Caln Township Board of Commissioners
July 13, 2017
7:30 PM
Call to Order and Salute to the Flag
An Executive Session was held on June 21, 2017, and prior to the meeting this evening, in order to discuss legal and personnel matters
Citizens to be Heard
Township Solicitor – Ms. Camp
I. FEMA Floodplain Ordinance
II. Wawa Bondsville LD 2016
i. Land Development Agreement between Wawa, Inc. and Caln Township
ii. Financial Security Agreement between Wawa, Inc. and Caln Township
iii. Land Development Agreement between Provco Pinegood Thorndale, LLC and Caln Township
iv. Financial Security Agreement between Provco Pinegood Thorndale, LLC and Caln Township
v. Stormwater O&M Agreement between Provco Pinegood Thorndale, LLC and Caln Township
vi. Traffic Signal Easement Agreement between Provco Pinegood Thorndale, LLC and Caln Township
Township Manager—Ms. Denne
I. Commission Appointments
II. Sesquicentennial Celebration
III. Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement – Street Sweeper
Township Engineer—Mr. Wilkes
I .Proposal for Professional Engineering Services 2017 Road Program Phase II
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration
I. Resolution Appointing Township Treasurer
II. Resolution Appointing Civil Service Commission Member
Bill List—General Checks # 40045-40221 - motion to approve
Approval of Minutes of June 8, 2017
Boards and Commissions Updates—summary by applicable Board Liaison
i. Park and Recreation
ii. COG
iii. Municipal Authority
iv. DARA
v. Fire Board
vi. Planning Commission
vii. Historical Commission
viii. Zoning Hearing Board
Additional Business
Public Comments
Revised 7/13/17

township_worksession_july_13_2017.pdf |