November 4, 2019 @ 7pm
- Call to Order
- Roll Call – Angela, Pat, Brett, Chris, Josh, JoEllen, and Abbey were
- Approved October 2019 minutes
- Old business
- 2019 Group Trips – We developed a survey to distribute on the upcoming NYC bus trip. Questions include: What trips would you like to see, what day (Saturday, Sunday, Weekday), any other feedback? Abbey will look into other snacks for the trips.
- Halloween Party Recap – We need to promote the pet contest more next year. The older kids went too fast through the line for the judges. We should spread out the pumpkin/sticker/candy tables to help the line go through faster. The buckets on the tables helped with the trash issue – we could use more buckets next year. Turnout was good – almost 200 kids.
- Tree Lighting/Party – We’re going to add a pinecone/birdseed craft to the craft tables. Abbey will get bags in case anyone wants to take their pinecone home. We’ve had confirmation from the Thorndale-Downingtown Rotary and Get Hitched Mobile Bar. We’ll use our larger speakers this year. Steven is confirmed to light the tree.
- House Decorating – Downingtown-Thorndale Chamber of Commerce is confirmed to sponsor our contest again. Our categories will be “Clark Griswold, Martha Stewart, and Nostalgic.” Abbey will make a flyer to encourage people to register for the contest.
- New Business
- 2020 Budget – Abbey requested to rollover funding for next year to resurface the basketball courts and tennis courts. We also requested money to update the bathrooms in Municipal Park and playground updates for Dawkins Park. The group had a conversation about booking an expensive band and selling tickets for our event (Amish Outlaws).
- We brainstormed ideas for our 4th summer series event next year and the group agreed that a Spanish-language band (like Salsa) might be a nice way to celebrate Caln’s Hispanic population. Brett will look into ideas for a May event.
- House decorating judging will take place December 11th at 6:30.
- We need to add more seats to Parks and Rec. Abbey will look into this further.
- Adjournment