- Paul Stephens – Chair
- Lorraine Tindaro – Vice Chair
- Mark Evans – Secretary
- Dawn Coughlan
- Leah Jennings
- Patti DeFroscia
- Tom Parr
- Cathy Callaghan - Excused
- Mike Bedrick
The meeting was called to order by Chair Stephens at 7:06 PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Secretary Evans announced that the meeting was being recorded.
Secretary Evans continued with Member Roll Call and introduction of guests.
Chair Stephens asked if there were any comments/corrections on the minutes of the May 18, 2022 meeting. Secretary Evans responded that the minutes were not completed in time and will be ready before the July meeting. Tabled until July.
- Mark reported that he sent an email to Abbey and P&R regarding a potential joint Holiday event and that Commissioner Kennedy announced at the last BOC meeting that they were very interested. He added that the chain at the main entrance was down, and looked like someone might have driven through it, but that a log was blocking the driveway so trespassers could not get up there.
- Mark reported that he sent an email to Abbey and P&R regarding a potential joint Holiday event and that Commissioner Kennedy announced at the last BOC meeting that they were very interested. He added that the chain at the main entrance was down, and looked like someone might have driven through it, but that a log was blocking the driveway so trespassers could not get up there.
- Mike and Lorraine said they were still waiting to receive the images from Abbey and would call her again
- Mark E shared that he had already followed up with Abbey and received the images. The Spackman Farm article was transmitted electronically to these publications on 6/29/22:
- Town Lively – News Department
- Daily Local – Fran Maye
- The Patch – Holly Herman
- Vista Today - Mark Hostutler
- Chesco Times – Mike McGann
- Mark E added that he had contacted CCHPN about running an ad in their fall issue and they were still working on the spring issue. It is now out, so they should let us know the ad-deadline for the fall issue soon. Dawn asked about sending the, the article. he said he would send them the draft Spackman as well.
- Mark E shared that the BOC has been hosting open workshops on the HPO at 6:30pm prior to the start of each BOC Meeting, the next one will be 7/14. He has been working with the Township solicitor to absorb suggested tweaks from those workshops. He added that Chapter 19 of the township code currently charges and defines the Hx Com’s powers and responsibilities. The language will be updated and codified in the new ordinance. Mike B suggested that in the updated language we lower the minimum numbers to 7.
- He asked for help with clarifying the current proposed resource list. He credited Patty with letting us know we had lost Hatfield Tea Room, or it would have still been on the list.
- Tom Parr shared that had reached out to the PA Historic Museum Commission and has had a good back-and-forth dialogue with April Frantz. After we learned through PA-SHARE that it was listed under Valley Brook Farm they were able to locate the records. The 1982 assessment found it was eligible for the National Registry. In 2014, after a developer inquired about historical resources in the area, the farm was reassessed, and this time it was deemed not eligible due to loss of integrity. We found on PA-SHARE that it was listed as “needs to be reevaluated”. He reached out to the state to request all documentation as to why it was no longer eligible, and details on loss of integrity. They sent 20 pages of records just received today. Tom asked that Mark E share those docs with the members of the Hx Com. Tom said April was more than accommodating and that if we wanted, and had new information to share, she said they could re-evaluate the farm again. She also connected him with Megan McNish who is willing to help us ID our important resources.
- Mark E said that Tom had reached out to Chesco Historian Catherine Quillman, after which Mark ran into her at the CCHPO dinner. Mark said he had a nice chat with her about Lloyd Farm. She will be attending our July meeting to share her expertise. Tom said she could help our understanding of Underground Railroad ties. Paul S said the loss of integrity could have something to do with the loss of the barn. Patty D said they had run into a similar issue with Gardner Beale House and the house at Kings Grant. They said the interior had been changed too much. Paul S stated that is also what we can expect to run into with Lloyd Manor, that much of the woodwork had been removed by the developer, so we should focus on the landscape preservation, and the house may still have some local significance. Tom said April F had said the same thing. Paul believes we need to explore all possibilities.
- Tom Parr also reported that we had heard back from Natural Lands, and they are open to another meeting to discuss saving the farm
- Paul S said he has not been in contact with Dianne Cram to do a study on Lloyd Farm/Lloyd Manor, but will add to his tickle list
- Mike and Lorraine said that they still have not heard back from NAACP re Lloyd Farm. They will try again.
- Cathy C was not present. Leah J reported that Cathy has had multiple back-and-forth conversations by phone with April Frantz. Dawn C said she had sent all of the Micki McAllister documents to Cathy. Paul S said it’s important that we keep pushing forward on it.
- Mike and Lorraine reported that it was a nice day and they had about 9 visitors. Shared what they did to kept it somewhat cool on a hot day.
- Dawn reported that OCHS is just getting back into action post-COVID. Patty D is their new Hx Histories and Marker Chair. They will push for a vote to complete the markers in EM. They have permission from the owners, and are ready to place the markers, but they are waiting until ongoing construction at the Bank House (corner house) is more settled. She added there is a newsletter and brought along brochures. If anyone did not get the newsletter, that means they’re not members, and added that the membership dues may be going up soon. They are working toward re-establishing the long-standing bond enjoyed between OCHS and CTHC. Paul S challenged the members of the CTHC to achieve 100% membership in OCHS. Dawn added what an honor it is to be working with new Vice President Abbey Swan. She is constantly working to make the connection stronger.
- Paul prefaced by saying we need to set up a training session.
- Mark E said he had begun exploring it and it is a powerful tool to accomplish many of our stated goals. Once the Historic Preservation Sub Committee completes their work on the Edges Mill histories, we can get this going through PA Share. But the Edges Mill group needs to review, edit, and approve what Micki McAllister put together for them before any action can be taken
- Mark E shared that on his test drive of PA Share he found a couple of our resources in question listed as “eligible” and/or “Needs Re-Evaluation. Mark said he will schedule a zoom with Paul to share credentials and get the process started. Paul shared for any visitors that what PA-SHARE is
- Mark E reported there were no expenditures
- Dawn said that at the CCHPN dinner many Hx Coms reported they had Treasurers, and that we should consider having a treasurer. There were no volunteers. Paul S said that while we have such a small budget, we may be alright for now, but when we begin to apply for grants, we will need one.
- Tabled from 12/15/21 Meeting
- Mark said he’ll have a list of organizations ready for the September Meeting. Lorraine asked if we are members of the organization that hosted the dinner. Dawn said yes, we are members of CCHPN and she should be getting the newsletter. She loves what the CCHPN President (Jim Buczala) says and how he writes. He’s been pushing “Adaptive Reuse” that is exactly where our focus needs to be.
- Paul there has been discussion of the need to develop a definable set of classifications to make for an enforceable ordinance. If we’re going to call something historical, we need to be able to defend why. Paul said that we need more information on the resources, why something is important to the township. Mike B asked if there is an evaluation sheet. Paul said it needs to be incorporated into the ordinance. He said Mark needs help from the CTHC with this research. Mark said Kristin Camp has been very helpful and has been clear that she needs to know what standards delineate Class 1 and Class 2, and what defines the resources importance so she can craft the language accordingly. She referred to the 2013 County resource list and asked if he knew who had been involved in the process. He said asked Patty D who told him the 2013 study included the County, OCHS, CTHC, Karen Marshall. KC dug deeper and came up with the classification system prepared by that team. Mark E shared a potential historic classification system based on the county 2013 study, and noted that according to that document, local historical commissions can designate a resource as Class I even if it is not eligible for the National Registry. Paul said we need a definable, defendable reason for classification. We should adopt the national criteria as our criteria for a Caln Register so we can identify local resources and provide a measure of protection. This will go before the public in hearings, at this point we want to hammer out our criteria, and that it would be appropriate to establish a new sub-committee to explore these issues. Mike B asked if there was a state list of sites that may be different from the national reg. Paul said he believed the sate uses the National registry. Getting to the National Registry has become a cottage industry and how can we get there without using large amounts of funds. Perhaps we can come up with a way of protecting resources that important to Caln, and that’s where we’re trying to go with the ordinance. Paul asked for a motion to establish a new Ordinance Sub-Committee led by Mark E and empower him to select who he would like to work with him. Moved by Mark E, Second by Dawn C, Vote called by Paul S, Motion passed 7-0. Tom Parr, Paul S, and volunteered their assistance. Mark asked that Patty D also work on the sub-com because she has the knowledge. Mark then shared other various draft documents including the revised Chapter 19 language to be codified into zoning. Mark E pointed out that in Chapter 19 it states that the CTHC has the authority to enter into grants and suggested that we intentionally seek out a new member with Grants experience. Dawn suggested maybe we could out it in the township newsletter or on social media, there are people out there that love to write grants. Mark said that maybe we could use a little bit of our budget for a grant writer.
- Tom Parr reported on CERTIFIED LOCAL GOVRNMENT. He shared the top line and the benefits including grants, adaptive reuse ideas, and services for preservation. There are 48 CLGs in PA, and Caln is surrounded by them. There is a cost. Discussion ensued and we all agreed it would be beneficial for Caln. Paul added that it would tie us into the Keystone Grants Network, and it could pay for itself. Suggested we do as much of the legwork as we can before going to the township. Mark said one of the requirements is examples that the township is interested and working towards preservation wo we need the Township’s buy-in. Dawn asked if there was a 1-time charge or an annual fee. Paul S drafted Tom P to choose who he wants to help him. Tom said he’s been asking for some neighbors to get involved and join.
- Tabled from 5/18/22
- Mark reported that it should not have been on the agenda. He could report on how wonderful the CCHPN dinner was, and that we had 4 members present. We were able to share our story in that public space. Dawn said we got some people’s attention that night.
- Dawn shared how disturbed she was to see about the Amville Bridge was destroyed by PennDOT even though it was on the National Registry. There was video of it posted. It could happen here. She added that the Lloyd Bridge is wonderful and still has some of its capstones. Paul said it’s easy to run an engineering report on a bridge and determine it is not up to modern standards.
- Dawn said the amount of truck traffic that is now using the EMR bridge has dramatically increased since Auger opened. And they are using the driveways of private homes to turn around. There was an agreement with the former business that disallowed trucks from using the bridge and forced them to use 322. Mark E reminded everyone that a CU Hearing was coming up on 4060 EMR and we all should be in attendance.
- Dawn shared that she heard the Gardner Beale House program at CASH was in danger of being discontinued and noted how much work Paul S had out into that program. Dawn said she can reach out to Joe C, and that we need to be involved, as is the OCHS. Paul S asked that it be put on the agenda under new business for the July meeting. Mark E said that the CASD approved a large raise for administration and has not approved a contract for teachers, so programs are probably being cut. Mike B blamed state funding. Mark concurred and added that Charter Schools as just as big of a problem.
- Mark said that maybe we could all start thinking about seeing Lloyd and Spackman as Historic Districts. Maybe we could get Spackman into the County’s hands and use those funds to obtain Lloyd.
- Dawn reminded everyone that the coming Sunday would be the first Sunday of the month and we need volunteers to lead the Schoolhouse tour. Paul was a possibility. Dawn said if he could do it she would do it with him, she doesn’t like doing it alone.
Chair Stephens asked for a motion to adjourn
Moved by Mark E
Second by Dawn C
Vote called by Paul S
Motion passed 8-0
Meeting was adjourned at 8:18 PM