- Paul Stephens – Chair
- Lorraine Tindaro – Vice Chair
- Mark Evans – Secretary
- Dawn Coughlan
- Patti DeFroscia
- Leah Jennings
- Cathy Callaghan (Excused)
- Mike Bedrick
- Tom Parr
- Micki McAllister
The meeting was called to order by Chair Stephens at 7:10 PM, who announced that the meeting was being recorded to expedite transcription of minutes, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Secretary Evans continued with Members Roll Call and introduced guests.
Chair Stephens asked if there were any comments/corrections on the minutes of the January 19, 2022 meeting. There were none.
Chair Stephens asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the December Meeting
Moved by Dawn C
Second by Leah J
Vote called by Paul S
Motion passed 6-0
- A report from our Marketing and Social Media sub com and approval of the Spackman Farm article for distribution to select local news outlets, pending our receipt of Hi-Res arial photos taken by Arro
- Spackman Farm sub com hosted a discussion about revisiting the naming convention used to designate Spackman Farm. There was also discussion of the Kings Highway Masterplan.
- Historical Preservation sub com hosted a discussion about the definitions of Class 1 and Class 2 historic resources. They also reported that pending completion and cross-checking of the Updated Historical Resource document, the Historical Preservation Ordinance was ready to be transmitted to the Zoning Taskforce.
- An update on PA SHARE - we now have a 1-year subscription
- Historical structures at Brandywine Hospital were discussed but it was determined they were not in Caln
- Organizations to consider joining remained tabled
- New Member Tom Parr delivered a detailed report on Certified Local Government and how to achieve that status
- Our membership to CCHPO needs to be renewed.
Chair Stephens asked for a motion to adjourn
Moved by Lorraine T
Second by Dawn C
Vote called by Paul S
Motion passed 6-0
Meeting was adjourned at 8:23 PM