June 8, 2023 Agenda
7:30 PM
Tonight's hybrid Board meeting will be held remotely via Zoom AND in person at the Caln Municipal Building.
Please click here if you'd like to join the webinar remotely: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85218719318?pwd=UkRrdEFzQndZcmdGemZVd200bHlmdz09
Passcode: 450557
Or to join by telephone: Dial +1 929 205 6099
Webinar ID: 852 1871 9318
Passcode: 450557
Resident comments will be accepted when the Board calls for them:
If you are logging on to the meeting using your laptop or other device, please click the “RAISE HAND” function at the bottom right of your screen to indicate that you would like to speak. When your name is called, please state your name and address and then make your brief comment. You can also submit comments via the "Q&A" function on your device.
If you are dialing in to this meeting by phone, you can press *9 to raise your hand to speak. When you are called upon, we will unmute your phone. State your name and address and make your brief comment.
You can also submit comments via email to [email protected] up until 4:00pm the day of the meeting.
Feel free to contact us with any questions at 610-384-0600 x148 or [email protected].
Call to Order and Salute to the Flag
Citizens to be Heard
Township Solicitor – Ms. Camp
Township Engineer
- Request for Consideration of Payment Application #1 for Lobar Site Development Corp. in the Amount of $270,724.72 for the Municipal Drive Bridge Replacement Project
- Request for Consideration of Payment Application #2 for MOR Construction Services, Inc. in the Amount of $73,755.00 for the South Lloyd Avenue Stream Bank Restoration Project
- Request for Consideration of a Compensating Change Order for KBC Construction, LLC in the Amount of $6,915.00 for the North Bailey Road Drainage Improvements Project relating to Water and Gas Mains
Township Manager – Ms. Denne
- Dates for Zoning Review Meetings
- Updates on G.O. Carlson Emergency Repairs and Bid Tabulation
- Award of Contract to E&K Construction Services in the Amount of $59,995 for Wall Repairs Along GO Carlson
- Letter to Brandywine Conservancy for Beaver Creek Trail
- Review of LED Project Progress and Payment Requests
- Request for Approval for Payment to Armour & Sons in the Amount of $98,744.43 for the Installation of LED Retrofit Lighting
- Request for Approval for Payment to Keystone Lighting Services in the Amount of $7,528.63 for the Administration and Management of the LED Conversion Project
- Easement Approval for 50 James Buchanan for GO Carlson Emergency Repairs
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration
- Request for Consideration to Adopt Resolution 2023-15 a Resolution Establishing Guidelines for the Use and Operation of Mobile Food Facilities Within the Township
- Request for Consideration to Adopt Resolution 2023-16 Amending Resolution 2023-01 to Add a Fee for Food Truck Permits and Police Document Requests and Services
- Request for Consideration to Adopt Resolution 2023-17 Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement for the Purpose of Joining with Other Municipalities as a Member of the Chester County Emergency Response Commission
Finance Department
- Request for Consideration to Approve the Accounts Payable Bill List for Checks 50177 to 50240
Minutes to Approve/Acknowledge
- Request for Consideration to Approve the May 25, 2023 Board of Commissioners Minutes
Boards and Commissions Updates – Summary by Applicable Board Liaison
- Parks and Recreation
- Municipal Authority
- Fire Board
- Historical Commission
- Lincoln Highway
- Ingleside Golf Course
Additional Business
Public Participation
- Anna Swanson of 1710 Fisherville Road Would Like to Request an Ordinance Be Created Regarding Removal of Dangerous Trees