The meeting was called to order by Chair Stephens at 7:05 PM. Secretary Evans announced that the meeting was being recorded, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Secretary Evans continued with Member Roll Call and introduction of guests.
- Paul Stephens – Chair
- Lorraine Tindaro – Vice Chair
- Dawn Coughlan – Liaison to OCHS
- Cathy Callahan
- Mark Evans – Secretary
- Patty DeFroscia
- Tom Parr
- Donna DiPrinzio
- Leah Jennings – Excused
Historical Commission Guests (2):
- Jamie Evans
- Mike Bedrick
Chair Stephens announced it was time for our annual reorganization, and asked for nominations for Chair
Mark E nominated Paul S.
Hearing no other nominations Chair Stephens called the vote.
Paul Stephens unanimously re-elected Chair.
Chair Stephens asked for nominations for Vice-Chair
Cathy C nominated Lorraine T. / Mark E nominated Dawn C.
Hearing no other nominations Chair Stephens called the vote.
Dawn Coughlan elected Vice-Chair 6-2.
Chair Stephens asked for nominations for Secretary
Lorraine T nominated Mark E.
Hearing no more nominations Chair Stephens called the vote.
Mark E unanimously re-elected Secretary
Chair Stephens asked for nominations for OCHS liaison
Tom P nominated Dawn C.
Hearing no other nominations Chair Stephens called the vote.
Dawn Coughlan unanimously re-elected OCHS liaison.
Chair Stephens asked for a motion to create an official position of Treasurer to keep track of our budget/expenditures and issue status reports
Moved by Mark E
Second by Cathy C
Vote called by Chair Stephens
Motion passed 8-0
Chair Stephens asked for nominations for Treasurer
Mark E nominated Donna DiPrinzio
Hearing no other nominations Chair Stephens called the vote.
Donna DiPrinzio unanimously elected Treasurer
Chair Stephens called for volunteers for each Sub-Committee
Dawn C., Mark E., Paul S.
Lorraine T., Mark E.
Cathy C., Leah J., Mark E., Patty D., Tom, P., Jamie E.
Tom P., Mark E., Donna D., Jamie E.
Chair Stephens noted that all are welcome to participate with each sub-committee
Approval of 12/21/22 Minutes
Chair Stephens asked if there were any comments or questions regarding the minutes of our 12/21/22 meeting. Hearing none, he asked for a motion to approve the 12/21/22 Minutes
Moved by Patty D
Second by Tom P
Vote called by Chair Stephens
Motion passed 8-0
- Mark E reported there are still have 2 prospective new members waiting to be interviewed, he hoped they would be on the agenda for the 1/26/23 BOC meeting. He introduced guest Jamie Evans as one the prospective members and pointed out that Janie was also at the 11/19/22 Spackman-Davis Farm event.
- Chair Stephens confirmed that we grew our membership to 9 in 2022 and asked what our maximum is. Tom Parr confirmed it was 15
- Mark E reported that at their 1/12/23 meeting the BOC gave their blessings for us to apply for the 2023 Walking Tours, the application and initial program plan were submitted on 1/13/23, and this could all be discussed further under new business
- Lorraine said she was still trying to get in touch with Elaine LaRoche for images of her wedding at the Schoolhouse
- Mark reported that the CCHPN Ledger has still not gone to press.
- Paul S noted that the ordinance and resources were pretty much in order. Mark E confirmed and said that the overall zoning project was given a 6-month extension to get it right, and that our ordinance would be a part of the zoning
- Mark added that the Mary Louise Lloyd House (now Copeland Run School) is a beautiful example of mid-century modern architecture and should be considered for inclusion on our list of resources. Paul S asked if we could get a photograph or 2 of the structure’s exterior and have Lloyd Farm SubCom bring it forward for a vote at next meeting to add based on architectural merit. Patty mentioned Parkside as Post WWII era homes that could be included, Paul added King’s Hwy has good WWII resources. If we see something that might qualify, make a note and we’ll research. Don’t need to add anything to our list right now. Tom Parr suggested another ride-around. Paul S mentioned mid-century modern home on Edge’s Mill. Tom Parr asked when HPO would be done. Mark said it’s done but waiting for full zoning to be complete.
- Tom P reported that he’s been keeping an eye on the house and asked if there had been movement by the owner to make repairs. Mark E confirmed that Zoning Officer Ray Stackhouse had taken care of contacting the owner, who sent images of the house now closed up
- Cathy C reported that she had received an email from Elizabeth Rarleigh and April Franz at the state who said they’d hired a new associate to help expedite the Edges Mill District application for the National Register. She’ll keep stirring the pot.
- Dawn reported Holiday Program was wonderful and they are looking forward to getting Paul S program scheduled for him to talk about his experience in the Park Service. Annual Membership fees are now due for 2023.
- Mark reported that it’s a new year and we have a fresh budget to work with. For 2023 we received the same amount as 2022, $1200. He will hand over responsibilities to new Treasurer Donna DiPrinzio and bring her up to speed, and that we can discuss potential 2023 expenditures under new business. Mark E thought we did a great job managing our budget. Confirmed that Patty D has not been reimbursed for buying the outdoor gas heaters
- Mark E apologized for not having a draft ready. Paul suggested we postpone until the February Meeting
- Paul reported that if we’re selected, we’ll need a work date out there to make it safe, “Spring Day of Service”.
- Mark said he was fleshing out some crazy/not so crazy ideas – we can start the tour at Spackman and continue through Edge’s Mill, ending at Beaver Creek Tavern. Maybe Tom Parr can figure out a way to have histories in an app at each other location.
- 2023 BUDGET
- Paul confirmed we will keep PAShare as part of our new budget, and that we should make a more concerted effort to use it. Mark and Paul will meet to tour the site and better understand how we can use it to upload our resources, archaeological sites, etc. And that Edges Mill National register nomination could be directly entered into the system by us.
- Mark clarified that we have only one seat and that the sign in is Keystone and only a couple people should not have those credentials. The Township should be given access. Paul said we should do a walkthrough for all at our next meeting.
- Paul suggested we renew memberships in all organizations we joined in 2022, and look into member’s rate for the annual meeting of Preservation PA.
Moved by Mark E
Second by Tom Parr
Vote called by Chair Stephens
Motion passed 8-0
- Tom Parr suggested we keep CLG on our radar even though we can’t do anything until we have our HPO approved. Paul agreed and said we would be able to take full advantage of funding available such as being 1st in line for Keystone Grants.
- Paul stated most of us had lived through what we did in 2022, but we should take a look for the benefit of our new members.
- Mark listed HPO, resources list, resource tour, expanded membership, CCHPN dinner was a highlight, it was our coming out party. We got 2 articles published – The Patch, Vista, rebuilt relationship with CCHPN with cross-membership, pulled off Spackman Farm event in short time, and our successful interaction with Fabrications was a great example of what we can do. Paul S added that the township newsletters Abbey did were great, we should continue with ongoing initiatives - we have great people and can keep our plate overflowing. Safe to say we were responsible for the township refocusing on Spackman Farm. He added it’s also appropriate that we look at where we came up short like the demolition of the house on the Golf Course. We’ll focus on 2023 priorities at the next meeting.
- It was reported that were 2-large dumpsters at the site. Mark said he thought we should have been notified when the owner applied for a dumpster permit, and that goes for all our Hx resources
- Tom P said he say on FB that the owner had posted he had big announcement coming re Buchanan House. Paul S said it was important to keep this on our radar so we can achieve our preservation goals.
- Cathy said there’s some nice mantels, Mark added the stained-glass transoms. Patty reported the large box-like devices from the back of the building have been removed. HVAC, jumbo fans and the like had been associated with the Crypto business. Patty added that years back the Hx Com had been given permission to salvage articles of significance that could reused, down to doorknobs. They were then given to OCHS to sell. Paul S mentioned that with the revived relationship with OCHS will make that possible in the future.
- Mark said he’d forgotten that one of his missions was to make as many contacts as we could I the Hx world, get our name out there and bring interest to our efforts, which he believed we were able to do with Spackman event, and to use that leverage in instances like this with Buchanan - we need all the help we can get. Cathy asked why it wasn’t on the National Register, Paul said there were issues with the integrity due to changes to the interior.
Chair Stephens asked for a motion to adjourn.
Moved by Donna D
Second by Mark E
Vote called by Chair Stephens
Motion passed 8-0
Meeting was adjourned at 8:19 PM