The meeting was called to order by Chair Stephens at 7:05 PM. Secretary Evans announced that the meeting was being recorded, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Secretary Evans continued with Member Roll Call and introduction of guests.
- Paul Stephens – Chair
- Lorraine Tindaro – Vice Chair
- Mark Evans – Secretary
- Patty DeFroscia
- Leah Jennings
- Tom Parr
- Cathy Callahan
- Dawn Coughlan – Liaison to OCHS
- Donna DiPrinzio – Excused
Historical Commission Guests (3):
- Cheryl Spaulding
- Paul Mullin
- Mike Bedrick
Chair Stephens asked if there were any comments or questions regarding the minutes. Cathy Callahan asked for clarification on where the note about “classifications not being considered important anymore” came from. Mark E replied that it came from HPO guidance received from Megan McNish at SHPO. Tom Parr concurred. Hearing no other questions or comments, Chair Stephens asked for a motion to approve 10/19/22 Minutes, the 11/2/22 Special Meeting Minutes, and the 11/16/22 Minutes
Moved by Mark E
Second by Tom P
Vote called by Chair Stephens
Motion passed 6-0
Note: Dawn C and Lorraine T arrived after this vote, so 6 was unanimous
- Mark E reported that there are still 2 new prospective members waiting to be interviewed. he assumed that with budget, CU hearings, and end of year, the interviews will be held early 2023. Tom Parr noted they are Lisa Shields and James Evans.
- Mark E reported that the event on 11/19 was a success and drew approximately 40 people even in frigid cold temperatures. 6 people submitted suggestion forms for the future. The top suggestions were:
- Walking/Hiking/Bike Trails
- Wedding Venue/B&B/Amphitheater
- Picnic Areas
- Passive Farm Park (last farm in the township)
- Historic Reenactments
- Tenant Farming
- Christmas Events
- Native Gardens
- Office Space
- Mark noted that one of the commenters was Leslie Herr from the East Brandywine Trails Committee who said they would like to work together on having Spackman Farm bridge the trail gap Bondsville Mill Park and GO Carlson.
- There were only 2 negative comments: one comment that it is Spackman-Davis Farm, not Davis-Spackman Farm, and one comment that there was poor planning for handicap/limited mobility parking/walking. Paul S said often the negative comments are the most beneficial. There are some new codes for trails and parks. Generated interest in community, and we need to keep it up.
- Mark E reported that the event on 11/19 was a success and drew approximately 40 people even in frigid cold temperatures. 6 people submitted suggestion forms for the future. The top suggestions were:
- Lorraine T said there was nothing to report, still unable to get in touch with the woman who was married at the Schoolhouse for photos
- Mark E reported that the CCHPN Ledger has still not gone to press.
- Dawn C noted that she had a quick exchange with Jim Buczala who said he was able to remove the date from our ad and modified. Also want to be sure it is consistently identified as “Spackman-Davis”.
- Mark E reported the Sub Com met on 11/23. He, Dawn C, and Patty D reviewed the inventory for accuracy. Some changes were made. Will repost on Dropbox folder in new year
- Tom P reported that he had seen some recent disturbing images of the Lloyd House on social media. That Mark E had contacted Ray Stackhouse about the current situation, and he was going to reach out to the owner about getting it closed. It is private property and while the images were helpful, they were inappropriate.
- Cheryl S asked that we focus on one image that appeared to show a gas can in the open doorway. Mark shared his screen to show each of the images, it was agreed that it was. Not a gas can. Tom said he just hoped Ray could get it fixed. Paul S said it appeared one of the windows on the first floor appeared to have been raised, and that in his experience vandals don’t tend to open windows, they just bust them out. Squatters are the most likely answer. Cheryl S seemed convinced it was a gas can. Mark reiterated that focusing on getting our Historical Preservation Ordinance passed would make this demolition by neglect. He added that the concerned residents need to start a grassroots effort, form a 501-C3 “Friends of Lloyd Farm” and the ball is in their court. Paul S confirmed that the Historical Preservation Ordinance was the key. Mark said that as he often comments “what’s been done is in the past, and all we need to work on what can be done now”.
- Tom P reported that he had seen some recent disturbing images of the Lloyd House on social media. That Mark E had contacted Ray Stackhouse about the current situation, and he was going to reach out to the owner about getting it closed. It is private property and while the images were helpful, they were inappropriate.
- Cathy reported that April Franz’s Oct. 31st email said she would forward Cathy’s email to Elizabeth Rarleigh and stated “we are short-staffed but hoping to add staff to keep the Edges Milling District application moving. Mark said he thought we’ve now spent enough time waiting for them to take action, and we should pick up the ball in 2023 and get everything submitted through PAShare so we’ll be in control of the situation.
- Patty D added that the Buchanan House is for sale and there’s a sign up.
- Dawn said the Newsletter is ready to go out but was delayed by holidays. Dawn said it’s been a whirlwind of a year, but a great year. They’ve regrouped, reorganized, moved forward with their major fundraiser in the spring, the November dinner with Bruce Mowbray as speaker, and wonderful candlelight holiday event.
- Paul S added that Dawn asked him to put together a talk for the OCHS covering his experiences working with NPS and he may bring in some earlier history of himself. “Preserving the Past for the Future”: how the park service goes about trying to preserve buildings and resources under its control for the long haul as they look at things in perpetuity. It will be Sunday 2/12/23 at 2pm. Dawn said these talks were held twice a year before COVID at the Township Building but are asking to do it at the Meetinghouse.
- Mark noted that under Dawn’s leadership we’ve been able to reconnect with the OCHS, and it’s been wonderful working together.
- Tom Parr stated that he has a vintage handmade Christmas toy he’d like to donate to OCHS.
Dawn added that we should keep a track of donated goods such as Ed Artz providing professional sound. Should we offer him some form of compensation. Mark said he believed Ed would not accept money, but maybe a letter of thanks would be a good idea. Dawn said letters of thanks to all involved – speakers, Rep. Williams, Abbey Swan, P&R Com, Township, Ed, etc. Mark will write the letters; Paul S will sign them.
Annual Budget
PAShare Annual License
- Paul S said he assumed it was a recap of our year and asked if it was a formal presentation to the BOC, or just a written report. Mark said he wasn’t sure, just a requirement he found under Chapter 19. He shared a document he had started working on and asked for input from Members. Tom P suggested we note “we’re trying to have a bigger voice in the Twp, trying to get to the forefront, work with our neighboring township Historical Commissions, open up our township, break out forgotten ideas like Spackman-Davis, new ideas – that kind of energy that’s been infused back into our Commission. “This rock is rolling”. Mark said, “trying to capture the enthusiasm that “here we all were, 3 days before Christmas, still working hard and enjoying each other’s company”. LT added the Spackman-Davis event should be included. Paul S said recap entire year – grown our membership, established sub-coms to keep moving in many directions, were proactive, gone out in ways we can better the community”. Mark said he’ll be including his quarterly reviews. Paul S said the minutes tell it all, asked where they go? Mark said they’re kept in an online archive
Paul S asked if there was any additional business.
- Mark mentioned the email Paul and Mark received from Laura DiMateo 12/15 at on 2023 Walking Tours. He read the email to the group, and emphasized the theme was “agricultural history of Chester County”. He added the deadline was 1/13/23, before our next meeting, and suggested he work with Paul S to make a proposal. Patty D said we had done it twice in the past – Carver Court and a walking tour of Caln. Paul S said Spackman-Davis would be the most appropriate site, and asked what we can do for a tour, staffing, signage to interpret the site - we have some problems with safety issues and will require more than just us. We need to talk to the township and get their buy-in. Patty wasn’t sure we could be ready for it, Mark suggested we could possibly be ready by late summer. Paul said we can’t get into the house, and there are security issues. Tom brought up gopher holes, etc. Paul said there’s 2–3-foot hole/gap outside of the smokehouse door. Mark felt that this year’s theme being “Agricultural Heritage” is what drives him to want to apply, that the history of Spackman-Davis is the history of Chester County Agriculture. He referenced all that we were able to accomplish with very limited amount of time and that he believed we could come up with a way to make it safe for a short tour of the grounds. Paul S thought the Smokehouse, Springhouse, Barn could be made safe enough so that people could look inside; there are very few smokehouses that are intact like that one. Mark said at that time of year there will be corn, and that visual alone will make the house look better. Paul S said you can rope off an area inside the barn to bring people in for a look. Paul M was asked if he had thoughts about it. He thought if we could get partially inside the barn, it would be a beautiful view – you get a real feel of what the barn is about. The property itself, the corn, and just getting inside the barn should blow everybody away. Paul S thought with a couple of days in the spring out there with a shovel and dirt, we could certainly improve the condition and make it safe.
Mark E said he’d bring it up at the next BOC meeting under additional business and ask that it be on the agenda for discussion at the 1/12/23 BOC meeting. If approved, we’ll move forward.
Mark proposed a motion that pending BOC approval, based on the discussion we’ve just had, Paul S and Mark E prepare the application to submit by 1/13/23, establish what improvements must be done during Q-1, and keep open the window that we can pull out for safety concerns if needed.
Moved by Mark E
Second by Tom P
Vote called by Chair Stephens
Motion passed 8-0
- Mark sang Holly Jolly Christmas, thanked all for making 2022 such a great year.
Chair Stephens asked for a motion to adjourn.
Moved by Mark E
Second by Tom Parr
Vote called by Chair Stephens
Motion passed 8-0
Meeting was adjourned at 8:23 PM