Hybrid, Wednesday August 16th, 2023
7:00 PM- 9:00PM
The meeting was called to order by Chair Evans at 7:05 PM.
Pledge of Allegiance
Mark Evans followed the pledge of allegiance with members Roll call and announcement of guests in attendance.
- Dawn Coughlan – Vice Chair/Liaison to OCHS
- Donna DiPrinzio – Treasurer
- Patty DeFroscia
- Tom Parr
- Lea Jennings
- Lisa Shields
- Jamie Evans (Remote)
- Lorraine Tindaro
- Cathy Callahan
- Mark Evans – Chair
Historical Commission Members Absent = 1
Historical Commission Guests (4)
- Abbey Swan
- Chris Parr
- Sam Weiner
- Helen Eckel
Chair Evans asked if there were any comments or questions regarding the minutes of our 6/14/23 meeting. Hearing none they asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the June 14th meeting.
Moved by Tom P
Second by Dawn C
Vote called by Chair Evans
Motion passed 10-0
Approval of 7/12/23 Minutes
Chair Evans asked if there were any comments or questions regarding the minutes of our 7/12/23 meeting. Hearing none they asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the July 12th meeting.
Moved by Tom P
Second by Patty D
Vote called by Chair Evans
Motion passed 10-0
OLD Business
Moved by Donna D
Second by Tom P
Vote called by Chair Evans
Motion passed 10-0
Chair Evans asked if there were any members interested in becoming secretary. Hearing none, they opened the floor for nominations, and nominated Lisa Shields as the new secretary. Hearing no other nominations, the floor was closed, and Mark asked for a motion to elect Lisa Shields Secretary.
Moved by Dawn C
Second by Tom P
Vote called by Chair Evans
Motion passed 10-0
Moved by Dawn C
Second by Tom P
Vote called by Chair Evans
Motion passed 10-0
- Looking at getting an electric line run under the house so you can have lighting and alarm for the property.
- Abby is working on getting quotes, nothing concrete at this point.
- Mark asked if Abby has any objections to getting a letter to the board so this can be budgeted for 2024?
- Call for additional volunteers to work on upcoming projects Lisa volunteered and Donna also said she could help.
- Tom noted that he had tried to get TV coverage out for Spackman Farm tour but no response from Fox 29.
- Donna suggested next year perhaps we could get advertising in Chester County magazine or County Times ad placement.
- Lorraine would like something in the winter newsletter spotlighting the wedding in the Schoolhouse since that’s around the time they were married.
- Mark Galant reviewing ordinance of what former Township manager sent. Mark asked that they wait until they get a newer version.
- Tom noted corn is high at Lloyd Farm.
- Elizabeth R out of office until August 21st but they have not been very receptive believes they are voting in October or November.
- Dawn and Lisa were both present on 7/6. Dawn walked Lisa through how the tour show flow.
- No visitors this Sunday from 1PM-3PM. Both Lisa worked on pulling weeds and tiding up inside of schoolhouse for next month’s tour.
- Dawn suggested that it should be built into the tour the responsibility of tiding up the schoolhouse and outside.
- Dawn needs volunteers for September and October tour 9/3 or 10/1.
ii. Abby noted she is working on Open House sign with VISTA Print graphics.
- Caln Community Day is coming up September 9th Dawn and Patty both need help setting up. Looking for volunteers.
ii.Mark also noted he might be able to help.
iii.Dawn also noted we would be helping with Flea Market on 8/27 a joint venture with Downingtown if anyone had anything they would like to donate.
- Donna reported on the remaining 2023 budget after Spackman Farm tour.
- Referenced 2023 CTCH Expenditures as of 8/8 remaining balance $104.60.
- Update on proposed 2024 budget together.
- Mark remarked best we ever had. We saw 307 attendees
- 8th all-time best attendance – broke record for attendance since COVID.
- Perhaps next year we should have pre-registration for next year’s tour.
- Abby shared information on Caln Community Day and thought we should have the Schoolhouse open for tours as well.
- Need volunteers for Parks & Recreation as they are going to have an obstacle course and other activities that people can help with on 9/9.
- The Downingtown Rotary would like to be more involved with CHC perhaps hosting smaller events on a quarterly basis.
- Initial discussion of a Holiday event – 2nd week in December at the Spackman Farm.
- Concern raised by Tom about lighting as this time of year it will likely be dark early.
- Mark noted we could use generators to help with lighting and heat if needed.
- We would have 90 days to begin planning but a consensus that they would be doable.
- Abby suggested CHC consider a 501 c3 as this will help with fundraising for Spackman Farm preservation.
- Would need to have contact with the Board of Commissioners. Mark said he would opt out.
- Tom, Donna and Sam said they would be interested in serving on with planning commission to qualify as a 501c3.
- We need to grow budget for 2024 perhaps submit as line items like they do for Parks & Recreation.
- Abby recommended we add line items to Spackman Farm budget proposal.
- Such as advertising budget, etc.
- Discussed thank you for tour bus driver at Spackman Farm – if we could send $100.00 from remaining budget to Sean – Leah has his card with address.
- Motion raised to use remaining funds of $100.00 for appreciation of job done.
- Mark will follow up with township to see if they can pick up donation for “Line It Up” equine handler at tour with horses perhaps donate a bale of hay.
- Abby recommended we add line items to Spackman Farm budget proposal.
Dawn needs shift coverage from 2PM -8PM for Caln Community Day.
- Tom and Chris can do the early shift 2-5:30PM
- Cathy will do 2nd shift
Chair Evans asked for a motion to adjourn.
Moved by Tom P
Second by Lisa S
Vote called by Chair Evans
Motion passed 10-0
Meeting was adjourned at 8:40 PM