Via Zoom, Wed June 17th, 2020 (7:00-8:00 PM)
Historical Commission Member Attendees: (4 – Quorum)
- Lorraine Tindaro, Vice-Chair
- Mark Evans, Secretary
- Dawn Coughlan
- Tony Wagner
- Catherine Callahan, Chair (Excused)
- Paul Stephens (Excused)
- Leah Jennings (Excused)
- Patty DeFroscia (Excused) Historical Commission Guests (4):
- Paul Mullin
- Mike Bedrick
- Licia Carini
- Tony Disario
OPENING: Mark E stated that Chair Cathy C had been called out of town unexpectedly and had asked that he fill in as chair for the evening. The meeting was then called to order by Acting Chair Mark Evans at 7:05PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Mark E then announced that the meeting was being recorded to expedite transcription of minutes, and continued with Members Roll Call, and Introduction of Guests.
Approval of 5/20/20 MinutesMark E asked for a motion for approval of the minutes of the 5/20/20 Meeting. Motion moved by Lorraine Tindaro, second by Dawn Coughlan.
Tony W asked if there had been any more responses to 30-60-90 day priorities since last meeting, Mark E answered there were not. Tony W asked if the roof work will impede the ability to conduct Schoolhouse Tours, which are already on hold due to Covid-19. It was stated that the repairs “should” be no more than a one day job, and that once the contractor is notified of the awarded bid, work should begin soon after, so there should be no disruption of tours once reopened to the public. Tony W clarified that what he meant was “are there any conditions (other than Covid-19) that could prove dangerous to the public being in the Schoolhouse. Dawn C confirmed that the current condition of the roof does not present any danger to the public. Vote called by Mark E.
Motion passed 4-0
Approval of 2/26/20 MinutesMark E stated that at the 5/20 meeting the Commission had failed to approve the 2/26 minutes.
Mark E for a motion for approval of the minutes of the 2/26/20 Meeting. Motion moved by Lorraine T, seconded by Tony W.
Vote called by Mark E.
Motion passed 4-0
- Mark E stated that one of our prospective new members had put her application on hold after reading disparaging commentary regarding the Caln Historical Commission, Board of Commissioners, and Township that was being posted on the Caln Watch Facebook Page. She is reconsidering whether or not she wants to get involved with any Township Commission, and will let us know what she decides.
- The BOC will attempt to interview Mike Bedrick before the July meeting of the Historical Commission.
- Mark E had questions about members still listed as active who do not attend meetings. Dawn C replied that Patty DeFroscia is the wife of a former long-time Commission Chair who had grown disillusioned with the Commission, but would probably be very interested in being part of the Commission based on the new energy and solid plans for progress; and added that she would be a great resource to the Historical Commission. Lorriane T. concurred, as did Mike B. Both Lorraine T. and Dawn C offered to reach out to her with hopes that she’ll rejoin us at the July meeting. Since Dawn is a close friend of Patty’s, she will make contact.
- Mark E stated that the Township has agreed to have to Arro work with Paul Stephens on preparing a bid to replace the Barn Roof. They had attempted to have a Zoom meeting between all parties, but suffered a communication issue with the group email not reaching Mr. Stephens, resulting in a delay. Mr. Kulikowski does have Paul’s specs, and with these issues resolved, a meeting will be scheduled for next week. Mark E asked for a Motion to request that Township prepare cost estimates for:
- The Purchase and Installation of “Landscape Lighting” around the Spackman Farm House and Barn, to make it harder for vandals to get close without detection
- The running of a power line to the exterior of the Spackman house, and installation of an outdoor switchbox to provide power for the lighting
- The Purchase and Installation of security cameras around the Spackman Farm House and Barn
- Discussion followed. Guest Paul M was asked if making such a request would be reasonable. He believed so, especially since this could be a low-cost project. He questioned the stability of the house’s wiring to handle electric. Mark E responded that the intention was not to run power into the house, only to an outdoor switchbox. Paul M stated that he had been around the back of the house and it was obvious where the kids were partying, drinking beer, and throwing rocks from. Lighting could be a very beneficial deterrent. Mike B asked about security cameras. Paul M said there is one focused on a shed where supplies are kept. Dawn questioned if the use of solar powered lighting was off the table. Mark responded no, but at the 5/20 meeting Mr. Stephens had said that in most cases, solar power requires an electric back-up. The group decided to include solar options and security cameras to the motion to request a cost estimate.
- Mark E asked for an amended Motion to request that Township prepare cost estimates for:
- The Purchase and Installation of “Landscape Lighting” around the Spackman Farm House and Barn
- The running of a power line to the exterior of the Spackman house, and installation of an outdoor switchbox to provide power for the lighting
- A Solar Powered option for the lighting
- The Purchase and Installation of security cameras around the Spackman Farm House and Barn
- Motion moved by Lorraine T, seconded by Dawn C. Vote called by Mark E. Motion passed 4-0
- Mark E noted that at the 5/20 meeting Cathy C. said she would reach out to Township Manager Denne, who had offered to coordinate with Mr. Fragile to help Cathy “stage” the porch with furniture and plants so that the Farmhouse would appear to be “occupied”. Mark E asked if Cathy C had been successful in staging the porch. Paul M stated that it could be too dangerous for any resident to be on the porch. Dawn C concurred, and added that it did not appear as if anything had yet been staged. Mark E suggested they table this option for now. No vote needed, all members agreed to table the staging.
- Mark E reported that a formal request for the Farmer’s rent money to be re- directed for repairs and improvements at the House and Barn has been prepared and is ready to be sent to both the Finance Committee and the BOC.
- Mark E stated that the Township has agreed to have to Arro work with Paul Stephens on preparing a bid to replace the Barn Roof. They had attempted to have a Zoom meeting between all parties, but suffered a communication issue with the group email not reaching Mr. Stephens, resulting in a delay. Mr. Kulikowski does have Paul’s specs, and with these issues resolved, a meeting will be scheduled for next week. Mark E asked for a Motion to request that Township prepare cost estimates for:
- Mark E announced that at their 6/11/20 meeting, the BOC approved G.P. Martini’s bid of $4,750.00 to replace the schoolhouse roof. Although the Township doesn’t have a timeline on when work will begin, it should be very soon.
- Dawn C reported that President Joan Ciarlone is not set up for Zoom Meetings. Lois Demchak and Old Caln are eager to meet with Paul Stephens and Mark E, but due to Covid-19 concerns, we should play it by ear. Lorraine T asked if it would be possible for Joan to dial in by phone. Dawn C responded that Joan has reception problems so that may be too difficult. Dawn C said that she is in touch with them once a week, and will continue to keep them assured that we’re ready when they are.
- Tony W reported that he had gone back-and-forth with Abbey at the Township, and that we are not permitted to manage our own subpage. It is unfortunate, but we can work with it. He and Abbey got a couple of updates done: Changed the Meeting Time, added that Schoolhouse Tours are not being offered due to Covid. He was still waiting for Historical Site Listings to be added to the page, will follow up with Abbey, and also address the orphaned page. Other updates are still a little ways out.
- Mark E. asked that this topic be moved to later in the meeting. Consensus agreed. No vote necessary.
- Mark E proposed formation of 3 sub-committees: Spackman Farm, Historical Preservation, and Friends of Lloyd Farm Exploratory. Mike B suggested a Marketing Sub-Committee. Tony W expressed interest in serving on a Marketing subcommittee.
- Mark E asked for a motion to create 4 Sub-Committees:
- Spackman Farm Sub-Committee
- Historic Preservation District Sub-Committee
- Friends of Lloyd Farm Exploratory Sub-Committee
- Marketing Sub-Committee
- Motion Moved by Lorraine T, second by Dawn C.
- Tony W asked if a Commission with only 8 active members could fill 4 sub- committees. Dawn C inquired about the Historical Preservation District Sub- Committee. Mark E stated that the Township Zoning Update is about to be undertaken, and that the Historical Commission could have a hand in how it is changed, including getting the existing Historical District Overlay written into the actual zoning. Paul M suggested consolidating to 2 Sub-Committees. Tony W suggested prioritizing Sub-Committees to comply with 30-60-90 day plans. Mike B concurred. Mark E suggested 3 Sub-Committees by folding Spackman and Lloyd Farm into 1 Sub-Committee, and keeping the Historical Preservation District Sub-Committee and Marketing Sub-Committee as already discussed.
- Mike B suggested committees within sub-committees. Mark E suggested a poll be taken on preference. Tony W said he could go either way, and that since each Sub-Committee should have 3 people, and we have limited membership, we can form additional Sub-Committees as needed in order of priority. Dawn C stated that she likes Sub-Committees with specific achievable goals within manageable timeframes. She likes the idea of grassroots outreach. Offered to serve on the Spackman Farm Sub-Committee. She also suggested Paul Stephens (if he agrees) would be great for that Sub-Committee. Dawn C also suggested that with her passion, Cathy C could spearhead Historic Preservation District, and that Leah J could be great for that Sub-Committee as well. She thought Tony W would be perfect for a Promotional Sub-Committee, and that we have the venues to get the word out – FB, Instagram, etc. that could be used to attract outsiders to get involved. Licia C suggested workstream approach rather than Sub-Committees and agreed with Dawn C’s preference for actionable projects with timelines that show results. Lorraine T stated her interest in the Marketing end of things. Mark E commented that everyone’s comments were very helpful, and explained his reasoning for “formalizing” sub-committees - that if things aren’t in stone, they disappear. Mike B suggested that Sub-Committees can cross-pollinate over time.
- Mark E withdrew his earlier motion and asked for a motion to form 3 Sub-Committees:
- Spackman/Lloyd Farm
- Historic Preservation District
- Marketing
- Motion moved by Lorraine T, second by Tony W.
- Licia C asked to confirm that Sub-Committees can bring in outside resources to help build out their plans. Mark E confirmed, and stated that the group had grown from 4 to 8 active members in 6 months, and that if we continue to take action and accomplish things, we will continue to grow to fill those Sub- Committees. Paul M reminded us that we are allowed to have up to 15 members. Dawn C responded that this is in the Township Ordinance and that the Historical Commission should be operating by. Paul M recommended everyone download the Ordinance. Licia C encouraged everyone to recruit for membership.
- Vote called by Mark E. Vote passed 4-0
- Mark E asked for a motion to create 4 Sub-Committees:
- Impending Demolition of vacant house at Golf Course (not Buchanan House)
- Mark E noted that there is a grant available to demolish the structure, and thought it would be a good idea to check with The Old Caln Historical Society regarding any historical significance the house may have.
- Dawn C offered to ask The Old Caln Historical Society.
- Tony D mentioned that is was the old Zinn House, and didn’t think it was historically significant. Discussion followed about Zinn Diner and their wonderful Strawberry Pie.
- Mark E asked the members if we should hold off on discussing 30-60-90 Day Priorities until he completes the spreadsheet. Lorraine T suggested that we table it. Consensus agreed. No vote necessary.
- Dawn C asked for confirmation that the Schoolhouse and Open Houses are completely on hold until all Covid restrictions have been lifted. Mark E confirmed. Dawn C stated that is was the same case at the Old Caln Meeting House, all tours and visits have been cancelled. Mark E shared Chester County’s up-to-date Covid numbers and hoped that things would improve so we can find our new normal. Dawn C shared that Covid is one of the reasons she really likes Tony W’s idea of starting to work the promotional aspects digitally. Mike B and Lorraine T reiterated importance of promoting safe social practices.
- Mark E said that he would send out a list of the Sub-Committees and member’s preferred assignments.
- Paul M asked to be kept informed of Spackman Farm Sub-Committee Meetings.
- Mike B suggested adding 6 month and 1 year goals to 30-60-90 Day plans. Mark E responded that the goals themselves will grow into 6 month and 1 year goals. He feared that if a one year goal is targeted, one year later you will have never started working on it. But if you keep it at manageable chunks, you get there. Mike B agreed with objectives vs goals and that 30-60-90 constantly keeps things moving forward.
- Dawn C asked to go on record for the minutes in thanking Mark E for the progress that’s being made at Spackman Farm.
Mark E asked for a motion to adjourn. Moved by Tony W, second by Dawn C. Mark E called the vote.
Motion passed 4-0.
Meeting adjourned at 8:04 PM.

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