The meeting was called to order by Chair Stephens at 7:09 PM. Secretary Evans announced that the meeting was not being recorded due to technical issues, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Secretary Mark Evans continued with Member Roll Call and introduction of guests.
- Paul Stephens – Chair
- Dawn Coughlan – Vice Chair/ Liaison to OCHS
- Mark Evans – Secretary
- Donna DiPrinzio - Treasurer
- Cathy Callahan
- Patty DeFrocia
- Tom Parr
- Jamie Evans
- Lorraine Tindaro
- Lisa Shields
Historical Commission Members Absent (1):
- Leah Jennings – Excused
- Rachel Wick
- Paul Mullin (Zoom)
- Mike Bedrick
Chair Stephens asked if there were any comments or questions regarding the minutes of our 3/15/23 meeting. Hearing none he asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the March 15th meeting.
Moved by Tom Parr
Second by Dawn Coughlan
Vote called by Chair Stephens
Motion passed 10-0
- Mark E. had nothing to report. Active membership stands at 11.
- Mark had no update on possible repairs to house roof and porch.
- Dawn C reported that the rain gutter on the farmhouse was damaged during a recent storm and has been hanging loose for weeks. Paul S said he would reach out to Ray Stackhouse to ask for it to be repaired. Mark E added that we’ve been lucky with no vandalism since last summer, but something like that hanging off the house send the message that no one is taking care of or checking up on the house. The sooner it’s fixed, the safer the farm will be.
- Mark reported that at the CCHPN luncheon Laura D encouraged all townships hosting Town Walks to get the news out via press releases, social media headlines, etc.
- Lorraine reported she had conducted an interview with Elaine LaRusa and Vincent Real and played a voice simulated recording. She’ll type it into word for the commission to review/edit.
- Mark E shared an ordinance update: Based on Jim Buczala’s comments about CLG eligibility, Mark has been making changes to both the HPO and the Hx Resource list. He also had a brief conversation with Megan McNish at the CCHPN Luncheon, followed by a zoom session on 4/4 to be sure we’re moving in the right direction. Paul S clarified that if we adopt our own criteria, similar to the National Register criteria, we’re not reliant on the secondary source such as the NR. Mark hopes to have a rough draft of the changes ready for our May meeting.
- Tom Parr reported that PERK tests have been performed at Lloyd Farm. The farmer has been over there killing weeds, but it doesn’t appear there is any agricultural use going on this year after all. He also said he’s about to follow up with Peggy Chillan at Copeland Run School re visiting Mary Louise Lloyd’s house. As the school year will be over soon, she should have more availability.
- Chair Stephens reported that there is a prospective buyer for Buchanan House who met with him, Vice Chair Coughlan, and Secretary Evans 4/14 at the Caln Meetinghouse. The prospective buyer shared his ideas for the property, which seemed to fit our goals that it be preserved and adaptively reused. Wants to open his real estate office on the property. Also said he’s interested in finding a lessee to run the restaurant part of the building. Overall, a positive and good meeting. There could be zoning issues with the township that are not our purview.
- Cathy C reported that she has been to the Chester County History Center researching the EM Corner House. Is surprised how little there is on it, but excited and will be going back again soon so we’ll have all we need to get the DOE submitted through PAShare.
- Mark reported Donna D typed up Cathy’s document, but that he has not had time to dig into it.
- Tours about to start. Need a coordinator for tour guide schedule. Dawn offered to take that on. Said we need June, July August. Cathy and Leah have May, Tom and Chris took June 4th, Donna took July, Lisa took August. She added that the schoolhouse tours are part of our mission. With many new members, Dawn suggested they attend a tour for training to get a feel for it, the script is in the desk drawer.
- Tom P will make copies of the key, we’ve had problems with making sure the guides can open the door. Paul S suggested we start a list for keeping track of who has keys and when they’re returned.
- Tom reported that he’d done research on alarming the schoolhouse (after the historic painting was stolen from FedEx Exton). He sent his recommendations and details to Chief Elias.
- Lighting the schoolhouse came up. Tom P said he would meet with Abbey at the schoolhouse to investigate why it’s not lit at night. Paul M said he thought it was always lit at night, but something must be wrong now. Dawn C said the batteries in the windows candles need replacing. Patty said there is a light above the door that seems to not be working. There was discussion of solar spotlights being placed around the building. Paul M thought it would be nice to have it light all the way around.
- Dawn reported that Saturday May 6th is the OCHS Flea Market and had posters we can share. Looking for more vendors.
- Mark asked about new membership rates for 2023. Dawn said $15 individual/$25 family. Added that membership funds are coming in slowly this year.
- Donna clarified our process for using budget funds – no more reimbursements. All expenditures must be approved by BOC, and invoices sent to Finance Dept.
- She added that our CCHPN membership should be coming up soon.
- Mark reported the annual report was sent to the BOC. So far none of the BOC members have acknowledged receipt or offered comments or questions.
- He added that he sent a copy of the Finance Section to the Finance Dept. so Lisa Swan is aware of how we’ve been using our budget.
- Mark said dropped the ball on getting a date for our “Spackman Day of Service”. Need to coordinate with Ray Stackhouse. Hoping to get it done within the next week.
- We received a packet with requirements and guides. Perhaps we can divide and conquer on these?
- First deadline is May 15th to provide liability insurance certificate of a minimum of $1mm for the day. If the township won’t cover the cost, perhaps we use part of our budget funds to carry the insurance. Donna offered to handle the insurance research. Paul M said we should send the insurance expenditure request to the BOC ASAP to be on the agenda for the next week’s meeting. We need BOC approval for all our expenditures.
Moved by Mark E
Second by Tom Parr
Vote called by Chair Stephens
Motion passed 10-0
- Whatever we can do to ease the burden on Public Works Dept. by doing ground maintenance ourselves. Paul S asked for confirmation that Twp will provide topsoil, Mark will send out a doodle poll to membership to determine possible days. We don’t all have to be out there at once, can do small groups.
- Dawn shared that OCHS has a number of volunteers already signed up to help out at the event. Paul S suggested we send out a sign-up sheet for individual roles. Dawn asked if we should discuss division of responsibilities tonight? Do we have a publicity plan? Abbey will design our brochure, and we don’t want to ask more of her. Paul S asked about parking. Mark E suggested offsite ideas.
- Chair Stephens suggested we form a TTVH Steering Committee to meet independently to make decision quickly and report back to the full Commission. Tom P said we need a script writer. Mark and Lisa volunteered. Tom is thinking outside the box for parking. Paul S asked we schedule a meeting date for 1st steering committee meeting now. Donna suggested the weekend of the 30th, we agreed on Sunday. Mark offered his house to meet. We will stay under a quorum.
- Tom will send an email to Ray S to schedule a walkthrough. Paul S said we’ll have a better idea of what logistics allow after the walkthrough.
Paul S asked if we want to approve an expenditure of our funds to cover alarming and lighting for the schoolhouse. Mark thought both might be covered by the township. Paul S tabled that discussion. Paul asked if Tom could reach out to the chief to regarding the alarm system.
- Chair Stephens announced that he is in the process of moving to a farm in Virginia, and May or June will be his last official meeting before he has to step down as chair, and once he moves, he will legally need to resign from the Hx Com. Mark said Paul is irreplaceable.
- Mark reported that American 250 was a big topic at CCHPN luncheon.
- “Continue the Journey toward a more perfect union”.
- 250 approach different from 1976 track. “Who, What, How”? “Inclusivity, Diversity, Participation”. The American Experience through different eyes. Our eclectic, shared experience. “What happened? Who have we become? Where have we not used the spirit of democracy effectively?” Where does history connect to today? From Native Americans to Penn’s values to agriculture, transportation, mills, taverns. “What were these people thinking about that made us different form the rest of the world?”
- Mark will send his notes around to all, once the walking tour out of the way.
- “Continue the Journey toward a more perfect union”.
- Mark reported that American 250 was a big topic at CCHPN luncheon.
- Donna added that she’ll be getting more details on our invoicing process.
- Paul Mullin thanked Paul S for all that he has done. He shared that it’s been a pleasure to know him and wished him all the best. He noted that we’re a great group, and all so involved. That he appreciates us and so does the BOC.
Chair Stephens asked for a motion to adjourn.
Moved by Lisa S
Second by Mark E
Vote called by Chair Stephens
Motion passed 9-0
Meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM