March 1, 2021 @ 7pm
- Meeting was called to order at 7:02PM.
- Roll Call – JoEllen McBride, Angela Cordisco, Chris Cordisco, Brett Klukan, and Abbey Swan
- Approved November 2020 minutes
- Old business
- Clean Up Day – Scheduled for April 24th from 10-12. Abbey will look into getting lunch certificates donated for volunteers. She will also try to plan a planting component. We will maintain social distancing, ask everyone to wear a mask, and make a sign in sheet. Plus hand sanitizer. Abbey will talk to Noel about t-shirts or masks for volunteers. PennDOT will donate gloves, vests, and trash bags again. Rain date will be May 1.
- Coloring Contest – the group decided to offer a spring coloring contest, in lieu of our usual Easter Egg hunt. Abbey will make a coloring sheet and we’ll randomly select a winner from the entries for a gift basket of candy etc.
- 2021 Events – right now capacity limits make event planning difficult, but hopefully we’ll be able to plan things at some point this summer (outdoor venues are currently capped at 20%). Community Day already cancelled that event.
- New Business
- The group discussed having some kind of “restaurant week” or local business week to take the place of Caln Community day for this year.
- Adjournment