Caln Township Board of Commissioners
January 10, 2019
7:30 PM Work Session
6:30 PM Executive Session
Call to Order and Salute to the Flag
Citizens to be Heard
Township Solicitor – Ms. Camp
I. Discussion - 150 Parkside Avenue Easement
Township Manager—Ms. Denne
I. Griffith Farm Lease – Leonard Smoker
II. Teamsters Contract
Township Engineer—Mr. Kulakowsky
I. Planning Commission Update
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration
I. Resolution 2019-01 Appointing a Township Zoning Officer and Assistant Zoning Officer
Motion to approve the Bill List
I. General Checks 42711 to 42763
Minutes for Approval /Acknowledge
I. Motion to approve the December 27, 2018 Board of Commissioners Minutes
Boards and Commissions Updates—summary by applicable Board Liaison
I. Park and Recreation
III. Municipal Authority
V. Fire Board
VI. Historical Commission
a. Motion to approve the reappointment of Leah Jennings to the Historical Commission for another 5 year term of 2019 to 2023.
b. Motion to accept the resignation of Mary Coyne from the Historical Commission.
VII. Lincoln Highway
Additional Business
Public Comments

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