The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Tindaro at 7:07 PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Secretary Evans announced that the meeting was being recorded.
Secretary Evans continued with Member Roll Call and introduction of guests.
- Lorraine Tindaro – Vice Chair
- Mark Evans – Secretary
- Dawn Coughlan
- Cathy Callahan
- Patty DeFroscia
- Leah Jennings
- Tom Parr
- Donna DiPrinzio
- Paul Stephens - Excused
Historical Commission Guests (6):
- Mike Bedrick
- Chris Daily (DL Howell)
- Brian Nagle, Esq. (MacElree Harvey, Ltd)
- Ryan Edginton (Owner of All-Fill)
- Paul Mullin (Zoom)
- Cheryl Spaulding (Zoom)
Vice Chair Tindaro asked if there were any comments/corrections to the minutes of the 7/20/22 meeting.
Hearing none, she called for a motion to approve.
Moved by Mark E
Second by Dawn C
Vote called by Vice Chair Tindaro
Motion passed 8-0
Vice Chair Tindaro asked if there were any comments/corrections to the minutes of the 9/21/22 meeting.
Hearing none, she called for a motion to approve.
Moved by Tom Parr
Second by Dawn C
Vote called by Vice Chair Tindaro
Motion passed 8-0
- Secretary Evans announced that on Thursday 10/13 the BOC voted to approve Dr. Donna Di Prinzio for a 4-year term as Historical Commissioner
Moved by Lorraine T
Second by Tom P
Vote called by Vice Chair Tindaro
Motion passed 8-0
Brian Nagle confirmed receipt of the Hx Com 10/2/22 letter. They also met with Planning Com 10/18 and received further input on conditions. Also announced that there had been 2 dates set to meet with neighbors and will schedule at least one more. Dawn C asked what mailing list they had used for the neighbors’ meetings, that apparently it was an old list that included people who no longer live there and missed some of the new residents. Mr. Nagle stated that they had used the 2018 list from the Antonini decision. She requested that the applicant request the updated list from the township and be sure they contact them. Mr. Nagle promised that they would do so ASAP.
Mr. Nagle stated that they were comfortable with and would agree to all of Hx Com requests from the 10/2 letter, except for the request to commit to not using Deep Dynamic Compaction. Chris Daily (engineer) reported that he had reached out to a geo-technical engineer to get their input. Mr. Nagle said they were not looking to use that method but wanted their GTE to confirm that there is another way to prepare the site. They believed that there would be no reason to use that method. Mark E asked that at the CU Hearing they insert language that reserved this section if there has yet to be a determination, that the Hx Com recommendation hinged on no DDC. Mr. Nagle added that they were hoping to have an updated color sketch of the roof but won’t have it until; the CU Hearing – the color will be more muted than on the current sketch. During LD process they will spell out that they are willing to and will integrate evergreens (4ft) into the landscaping. They’ll also add landscaping to better buffer the existing building. Dawn C asked if the landscaping plan would be available to see at the CU hearing. Mr. Nagle shared the “code compliant” landscaping plan and highlighted where they intend to do additional landscaping. “Plans shown are the baseline, applicant intends to include additional greenery and buffering including evergreens”. Mr. Nagle confirmed that they were willing to use lighting that points down and in, and after hours, only security lighting. Mark E shared that once we have all of this incorporated into the conditional use order, that the Historical Commission would probably be able to give them our blessings. Mr. Nagle closed by saying that his client was willing to go above and beyond what the township code calls for.
Mark E asked for a motion that the Historical Commission give their recommendation to approve the Conditional Use subject to the addition of the conditions agreed to this evening
Moved by Lorraine T
Second by Tom P
Vote called by Vice Chair Tindaro
Motion passed 8-0
Moved by Tom P
Second by Dawn C
Vote called by Vice Chair Tindaro
Motion passed 8-0
Chester County Historian and Author Catherine Quillman addressed the group and provided her memories of Lloyd Farm going back to her days at the Philadelphia Bulletin. She said she had done research for a PA at Risk grant for the house at one time, discussed the 1982 SHPO eligibility, and said the sale to the archdiocese nullified it. She talked about the Parks being Irish Quakers, the Glen Isle house, the Ship Inn being the first Inn, the addition to Lloyd House. She said the family was featured in “Irish Quakers in Chester County” by Albert Cook Myers in the 1930’s. She said that Lloyd’s original section is older than the Glen Isle house, talked about McIlvaine and his approach to the “country house” and how it’s evident in his addition. She showed an image of what the original house looked like prior to the addition of the portico and dormers. There was a spirited discussion of its probable inclusion of the Underground Railroad, even though there is no formal record of it. She agreed to come back and contribute to the effort to save the farm and manor house.
- Mark E reported that Parks and Rec accepted our request to co-host an event at Spackman Farm on Saturday November 19th, and noted that this is up for discussion under New Business
- Mark E added that he, Tom Parr, Abbey Swan, Chief Elias, and Ray Stackhouse met to inspect conditions on Thursday the 6th. The house needs a new roof, and a new porch, and the barn needs refacing. At the BOC meeting last Thursday, the possibility that some of the Open Space funds from the Mi Place development, previously known as Dwell, could be allocated to address the roof, porch and barn. Tom Parr asked if public works had boarded up the barn. Dawn asked about the drive not being grass pavers. Mark responded that he was told that if the pavers are not maintained they are as good as asphalt, so they went with asphalt.
- Loraine said she’s waiting to hear back from the woman who was married in the Schoolhouse, trying to get a photo of the wedding to try to get into a newspaper.
- Hx Com request to run an ad in the Fall CCHPN Ledger has been approved. Abbey Swan was putting together and ad featuring the Spackman Farm event.
- The Zoning Update Taskforce has completed its work on a basic framework for the new zoning, but there are still issues being worked through by the BOC. This was anticipated to be on the Planning Commission agenda for their October meeting, but is now expected in November
- Feedback and suggested edits to the HPO from Meghan McNish at the SHPO were reviewed and those deemed relevant were incorporated into the HPO. The brief histories on all the resources listed in our inventory were supplemented with photos and supporting statements as to why each needs to be protected. All the documents have been sent to our solicitor, Kristin Camp.
- Mark E shared that he would request “Certified Local Government” be added to the next meeting of the BOC to begin the discussion of benefits provided and the process of getting it started. Tom Parr has done a great job on researching it, the township can only benefit.
- A Social Media group has claimed the township can spend $1mm from Open Space funds to acquire Lloyd Farm from the developer who owns it. This is not true. Those open space funds are but a fraction of what purchasing Lloyd Farm would cost, and that’s not even taking into consideration the annual price tag for it to be maintained, estimated by Natural Lands to be approximately $1mm/year.
- Cathy reported that she spoke to Megan McNish at SHPO and they were supposedly going through things and would be finishing the application. Cathy followed up with an email and has not heard back since. There was discussion about people who don’t respond to emails. Mark added that one of the comments he received from SHPO was that classifications don’t matter anymore, even though we want Edge’s Mill on the National Register. Tom added that we need the HPO passed to achieve our goals.
- Cathy said it was a beautiful, peaceful, rainy day. No one came until the end when Mr. Vanhorn, 84 years old came at the end of the day. He had just come from the Meetinghouse. Dawn said he’s the newest member of the OCHS and she’s been trying to get him involved. He also donated a pair of spectacles to the OCHS Museum.
- October was the last tour of the year.
- Dawn reported that Mark Evans had joined OCHS, banquet coming up 11/5 at Thorndale Inn. Candlelight Christmas coming up as well. Will be decorating on the 1st. The newsletter has come out.
- Mark reported that the township has begun the 2023 Budget Process and suggested we request the same annual budget of $1200 for 2023 as we had in 2022.
Moved by Tom P
Second by Dawn C
Vote called by Secretary Evans
Motion passed 8-0
- There was an approved expenditure of $100 to run an ad in the fall issue of the CCHPN Ledger. In the chance the only space left is for a ½ page ad at $200, he requested we consider upping our allocation as needed, to a maximum of $200. The ad run will be for the Nov 19th Spackman Farm event. If approved, that would leave the budget with a remaining balance of $464.41
Second by Tom P
Vote called by Secretary Evans
Motion passed 8-0
- He suggested consideration of up to $200 to be appropriated for the 11/19/22 Spackman Farm event, to be used as necessary and only if needed, for rentals, food and beverage, etc. If approved that will leave a remaining balance of $264.41 for the rest of 2022.
Second by Dawn C
Vote called by Secretary Evans
Motion passed 8-0
Annual Budget
PAShare Annual License
- At the September meeting the Hx Com voted to consider joining the National Trust. After reviewing membership, it doesn’t seem as though they have any programs or perks that would be beneficial to the Hx Com. Mark suggested we pass on joining them, and table the organization discussion until our November meeting.
- Mark shared a short PPT he’d presented to Parks and Rec and raved about their membership. The PPT included Historic Tourism and Kings Hwy Park, and he stressed the importance of getting the word out that we have great historic resources here in Caln. If we get the public interested, they’ll come here and spend their money. He focused on the 11-acres surrounding the house as the place to focus our efforts on to start. He revisited discussions led by Paul Stephens about the opportunities to get investment in the barn and house. Ultimately the land is targeted to be a Park so Parks and Rec are the perfect entity to partner with. This is not an event to “open” Spackman Farm, it’s to bring attention to it and show the possibility for quarterly events at the Farm. The possibility of a walking trail around the farm was discussed. There is no wifi up there so we can’t put up RING cameras. There’s always a concern of vandalism, but there haven’t been any instances since the windows were knocked out last year. Dawn asked if the house is secured, and if we’ll be getting motion cameras in before the event. She was concerned about having a public event without the area being concerned. She asked about the chain being down. Mark said the chain is now back up. Mark said they had worked through all of the topline issues on the site visit. Dawn asked if we’ll have police presence. Mark said 3:30 had been suggested by Abbey so the event will be coming to a close at magic hour when the sun is setting. Patty said she has ribbon we can use. Mark shared an image to highlight where parking would be, where the podium would be, placement of luminaries, etc. so that everyone’s focus is on the house and barn. Mark said we have a lot of things to work through and they’ll need to do it in between meetings to make sure we’re ready. Mark thanked Paul M for joining us again, and for lighting the fire to get this going. Paul said he fell in love with the Kings Hwy Park idea and is really looking forward to the event. Cathy gave a shout out to Leah for leading the charge to bring attention to the need for a new roof on the barn.
- Dawn C asked why there is $1mm from Dwell. Paul M said that it was part of the agreement when it was approved years ago, and that it will come in stages. Mark added that some of funds will be needed for other open space projects. He said once we get our HPO we qualify for CLG, then we qualify for zero match grants, etc., it’s like dominos.
- MEMBERSHIP: Mark reported there is notice of one new membership application:
- Lisa Shields has applied for membership and will be interviewed by the BOC ASAP, hopefully before the end of the year.
- Mark asked Donna DiPrinzio to share a little about herself with the group and how she came to the Hx Com. She said she’s very excited to work with this group.
Moved by Tom P
Second by Donna D
Vote called by Lorraine T
Motion passed 8-0
Meeting was adjourned at 9:04 PM

historical_commission_minutes_10.19.2022.pdf |