Board of Commissioners
February 23, 2023
7:30 PM
Tonight's hybrid Board meeting will be held remotely via Zoom AND in person at the Caln Municipal Building.
Please click here if you'd like to join the webinar remotely:
Passcode: 818772
Or to join by telephone: Dial +1 929 205 6099
Webinar ID: 827 1047 1163
Passcode: 818772
Resident comments will be accepted when the Board calls for them:
If you are logging on to the meeting using your laptop or other device, please click the “RAISE HAND” function at the bottom right of your screen to indicate that you would like to speak. When your name is called, please state your name and address and then make your brief comment. You can also submit comments via the "Q&A" function on your device.
If you are dialing in to this meeting by phone, you can press *9 to raise your hand to speak. When you are called upon, we will unmute your phone. State your name and address and make your brief comment.
You can also submit comments via email to [email protected] up until 4:00pm the day of the meeting.
Feel free to contact us with any questions at 610-384-0600 x148 or [email protected].
Call to Order and Salute to the Flag
Citizens to be Heard
Township Solicitor – Ms. Camp
1. Request for Consideration for Approval of Traffic Signal Agreements for Lomax Carpet and Tile
2. Request for Consideration to Review and Advertise an Ordinance for Chapter 85 of the Caln Code Titled “Fire Protection Equipment” to Rename the Chapter “Fire Protection and Life Safety Equipment”, and to Update the Standards
Township Engineer
- Request for Consideration of Payment Application #1 to BrightFields,Inc., in the Amount of $1,555.20 for the Golf Course Pump House Demolition Project
- Request for Consideration of Payment Application #1 to MOR Contruction Services Inc., in the Amount of $4,815.00 for the North Barley Sheaf Culvert Project
- Request for Consideration of Payment Application #1 to MOR Construction Services Inc. In the Amount of $10,260.00 for the Barley Sheaf Swale Project
- Request for Consideration to Award the Lowest Responsible Bidder AK Petersheim Builders, in the Amount of $38,840.00 for the Public Works Garage Roof
- Request for Consideration to Approve PSA 0223-PT01 in the Amount of $26,934.00, to Provide Consulting Engineering Services to Caln Township Covering all Tasks Necessary to Provide Sufficient Information to Properly Develop the Full Roadways Improvement Project Scope, Commence Bidding and Conduct Effective Project Management, Construction Services, and Project Closeout for the 2023 Road Program.
Township Manager – Ms. Denne
1. NA
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration
- Request for Consideration to Adopt Resolution 2023-04 Appointing the Caln Township’s 2023 Required Tax Collection Committee Delegates
- Request for Consideration to Adopt Resolution 2023-05 Establishing the Fire Police Officers for Thorndale Volunteer Fire Company for the Year of 2023
- Request for Consideration to Adopt Resolution 2023-06 Recognizing April 2023 as Pennsylvania Safe Digging Month
- Request for Consideration to Adopt Resolution 2023-07 Adopting the 2023 Schedule of Fees for the Township’s Professional Consultants Which May Be Recovered from Applicants for Land Development and Subdivisions Pursuant to Section 137-13 of the Caln Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance of 1978, as Amended
- Request for Consideration to Adopt Resolution 2023-08 Adopting the Disposition of Administrative Records as Set Forth in the Municipal Records Manual
- Request for Consideration to Adopt Resolution 2023-09 to Authorize and Direct the Township Manager to Submit the Attached Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement, to Submit Future Modifications to the Attached Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement, and to Submit Future Applications for Traffic Signal Approval Either in Writing or Via Electronic Signature, to the Department of Transportation and to Sign this Agreement on Behalf of Caln Township
Finance Department
- Financial Report
- Motion to Approve the Accounts Payable Bill List for Checks 49578 to 49717 and Manual Checks 286 and 287
Minutes to Approve/Acknowledge
- Request to Consider the Approval of the Board of Commissioners January 26, 2023 Meeting Minutes
Acknowledge the Planning Commission Approved Minutes
Directors Reports
- Police Chief Elias
- Request for Consideration to Approve to Hire a Police Applicant Certified by the Civil Service Commission to Fill an Existing Vacancy
- Request for Consideration to Approve a Cadet Sponsorship Agreement for that Applicant
- Request for Consideration to Approve Police Promotional Exam Results for the Rank of Corporal and Sergeant
- Request for Consideration to Approve to Promote a Promotional Candidate to the Rank of Corporal to Fill an Existing Vacancy
- Fire Department Chief Taylor
- Director of Building & Life Safety & Public Works Mr. Stackhouse
- Car Wash Amendment
- Ingleside Golf Manager Mr. Ward
Additional Business
- Request for Consideration to Appoint Lisa Shields to the Parks and Recreation Board for the 2019 to 2023 Remaining Term
- Request for Consideration to Appoint James Evans to the Historical Commission for a 2023 to 2027 Term
Public Comments
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