volunteers. We should go back and check on them in the spring. We’re working on planning another planting, this time in Municipal Park on April 2nd. Abbey updated the group on the meadow park progress – the folks from DCNRs Lawn Conversion program will be coming out in April to teach us how to do the herbicide application, which is the first step. The girl scouts helped out by painting pavers to surround our pollinator garden. It looks great!
- Dawkins Park Play Equipment – the playground has been installed in Dawkins park.
- 2022 Parks and Rec Budget – We received all of the event funding that we requested (same as 2019) and most of the park improvement funds, but not all.
- New Business
- 2022 Events – We scheduled Clean Up Day for March 19th (rain date March 26th) and the Easter Egg Hunt for April 9th (rain date the 10th). The riparian buffer planting is scheduled for April 2nd. For clean up day, Abbey will talk to Greg at Midway about getting vouchers again this year. For Easter, we’ll hide some special egg prizes. We’ll stuff our own eggs and collect them back at the end. We’ll also set up a photo booth location for pictures with the Easter bunny – Abbey will work on a fun backdrop. We need to arrive extra early for set-up. We decided to plan the summer series events at our next meeting. For clean up day, Abbey will look into ordering some badges or certificates for the kids who volunteer.
- Pavilion reservation changes – Abbey is working on setting up an online pavilion rental system. We’d also like to update the rules which haven’t been updated in years.
- Little Free Library AHHAH P.U.L.L. Campaign – Jane will reach out to her contact at AHHAH to get more information.
- Bus trips – Jane suggested doing a poll on Facebook to see if people would be interested in going on bus trips.
- Elections for the Parks and Rec positions will be on the agenda for our March meeting.
- Adjournment