- Dawn Coughlan – Chair
- Lorraine Tindaro – Vice Chair
- Mark Evans – Secretary
- Paul Stephens
- Tony Wagner
- Catherine Callahan
- Leah Jennings
- Patti DeFroscia (Excused)
Historical Commission Guests (6):
- Paul Mullin
- Mike Bedrick
- Micki McAllister
- Ashlee Dadd
- Tom Parr
- Licia Carini
The meeting was called to order by Chair Coughlan at 7:08 PM. Secretary Evans announced that the meeting was being recorded to expedite transcription of minutes, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Secretary Evans continued with Members Roll Call. Chair Coughlan introduced guests.
Chair Coughlan asked if there were any comments/corrections on the minutes of the April minutes. There were none.
Chair Coughlan asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the April 21st Meeting
Moved by Lorraine T
Second by Leah J
Vote called by Dawn C
Motion passed 7-0
Dawn C announced that May is Historic Preservation Month, and stated there are many like-minded groups out there working for preservation and we’re pleased to be a part of that.
- Mark reported that he pulled together some of the histories and that we were hoping to get a copy of Cathy’s narrative as a model to base the other narratives on. Cathy said that Bob Wise has her paperwork.
- Dawn asked if could email a copy.
- Cathy said she would get a copy.
- Dawn said that she knew Paul S was out taking photos, not sure if he had connected with Gary N.
- Mark reported that he pulled together some of the histories and that we were hoping to get a copy of Cathy’s narrative as a model to base the other narratives on. Cathy said that Bob Wise has her paperwork.
- Historic Preservation Presentation by Mark Evans
- Mark gave a brief presentation addendum based on his learnings from the CCHPN Leadership Luncheon
- Importance of the Ordinance and the need for a new one for Caln
- Identify the resources and administer the ordinance that protects them
- Being a part of the administrative process is as important as the ordinance – if we’re not there at the front end, we won’t have any say at the back end.
- Always attend other meetings like the Planning Commission, the Zoning Taskforce. Make it a routine so that other’s start to think “what will the Hx Com think of that?”
- Get a Hx Com member on the Planning Com.
- 3-headed monster: ID and Designate, Protect, Public Outreach. Residents need to know what we’re trying to do and why so they can understand how it can help them if we want their support.
- What do we want to accomplish? Create a sense of place. Economic Development can come from our history. Historic tourism. Appreciation. Environments and viewscapes around our hx structures that pull people in. Commemorate.
- What needs to be protected and preserved? We don’t know and won’t find out without help. The county will pay for assessments. We need to compile a wish list of at-risk resources
- Mark asked for Hx Com members to each create a list of properties they would like to be assesses. Mark listed:
- Baily-Pyle House
- Lloyd Manor
- Spackman Farmstead
- Baker-Smith Springhouse
- Mark asked for Hx Com members to each create a list of properties they would like to be assesses. Mark listed:
- Slide of 2017 Comp Plan’s list of properties important to Caln. Dawn asked if the Comp Plan is on the website? Mark confirmed that it is. Comp Plan also has an updated list of significant properties. He will send both lists around.
- GIS map needs to be updated.
- List of groups to consider joining, will be shared at next meeting
- PA Share
- PA Share is a planning tool
- Data
- Digitized legacy data
- Integrated criteria and special search
- Customizable maps
- Submit and track projects online
- Field Survey and Survey Management
- Surveyor mobile data collection tool and manager
- Pro Level is $275/year
- Slide of Hx Pres Ord suggestions from Cathy and Leah
- The Ordinance is a living document
- A proper ordinance would require anything near hx properties and districts to go Hx Com. Always have a seat at the table.
- Slide of what a proper Hx Resource map should look like
- Recap and Next Steps:
- Ask township to adopt “Historic Caln, Where it All Began”
- Prepare assessments list for Diane Cram at CCHPN
- Request a member of Hx Com be appointed to Planning Com
- Attempt to fill spot on Zoning Hearing Board with member of Hx Com
- Recruit new member with Grant Writing experience
- Ask for a small budget increase to cover memberships
- Request township explore becoming Certified Local Government
- Mark gave a brief presentation addendum based on his learnings from the CCHPN Leadership Luncheon
- Paul S reported the kids are presenting the results of their study, that it was more than involved than they were anticipating, so they will presenting more about the process of going through and trying to understand the house rather than having conclusive results at this point. Dawn asked if Paul was interviewed, he replied that if he was it probably wouldn’t have made the final cut
- Dawn explained CCHPN Live at Five and the work at G-B House to guests in the audience
- Dawn asked if Paul S will continue to work with the students. He responded that it’s a several year program and they will have some kids who grow into the next steps of the plan.
- 2 large sections were demolished. Paul S will revisit the letter he drafted prior to demo, and will to revised the letter to request copies of historical information for us to keep on file.
- Dawn mentioned that they had just pulled together some panels for their 90th anniversary celebration and that it was quite moving. The panels are in Building 3 in case anyone wants to see them. She will send around info.
- Dawn reported that her last update in April was on the roof color being chosen and ordered, with construction possibly beginning by June.
- Mark reminded everyone of the Kings Highway Master Plan and shared his screen to show a diagram of one of the options. It’s out there and waiting to be done. This Com could help.
- Paul Mullin stated that the Kings Highway Plan means a lot to him.
- Wants to contact Bondsville to find out how they went about setting up a 501 C-3
- Create narrative about house
- Plan needs to be addressed in stages
- Get this thing going
- We need donations and grant money to get this fulfilled
- Licia C said she was so excited she would make the first donation and wants to get involved in any way she can. Spackman is such a gem of the township, and for a long time she didn’t know it existed. This is the kind of thing to make sure the residents are aware of, especially when we restart live meetings
- Tom Parr asked about roof order, wanted to make sure the order has been placed because he’s been experiencing extreme delays with anything construction related, especially anything that’s metal. Dawn replied that Kristen said she was on her way to order it the day color was chosen.
- Tony W suggested that we follow up with Kristen on delivery/install date. Dawn said she would call and report back
- Licia asked at what point we can start to form a committee to get Kings Highway moving, someone to write grants, somebody financially sound, somebody with ideas – or do we need it. Dawn said we really need a grant writer and asked if anyone present had experience?
- Tony W asked for a copy of the Kings Highway Plan to share with a couple of people he works with who are grant writers. Mark said he will add it to Dropbox
- Based on the master list, Juneteenth will be featured for May township newsletter
- Garner-Beale House Live at Five is listed on Website and Facebook. Please register. Event is May 20th from 5-6pm
- Draft article for GB House to Mark, Dawn and Paul for Chesco Times and Town Lively.
- Dawn asked if he had spoken with Francine or Mike, it was by email
- He is resending the draft
- Any response from Senator Muth and Representative Williams on letter of support for GBH project?
- Dawn said they went out under Township address, so we don’t know if they responded
- Paul S said CCHPN did write a letter
- Mark was to nudge Dan and Katie
- Cathy reported that she sent out suggestions on landscaping in the morning. No electronic signs w/height restrictions, lighting will be in character with Hx buildings, trees and berms around property required. She noted Flex Space concerns as further motivation – they’d worked so hard on that and thought they’d won.
- Mark shared his screen so all could see what Cathy sent
- Mark said he was pulling together a master list with everything that’s been recommended
- Dawn and Cathy both stated how important the Ordinance is.
- Mark said he got a lot from Jim B, and thought that Cathy and Leah were spot on with their recommendations. He’d like to add language that protects buildings that aren’t on the register, potentially hx, beyond the Hx District, rehabbing, adaptive reuse, tree regs, species, etc. He mentioned the Sears House as an unprotected building that with the right Ord would require our participation for anything to happen even next door to it.
- Cathy stated her regret for being unable to get on the Zoom BOC meeting, and asked what she missed
- Dawn said that she’d brought up concerns re the permit application for the Flex Space (former Antonini property). Learned from Commissioner Young that all stipulations that Hx Com made were part of a conditional use agreement that moves “with the property” to the new owner. So, anything Auger wants to build on that land must agree to those provisions (lighting, look, trees). The permit submitted was for storm water grading, and we’re not protected by the Overlay Pres District language. Does not say “must”, uses “very soft” language such as “where feasible”. Dawn’s concern is the raising of those trees, is that contributing to water runoff. Would like to meet with the owner. She had submitted a “Right to Know” and received copies of the proposal and Engineer Bryan K’s recommendations. At the moment, it has not been approved. Paul S interjected that it means any trees “in the way” of stormwater grading can be taken down. Mike Bedrick asked if there was another question raised about equipment used? Dawn clarified it was in regards to building permits and “Deep Dynamic Impaction” that could have had serious damage to Leah and Dawns’ houses. John Contento got that method blocked. Cathy said she is concerned about what Auger has in mind. Paul S reiterated that lack of stormwater restrictions in the Ord was the problem. Mike B suggested this be addressed, and asked if anything in stormwater was applicable. Paul M said that the pending permit was outlined to only the 2 mounds of dirt and that the trees removed were to be replanted along with new landscaping once piles have been removed. Paul S stated there were some requirements for replanting regarding types of trees. Paul M said he believed the schematic listed where and what would be planted. Dawn said Tulip Poplars and Sycamores there have flourished because they’re native species and do well because they are suited for wetlands. Dawn wants them to be respectful with the grading. Ashlee said her late-husband had been very involved with this in the past, and in lieu of having the preservation language we need, maybe we could make a deal with the owner as “good neighbors”, to get some compassion from him for the importance of the historic area. The destruction will start here and keep going unless we do something now. Dawn added that hers and Leah’s homes are built on the soil. Cathy said she just bought another property up to Rt 30 to protect it. Paul S asked about zoning for Cathy and Leah’s properties – they are zoned for commercial, and the Taskforce was looking to change the zoning to remove the commercial from them, but need the approval of the property owners to do that. Ashlee asked if this is the property that butts up to A-1 Mulch, Paul S said everything on the south side of Edge’s Mill is zoned commercial, and has more value as such. It has more value as commercial, but if we can change it the land is locked in as residential and is protected. Mark clarified that the proposed Historic Ordinance was to be for the entire Township, not just the District. Ashlee said it’s frightening when historic homes are threatened – once they’re gone they’re gone, and they’re being affected by changes environmentally. Dawn added that the light population and carbon monoxide and noise from Rt 30, as Micky said, is palpable. Mark added that when he and his wife bought their lot across from Lloyd Farm, they thought “that’s a park, it will always be a park”, but that wasn’t the case. Dawn called on Micky who had her hand up, but hadn’t meant to. Paul M said that when Penndot does the new intersection, a cloverleaf coming into the space that Cathy just bought (good move to buy it to protect it), maybe Penndot can install a sound barrier.
- Cathy reported that she sent out suggestions on landscaping in the morning. No electronic signs w/height restrictions, lighting will be in character with Hx buildings, trees and berms around property required. She noted Flex Space concerns as further motivation – they’d worked so hard on that and thought they’d won.
- Mark said that based on learnings from Jim B, since meeting minutes are legal docs, we need to have the Hx Com vote to authorize specific individuals to speak to the BOC and Township on their behalf
- Mark E asked for a motion Authorize Dawn Coughlan and/or Paul Stephens to represent the Hx Com at all township meetings
Second by Tony W
Dawn called the vote
Motion passed 7-0
- Dawn said Mark had touched on this earlier and Paul S had made some recommendations. Mark asked that we table it until next meeting so that he could have a sidebar with Paul S. The only thing they were sure of is PA Share. Dawn clarified that it is $275/year, we might need a budget increase. Mark E listed all of the advantages to having PA Share, Paul S added that we could actually begin the Edge’s Mill nomination in there. Mark thought that a digital nomination would move faster than reams of paper with handwritten notes.
- Dawn said that we will table it, and Mark would follow up with Paul S to revisit at a later date
- Dawn recognized Tony W
- Tony said that our website still showed cancellation of Schoolhouse Tours. Were we considering reopening the Schoolhouse for tours on Sundays.
- Mark E said he wasn’t sure the condition of the interior, and noted it was a small space. He deferred to Paul M
- Paul M said with the mold is being exasperated by the building not being opened every week. He spoke with Mike Fragale, he made sure dehumidifier is working, but being closed for a year is a problem. We should get out there to get it aired out. Paul S said is we could get one window to open we could get some cross-ventilation going. Paul S will follow-up with Mike F.
- Dawn said we’ll table the discussion for now
- Dawn added that the Historical Society has suspended tours for the summer.
- Tony W asked if airing out the schoolhouse and wiping away mold was our responsibility or the Township’s. Dawn responded that the Township was doing the mold remediation.
- Tony said that our website still showed cancellation of Schoolhouse Tours. Were we considering reopening the Schoolhouse for tours on Sundays.
- Dawn thanked Ashlee, Micky and Tom for attending and encouraged them to keep coming and consider joining us
- Micky inquired about Cathy’s Edge’s Mill history not being digitized. She offered to take on the task of typing it up and digitizing. Cathy said she will try to get her copy back from Bob Wise, she only has part of it now, but will get it. Dawn said she’d get Cathy’s contact info to Micky.
Moved by Paul S
Second by Leah J
Dawn called the vote.
Motion passed 7-0
Meeting adjourned at 8:36 PM