- Lorraine Tindaro, Vice-Chair
- Mark Evans, Secretary
- Dawn Coughlan
- Paul Stephens
- Tony Wagner
- Catherine Callahan, Chair (Excused)
- Patty DeFroscia (Excused)
- Leah Jennings (Excused)
Historical Commission Guests (4):
- Paul Mullin
- Mike Bedrick
- Licia Carini
- Tony DiSario
The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chair Tindaro at 7:07PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Secretary Evans announced that the meeting was being recorded to expedite transcription of minutes.
Secretary Evans issued a short statement of apology for his out-of-character behavior at the November Meeting.
Vice-Chair Tindaro continued with Members Roll Call, and Introduction of Guests.
Approval of 11/18/20 Minutes
Vice-Chair Tindaro then read a letter from Chair Cathy Callaghan, resigning the position of Chair of the Hx Com (attached) effective 12/14/2020, adding that she will remain a member of the Hx Com.
Lorraine T stated that moving forward we may want to determine how long our officers terms should be, if we should hold reorganizations each year, every 2 years, etc.
Paul S commented that he was glad that Cathy C would be staying with us. Mark E recognized Cathy C for everything she has done. And stated that he has been in touch with Cathy and they are both excited for 2021. He added that Lorraine T would serve as Acting Chair of the Hx Com until a new Chair is selected at the Jan 2021 meeting.
Tony W asked if the Jan reorg would involve addressing the length of terms. Mark E clarified that the Jan reorg will only be to fill open seats, terms would be open for later discussion.
Paul M stated that with the Muni Board, the option for reorg is always on the January Agenda.
- Lorraine T asked if there were any updates. Mark E replied that as reflected in the 11/20 minutes, we were all reviewing the 10/21/20 revised RGA proposal, and were supposed to discuss and vote whether or not to recommend to the BOC.
- Dawn said that we had clarified that it was not a conflict of interest for homeowners within the district to vote on the recommendation. She added that she was the only homeowner present at the meeting, and there would be a majority even without her.
- Tony W stated that his questions had been answered by Cathy C and Mark E prior to the meeting, and had all the information he needed to make a decision
- Lorraine asked if since we would be voting on a new chair in January, we should table the vote for then, or are we ready now?
- Tony W asked how that would affect the vote, unless the future chair was not present at this meeting. As he understood it, the most recent initiative like this was Carver Court. Mark E confirmed. Lorraine T responded that it would not, and that she was ready to move forward with a vote
- Mark E stated that he was aware of potentially inappropriate communications between RGA and others that could raise concerns. And that as a formal Township Commission, if we went ahead with a recommendation to the BOC without investigating this, it would not look good for anyone. He stated the importance that all communications be in writing, for transparency, so that there could be no question of our process. He said that he had received an email where RGA states something different than what was written in their revised proposal. He quoted from a Bob Wise email dated 10/14/20 “I had a nice talk with Elizabeth Rairligh of PA SHPO a few weeks back. Just as I guessed, while they think it's a good candidate for the DOE, with a concentration on NRHP Criterion C, they cannot promise anything until they see the completed survey form. So we are really back to square one. Here's what [was] discussed earlier this week: I would revise the proposal with the new rates, then I would use my "professional judgement" but with no guarantees or "not to exceeds". He then quoted from the 10/21 proposal “Based on my conversation with Ms. Rairligh, I am fully confident we will obtain the DOE”. Mark added that if we recommend the RGA proposal to the BOC and it were approved, and if this information were to come out at a later date, everyone would be in trouble, and he did want to see that happen. He was committed to getting the Edge’s Mill National Registry passed, but that the Hx Com has accomplished too much to risk our credibility.
- Lorraine T asked if there were any updates. Mark E replied that as reflected in the 11/20 minutes, we were all reviewing the 10/21/20 revised RGA proposal, and were supposed to discuss and vote whether or not to recommend to the BOC.
- Tony W asked to confirm that the language in the 2 docs was conflicting. Mark E confirmed it was.
- Paul S said that it was possible that in Bob’s conversation with Ms. Rairligh, they may have been more positive about the chances then he expressed in his email, but there was a difference in the language, and he was disappointed that there had been behind the scenes communication, because as a Commission we’re responsible for our actions.
- Tony W asked which was the most recent communication, Mark responded that it was the revised proposal
- Lorraine T asked if we could discuss it now, and get a letter from RGA regarding this and vote on it in January. Mark E thought it would be better to have RGA at our next meeting. Tony W and Lorraine felt we needed to get clarity before moving forward.
- Dawn agreed that it was a good idea to ask RGA to attend a meeting considering the circumstances. She added that we’ve been working on this for months, and this needs to be addressed before moving forward.
Mark E asked for a motion to table the vote and request for Bob Wise to attend the 1/20/21 meeting to address concerns.
- Paul stated that he had received a response from the representative for the party center requesting more details. Photos and a google map view had been sent along, and he would follow up with them.
- Paul S asked if we had found out anything about obtaining an insurance rider for a one day visit by Valley Forge. Mark E stated that he had reached out to Kristen, but with all that’s going on did not expect to hear back right away – budget season, Covid, etc. Hopes to have an answer in January
- Mark E gave an update on the barn roof, that there were issues with the galvanized coating for the roof panels – what we asked for in specs is no longer being made, what they do make now is better but doesn’t match the specs. Bryan K is working with the contractor towards getting this resolved, and should only be a week or 2
- Paul S asked if we had a tentative start date. Mark E said we won’t until this is resolved, hopefully mid-late January
- Tony W reported that he had sent around his update to everyone. That there had been progress on the website. There was consensus that it looks great.
- Working towards getting local press to write something about our progress.
- Tweaking Spackman Farm write up. Dawn C said that there was a big error in the piece, that it was “Strawberry Pie”. Much laughter ensued.
- Mark E asked if anyone was aware if the Zinns referred to in Maryanne Griffith’s letter to OCHS were the same ones who had the diner.
- Tony D said that he had worked at Zinn’s, and that there were 2 of them – one had the diner and the golf course, the other one was a builder. He had always assumed it was their land.
- Tony W and Mark said that they would work together to edit the Spackman Farm story down to a manageable size.
- Mark E noted that the 2 sub-com members were not present, but that Cathy had sent the beginning of their Wish List to all
- Dawn C commented that in the docs sent around by Cathy C there was a page about the Hx Preservation Overlay District, and recalled there had been concerns expressed about what would happen to it during the Zoning Update. Were there any updates from the Zoning Taskforce meeting?
- Mark replied that it was discussed at the Dec meeting and that Ray Ott confirmed that any protections under the Overlay will be incorporated into the zoning. Mike B confirmed.
- Dawn noted the Hx Preservation Wish List started by Cathy and Leah, and that she liked the proposed changes. Mark agreed
- Mike B asked if there would be feedback from the public when the Taskforce has completed their proposed changes, and if we could ask to be allowed to give formal feedback. Mark E confirmed that there will be public meetings to discuss, and that his intention was for the Hx Com to present a recommended package to the Zoning Taskforce, Paul S concurred. Mark added that one of the reasons he had pushed for the Zoning Update was to get stronger preservation laws.
- Paul S said that surveying the Hx properties in the community should be a focus for Caln. That the OCHS has done this but are more focused on pre-1900, and there’s been a lot of history since. Isolating what has meaning to the community, that isn’t already thought of as historic, may need that type of consideration. “You can’t save things if you don’t know what they are”. Dawn C agreed. Paul said it will ultimately cost some money, to bring in somebody with expertise on more recent community history and architecture since 1900. Mark asked when the last survey, if any, had been completed. Paul S and Mike B said that it was whenever the map was done, and that it wasn’t that detailed. Historical integrity plays an important part. He used the Elementary School as an example. Just because it may have lost the integrity to be a national property doesn’t mean it can’t be a local property. Mark added that he really would like to have the ability to designate locally “this is a Caln Township Historical Property”. Paul S said that could be a great tool, people get excited about those sort of designations, and it doesn’t cost much to do – design a plaque, even just a board that’s painted.
- Mark E encouraged everyone to think top down over the holiday break about what we want in the ordinance. That having a local authority is the foundation, and could make developers think twice before going after something because it could bring unwanted negative attention to them.
- Dawn asked if there was any movement on this since our last meeting. Mark said he hadn’t heard anything. Paul M noted that he hadn’t heard anything either, other than the owner wanted to donate the land to the Township if over the next 2 years it would be dedicated as a Park in his friends name. Could be difficult to accomplish in that time period. Mike B mentioned that Kristen D had said it would be a negotiation as to what the current owner would accept as a park, if it could be done in phases over time. Mark E suggested that we dedicate it with a sign and then go after grant money, not every park needs parking, driveways, etc. All you need is a walking path and a couple of park benches. Dawn C said you can get benches donated. Tony W said it was in a perfect location adjacent to a large townhome community. Mark asked if we should draft a recommendation to the BOC. Tony asked if it was in our prevue. Paul S replied yes because of the springhouse. Mark E thought that might give the Township more leverage. Mike B asked how extensive would the recommendation be that it might be accepted. Paul S noted that the donation comes with expectations from the Township, it was okay for us to advise as to the springhouse, and make recommendations - if the expectations are not too grand, it could be doable. Mike B suggested that there be a plaque at the entrance by the springhouse that gives the history of the property and former house. Paul S said that we could do the deed research on the property, try to find some photos of the house – must be something since it was a funeral home. Mike B said the OCHS had something on it. It’s a way of providing a park to an area that doesn’t have access to have a park. Paul S said we could recommend that the Township explore obtaining it, but that’s as far as we can go. Mark offered to pull something together for the next meeting, reach out to Cathy to see what info she has. Paul S reiterated that you have to know what it is before you can plan on doing anything with it.
- Tony DiSario added that before it was a funeral home The Lackeys lived there, and the Fulnickeys (sp?). It had a barn that was torn down too. The house was all stone, 2-3 stories. Believes it still has a long driveway that could be used for access. The land was going to be used for The Goddard School, but they bailed out in the 1990s.
- Dawn C congratulated Paul S on his appointment to the Chester County Preservation Network. She said she’s seen a lot of Historic Signs out there that are not from the National Registry and wondered if Karen Marshall has any information, if other Townships that may have taken this initiative, what their format might be, if they have photos, etc. Paul S said he could do that, and that we could do a local version of the National Register criteria. “Historic Caln Township, Where it All Began”. Mark E wondered if Denron Signs does this kind of work, and if it’s something they might donate.
Mark asked if there was any other business. There was none.
Mark E asked for a motion to adjourn.
Moved by Lorraine T, second by Dawn C
Mark E called the vote.
Motion passed 5-0.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.