October 1, 2018 @ 7pm
- Call to Order
- Roll Call (Brett, Angela, Chris, JoEllen, Josh, Abbey and guest Vince Rose)
- Approved 7/2/2018 minutes
- Old business
- Group Trips – Abbey booked a bus for December 8th for $1590 with Hagey Tours. The trip leaves from Kmart at 7:30am and returns at 8:30pm. Abbey will get permission to use the Kmart parking lot. The group agreed that the person in charge of attendance should get a free seat. The bus holds 54 people. Other groups are charging $55 for similar trips. The group agreed to charge $45 per person and include water and a granola bar. Abbey will ask about and bring DVDs to watch on the bus.
- Halloween Parade – The parade is schedule for Saturday, October 27 from 1pm to 2pm. The group chose to try painting the pumpkins instead of using the stickers from last year. Last year, the sticker paper was kind of a mess. We agreed to hand out candy bags instead of letting kids take as much candy as they want. Abbey will try to find more volunteers to help out. Abbey will contact someone from the police department and Angela and Chris will enlist Chief Cordisco to serve as judges. Abbey will buys toys to give away as prizes and 150 pumpkins for decorating. Abbey will also ask Public Works to pick up the pumpkins and then drive them to the park for the day of the event. Sunday is the rain date.
- Tree lighting and kid’s party is schedule for December 2nd. The Old Caln Historical Society ladies will come to light up the tree. The live Christmas tree needs to be trimmed before the event. The group would also like to have a bon fire – Abbey will talk to Ray to get his permission. We will have kids decorate ornaments for the tree at their party. The group would like someone to roast chestnuts – Abbey will look into it. Abbey will confirm with the Meistersingers that they can come and sing carols. We can use our small speaker instead of the big, plug-in sound system. The Fire Company will provide Santa and bring him over.
- Holiday decorating contest is happening again this year and we’ll open it up to businesses as well. Would like to have categories for judging – individuals choose which category they’d like to compete in. (Most nostalgic/classic/traditional, best multi-media, MOST decorations).
- New Business
- We would like to have Chico’s Vibe and fireworks for next Summer too. We will request that additional money budget from the Board and Abbey will try to get sponsorship to supplement it.
- Mr. Rose suggested that the Township invest in a way to hang banners across business rout 30.
- Abbey will look into using the Township’s billboard privileges for Parks and Rec events.
- Adjournment