The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chair Coughlan at 7:10 PM. Secretary Evans announced that the meeting was not being recorded due to technical issues, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Secretary Mark Evans continued with Member Roll Call and introduction of guests.
- Dawn Coughlan – Vice Chair/ Liaison to OCHS
- Mark Evans – Secretary
- Donna DiPrinzio - Treasurer
- Cathy Callahan
- Patty DeFrocia
- Tom Parr
- Jamie Evans
- Lorraine Tindaro
- Lisa Shields
Historical Commission Members Absent (2):
- Paul Stephens – Excused
- Leah Jennings – Excused
- Chris Parr
- Paul Mullin (Zoom)
- Jim Buczala
- Mike Bedrick
Vice-Chair Coughlan asked if there were any comments or questions regarding the minutes of our 1/18/23 meeting. Hearing none she asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the January 18th meeting.
Moved by Donna D
Second by Tom Parr
Vote called by Vice-Chair Coughlan
Motion passed 9-0
Approval of 2/15/23 Minutes
Vice-Chair Coughlan asked if there were any comments or questions regarding the minutes of our 2/15/23 meeting. Hearing none she asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the February 15th meeting.
Moved by Patty DeFrocia
Second by Tom Parr
Vote called by Vice-Chair Coughlan
Motion passed 9-0
GUEST PROGRAM: Jim Buczala – Vice Chair East Brandywine Hx Com/VP CCHPN
Mr. Buczala spoke to us about challenges and successes in East Brandywine. They have a 7-member Hx Com. He talked about their efforts to preserve Bondsville Mill and to establish Bondsville Mill Park, and how their learnings could be applied to Spackman-Davis Farm. “It’s not just about preserving the past, but applying it to the future”. Emphasized the importance of having a grant writer. There are DCNR grants, PECO grants for park development, Apple grants. They received over $500K from state and county grants for the park. Most county grants are 10% match first round, 0% for 2nd round. It took years and is still in process. Suggested a DOE for SD Farm would help us get grants. We discussed potential issues that could arise doing a public/private long-term lease for SD Farm improvements. County does not like you to make $ off of an investment. Breaking even is one thing, making income is another. Plus, township ownership makes all construction more expensive. Perhaps start our own 501C-3 and work outside of the township. Need a lot of attention, like they have now at BM. Newsletters, news articles, a weekly email. On the cusp of developing a real FR program. Currently there is a township foundation that receives donations earmarked for the park. We discussed our pending HPO – and the CLG process. We need to remove all mention of classifications from our HPO or we would NOT meet the CLG guidelines. Touched on the coming America 250 celebration.
- Mark E. shared that Jamie Evans and Lisa Shields were both appointed to the Hx Com at the 2/23/23 BOC meeting, and to make sure to take the time to get to know them. Active membership is now 11.
- Mark E reported no update on possible repairs to house roof and porch/ Walking Tour on agenda for discussion.
- Lorraine reported she would be meeting with Elaine LaRoche in the following week for an interview and to get photos of her wedding album.
- Mark reported that the CCHPN Ledger with our article had been published. He said that puts a period on our 2022 marketing efforts.
- Nothing new to report.
- Tom Parr said farmer was out planting, and that’s a good sign. He took video of it.
- It was suggested that the Lloyd Farm sub-com be renamed “Caln at Risk” to include and focus on all our at-risk resources such as Lloyd, the schoolhouse, etc.
Second by Mark E
Vote called by Vice-Chair Coughlan
Motion passed 9-0
- Mark reported he shared the 2022 Micki McAllister documents with all. They need to be tweaked for DOE. Micki had posed several questions that still need to be answered and he needs help getting those answers.
- Mark shared that he has started a DOE application for the milling district in PAShare and has the addresses, main photos, and map completed, and showed slides of the additional things we’re going to need. Cathy said she had a detailed history of her house that Micki McAllister had prepared, and then provided it for us to use as a model for the other resources in the district. Donna D offered to type it into word.
- Excited about their March 22nd Thorndale Coal Warf Program at the Firehouse. Coal Warf was a huge part of Caln History and no longer exists.
- OCHS meeting and clean up are 3/22 at Meetinghouse after program.
- New marker is up on 340 – thank you Patty!
- New member – Paul Mullin and family.
- Praised Paul Stephens for his program in February – unfortunately it was Super Bowl Sunday. Hope he’ll do it again.
- Dawn reported that Saturday May 6th is the OCHS Flea Market.
- OCHS is supporting the Hx Com, thrilled about Spackman Walking Tour.
- Donna reported that our license for PAShare license was renewed 3/7/23 for $275, leaving a balance of $925.
- Mark reported the annual report was sent to membership for review on 3/9, asked for comments or corrections, then proposed a motion that Chair Stephens send it to the BOC ASAP.
Second by Lorraine T
Vote called by Vice-Chair Coughlan
Motion passed 9-0
- Mark said dropped the ball on getting a date for our “Spackman Day of Service”. Hoping to get it done next week.
- Will send out a doodle poll to membership to determine possible days. We don’t all have to be out there at once, can do small groups.
- It will be fun. We’ll knock the socks off the county. Confirmed tour is 5-7pm, not 7-9pm.
There was no new business.
- Tom P reported on “Engage by Cell” service for self-guided tours. $2-3K/year. Keep in mind for down the road.
Vice-Chair Coughlan asked for a motion to adjourn.
Moved by Mark E
Second by Tom Parr
Vote called by Vice-Chair Coughlan
Motion passed 9-0
Meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM