October 2, 2023 @ 7pm
Tonight’s meeting will be a hybrid meeting – both via Zoom and in person at the Township building.
Call to Order
Board Members Present: Brett Klukan, Helen Eckel-Wiener, Anne Duzan, Liz Malone, Jane Kennedy, and Isabel Clark.
Staff Members Present: Abbey Swan
Professionals Present: NA
Public: NA
The Parks and Recreation October 2, 2023 agenda was posted on the Township website and at the township building on September 29, 2023 . Agendas were made available to the public at the meeting.
The 2023 Parks and Recreation meeting schedule was published in the Daily Local News on December 27, 2022.
Public Comment - NA
Minutes approved – August 7, 2023
Old business
- Community Day Recap – We only had a couple of entries for the art show but have lots of plans to get more next year. The Coatesville Library displayed both of the winners’ works. The coloring station was quite popular. The duck pond was very popular and we did get some feedback about future events. Everyone liked having all three tables together. We could have used an extra 2-3 volunteers but otherwise volunteer slots worked out. Isabel suggested maybe shortening the event next year since many vendors ran out of things and left early (but this could have also been weather related).
- September Clean Up Crew – Abbey and Helen took the lead for the event. We had lots of volunteers. The next one is November 18th on Lincoln Highway (we’ll meet at CVS by the Train station). Abbey and Helen proposed creating a recognition system for clean up crew members (rewards based on the number of clean up days you attend). The group was into the idea. We’ll ask the board to budget for the program for next year.
- Halloween Party Planning – Shannon Cooper’s Dance are all good to go. They’ll provide volunteers for additional activities and the trunk or treat. Shannon will start the Trunk or Treat at 2:00. The group decided to judge costumes based on categories rather than ages to make it easier on judges and more fair. We decided to do best group costume, best hero-villain, best make-believe, most creative, and scariest. We’ll have to re-think the prizes and Isabel suggested that United Sports could contribute gift cards. We’ll try not sorting the kids by age and just have them visit the judges right when they arrive. We’ll plan to arrive around noon.
- Good Deeds Day – Just an FYI that the Coatesville Area Girl Scouts will be volunteering in the park on October 29th.
- Tree Planting – November 4th we’ll be planting trees in Beaver Run Knoll at 1PM
- Tree Lighting Planning – we’ll discuss further at the next meeting. The date will be December 3rd. This year, we’re going to host a pajama drive for Fostering Hope. We’ll add smores this year. We need to select an honorary “tree lighter” for this year – everyone will bring ideas to the November meeting. Tom Parr has volunteered to work on the sleigh – Abbey’s back up plan is to decorate a fun holiday bench – specific thrones are really expensive. We could put some small trees behind Santa too or set up a canopy to decorate for him to sit under.
- Holiday Decorating contest – Judging will take place December 13th (tentatively). Abbey will see if Hatt's wants to judge again. We’ll choose the winners for each category but they won’t sign up for a particular category. Abbey will make a note to drop off at terrific houses that didn’t enter.
- Next year’s meeting schedule will be Feb, March, April, May, June, July, August, October, and November (no January, September, or December meeting).
Respectfully submitted,
Abbey Swan
Parks and Recreation Recording Secretary