- Dawn Coughlan – Chair
- Catherine Callahan
- Lorraine Tindaro – Vice Chair
- Paul Stephens
- Leah Jennings
- Mark Evans – Secretary
- Patti DeFroscia (Excused)
- Mike Bedrick
- Paul Mullin
- Tom Parr
The meeting was called to order by Chair Coughlan at 7:05 PM, who announced that the meeting was being recorded to expedite transcription of minutes, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Secretary Evans continued with Members Roll Call, and introduced guests.
Chair Coughlan asked if there were any comments/corrections on the minutes of the November meeting. There were none.
Chair Coughlan asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the November 9th Meeting
Moved by Paul S
Second by Lorraine T
Vote called by Dawn C
Motion passed 6-0
- Mark reported that the Barn roof project is now complete. He shared before and after images provided by the Township Engineer. Everyone was happy. Cathy C said now we need to get it painted white. Mike B congratulated everyone on getting it done.
- Mark reported that the $75K to getting the driveway done right and opening up property to the public. Dawn asked if there was a deadline on when to use the funds, and when the Township would start putting out bids. Paul S said we don’t want to get in the way with the process, but that we should have the opportunity to at least look at what they’re planning to do.
- Send a note to the Township, opening with how glad we are that the Twp will open it up to the community and that we’d like to be a part of the process.
- Dawn said that she would draft a note
- Paul S said that the continued interest in the Farm is great news, especially since there are so many issues pulling at Twp funds. Mark said that the funds could only be used for Covid related expenses, and open space is one of them.
- Cathy C asked if there were plans to paint it. Mark said he wasn’t sure. Mike B said this time of year would be bad weather wise. Dawn suggested we consider this Phase 1 Preservation, and this Phase was now complete. Mike B said Phase 2 might be painting, improved access, paving. Vision is to make it public use. Mark added that this is also part of implementing the Kings Highway Master Plan.
- Lorraine had nothing new to report. She asked Mark if we would be able to get photos to accompany the article they will draft. Mark said Abbey could provide photos. Mike said they will send the Press release around to the group for approval before sending it out.
- The group discussed how to spin the article, including items in a. ii.4. above.
- Dawn asked who they would distribute it to. Mike B said Town Lively, Daily Local, Mike McGann. Mark suggested CCHPN as well.
- Paul Mullin joined the meeting. Mark said it was timely since they were just discussing the Kings Highway Master Plan. Dawn brought him up to speed.
- Mark asked Paul M if there had been any further discussion regarding a 501C-3. Paul said people would be able to donate and earmark funds for specific Township projects. It is a priority for him in the new year, and a 501C-3 will require officers – he will be looking for volunteers.
- Mark asked if everyone had reviewed the draft ordinance so they could provide comments. No one had.
- Paul S asked if it had been updated with his last comments. Mark said yes and reminded everyone of where it could be found in Dropbox.
- Cathy C said she remembered hearing no one had been happy with it when it was first submitted. Mark said it has since been updated.
- Tom Parr said he’ll send his new email address – that he’s retiring at the end of the year and would like to be included.
- Dawn asked if we would be live in January, that it would be easier to review it live together. Mark asked Paul M if we would be in the Zoom room in January. He hoped so, and that the Jan 3 swearing in will be live – congrats to all! Mark said it would best for us to remain hybrid for now. Paul M added that if Covid rears its ugly head everything could remain Zoom for longer than expected.
- Paul S said it would be helpful if everyone carve out a little time to review the ordinance in advance of the next meeting so they’re prepared.
- Mark E suggested we table this discussion until the January meeting.
Chair Coughlan asked for a motion to table the Hx Ord discussion until the January 2022 Meeting
Moved by Mark E
Second by Lorraine T
Vote called by Dawn C
Motion passed 6-0
- Dawn said she hasn’t heard anything since she sent the response and asked if anyone else had. Cathy C commented that she thought our response letter was great. Dawns asked if we should wait until they reach out to us? Mark said they don’t have the conditional use yet and that Ray Stackhouse will let us know, he is the intermediary.
- Cathy said she’s been calling Harrisburg and not hearing back, she might just take a ride up there! Cathy said we can’t stop the flex space but at least we can have a say in things. She thought they were taking down trees today. Cathy said they took them down up the hill on the property that abuts her 7 acres. They’re putting up a house but she doesn’t know much about it. Leah said she saw another load of trees being taken away later in the day.
- Dawn asked if there was any information on that. Mark said that our request for $1200 was approved. Dawn said Paul S would be very happy about that, we can now join important organizations. Mark said Cathy and Leah would be very happy because we’d be joining PA SHARE, and all the necessary documentation for Edge’s Mill can be uploaded electronically, and possibly get all that done for free was going to hound the state to get the approval. Mark said that with PA Share we can digitally upload everything and that should expedite things.
- Mark Evans thought we should table this again until January. Dawn said that waiting until the new Budget year sounded fine to her. Mark said he wanted to have a sidebar with Paul S before any discussion.
Moved by Mark E
Second by Lorraine T
Vote called by Dawn C
Motion passed 6-0
- Chair Coughlin said that there will be a lot going on in January. Mark explained that as we’d discussed in January 2021, we would be holding reorganization meetings each year like the other commissions do. Paul M added that it is normal for Commissions to Reorganize each January.
- Dawn inquired as to condition of schoolhouse, there was mold that needed to be remediated. We lost our entire season of tours due to that issue
- Will the township be doing a Holiday tree lighting this year? Mark said yes, December 5th. Dawn asked if we would be allowed to do our traditional open house at the schoolhouse in conjunction with the tree lighting. Is it safe? Mark and Lorraine said it possibly would not be safe, that there wasn’t even going to be the kids party, but not for certain.
- Dawn asked if there was any additional business.
- Paul S said that with Brandywine Hospital closing, the Hx Properties over there will probably be going on the market, and he’d like to put them on a future agenda so we can be proactive. Dawn asked how many properties were involved. Paul S said there was a barn and at least a house, “it’s a nice setting up there”. Will probably be developed but we want to be prepared to have suggestions on how to preserve a little bit of the open space for the agricultural heritage of the Township. Mark added that he knew Bailey-Pile is a Class II resource, although they are not original structures. Paul S said it’s the “Rural Feel” that we need to be cognizant of, make sure it’s part of the discussion. Mark remembered that Paul S had said earlier that it would be a great location for repurposing. Cathy asked if the house was occupied? Dawn said no, and there is another stone house deeper in the campus. Dawn asked Leah if BP is in OCHS database? She said she’d look into the history of it. Mark asked if anyone would be interested in taking photos of it. Dawn said she’d be happy to.
- Cathy said that she was told by Micki that the Edge House is not in the database. Leah said the database calls her house the Edge House. Mark read off a list of what he has histories/deed descents on in Dropbox.
- Paul S asked how much of the Hospital Property is actually in Caln. Mike B said he thought it was in West Brandywine. Paul M said it is. shared that 10/21 at 5pm the CCHPN TOWNTALKS will be on Bondsville, and suggested we all try to attend.
- Paul S said that with Brandywine Hospital closing, the Hx Properties over there will probably be going on the market, and he’d like to put them on a future agenda so we can be proactive. Dawn asked how many properties were involved. Paul S said there was a barn and at least a house, “it’s a nice setting up there”. Will probably be developed but we want to be prepared to have suggestions on how to preserve a little bit of the open space for the agricultural heritage of the Township. Mark added that he knew Bailey-Pile is a Class II resource, although they are not original structures. Paul S said it’s the “Rural Feel” that we need to be cognizant of, make sure it’s part of the discussion. Mark remembered that Paul S had said earlier that it would be a great location for repurposing. Cathy asked if the house was occupied? Dawn said no, and there is another stone house deeper in the campus. Dawn asked Leah if BP is in OCHS database? She said she’d look into the history of it. Mark asked if anyone would be interested in taking photos of it. Dawn said she’d be happy to.
- PennDOT Expansion Plan
- Mark asked if everyone has had a chance to review the plans in advance. Cathy, Paul S and Leah said they had. Dawn said she had comments from Patty D, and she would recommend Option B not A because A cuts off Bondsville Road, that we have a Hx Marker at the Taylor House at 700 BVille Road, and added that the owner may have passed away and it might be being put up for sale.
- Paul S that the proposals be put up on the screenshare. Cathy asked when it will start. Tom Parr said 2028.
- Mark shared his screen with all options.. Paul S said this one appears to be the least impactful, that “B” is a cloverleaf, and clarified that it’s West BVille Road that would be closed. “C” pushes further into the wetland. Paul S confirmed that “A” leaves things the most as they are now, and doesn’t infringe much on the Historic District. There was discussion on CTHC expressing interest in what we’d like to see. Cathy asked if we could blow it up and look at it in person in January. Dawn said there is a deadline of Jan 6th. There are no public meetings, all comments have to be made virtually. Paul S thinks we should submit our thoughts as Hx Com. Mark concurred.
- Paul S suggested we vote on how to respond. Mark said anytime we have a chance to respectfully get our wished in front of people in writing we should, so that people will know that we’re here. Lorraine said we should let the Commissioners know we were planning to do this. Mark said we have to act fast.
- Paul S formed a motion that the Hx Com forward our opinion to review and upon their acceptance of that we send a statement of support for “A” of the proposed interchanges. Mark said we don’t have time to turn it around. Mike B said individuals can send their comments and that this group could do it as the Hx Com.
- Paul S amends his that we will write our response and that we will inform the commissioners that we will send it endorsing “A”.
- Dawn was concerned as to why Patty was in favor of “B”. Paul S thought she had expressed concern with cutting off W BVille, which B and D do, and maybe she meant A. Paul S said we couldn’t see us supporting a plan that cuts anyone off, and A was the only one that makes sense.
- Mark added that the 322 Interchange is also involved, and the Lloyd House is technically a Class II resource. He pointed out that every plan has Lloyd Avenue being redirected right through the center of the Farm. And that we might start doing everything we can to save the house. Mike B said that none of the proposed developments at Lloyd Farm had a road going through it, and it would not have worked. Tom Parr said he commented already because his house is going to be effected by relocating Lloyd. He said he also heard there was a possibility of building apartments on each side of the relocated Lloyd. He’s going to find the papers to share with us. Mark added that it’s not zoned for apartments. Paul S suggested his motion be amendment to include comments on Lloyd and Reeceville.
- Paul S pointed to the Reeceville Road exit. What happens to all of the people that live in that space? All options include a loss of homes. Cathy was concerned that residents might not be aware. Paul S said there was an article in the local paper. Houses will be condemned and taken through eminent domain, the market value will be paid. Paul said they should be evaluated for National Registry. Mark said that it would appear there are no historical resources in that section. Paul thought “A” is the least impactful option. Mark said he has concerns that we don’t have any say on this exit since we have no historic resources in it. Bailey-Pile is close but is not effected by any of the options.
- Paul suggested we amend his motion to include we are opposed to Lloyd Ave being relocated. Cathy said the Bed and Breakfast is there and that is of historic value. Tom Parr said there is a calliope of roads that go right through the Rock Raymond Carriage Houses. Everyone was concerned – many of them are brand new homes. Paul S asked if we had a preference for any of the 322 options. Mark thought “A” was the least invasive. Lorraine added that developers would never get to run a road through Lloyd Farm. Tom Parr said Joseph Court would be lost. Paul pointed to the stone house to the west of the exit. Dawn said the OCHS has recognized the Toll House. Paul M said the Toll House is Bill Schue’s house. Paul S said he would object to Plan “C” vehemently. “B” may be the best option with the least impact on historic resources. Mark suggested that the wording be “while we’re vehemently opposed to rerouting Lloyd Ave through Lloyd Farm due to potential impact on the Class II Manor House, Option “B” would have the least impact on existing housing. Mike suggested we point out that it would be less costly to not reroute Lloyd Ave. Tom Parr said he would let us know if he hears anything back from PennDOT.
Moved by Mark E
Second by Dawn C
Vote called by Dawn C
Motion passed 6-0
Chair Coughlan asked for a motion to adjourn
Moved by Paul S
Second by Mark E
Vote called by Dawn C
Motion passed 6-0
Meeting was adjourned at 8:32 PM