6:30 PM Workshop Session
Historic Resource Ordinance
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Passcode: 004559
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Passcode: 004559
Board of Commissioners
7:30 PM
Tonight's hybrid Board meeting will be held remotely via Zoom AND in person at the Caln Municipal Building. Please click here if you'd like to join the webinar remotely: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83564195406?pwd=b1JUbi9jUjNHZUc5S2VWaEYwR3B4Zz09
Passcode: 279607
Or to join by telephone: Dial +1 929 205 6099
Webinar ID: 835 6419 5406
Passcode: 279607
Resident comments will be accepted when the Board calls for them:
If you are logging on to the meeting using your laptop or other device, please click the “RAISE HAND” function at the bottom right of your screen to indicate that you would like to speak. When your name is called, please state your name and address and then make your brief comment. You can also submit comments via the "Q&A" function on your device.
If you are dialing in to this meeting by phone, you can press *9 to raise your hand to speak. When you are called upon, we will unmute your phone. State your name and address and make your brief comment.
You can also submit comments via email to [email protected] up until 4:00pm the day of the meeting.
Feel free to contact us with any questions at 610-384-0600 x148 or [email protected].
Call to Order and Salute to the Flag
Citizens to be Heard
Township Solicitor – Ms. Camp
- Historic Ordinance Review
- Discussion of LERTA Ordinance and Map
- Review of Resolution
- Consideration to Advertise an Ordinance Enacted Pursuant to the Local Economic Revitalization Tax Assistance Law (LERTA), Authorizing Tax Exemptions from Property Tax for Certain Deteriorated Industrial, Commercial, or Other Business Property; Defining Eligible Deteriorated Areas; Setting a Maximum Exemption Schedule; and Providing a Procedure for Securing an Exemption
Township Engineer
- Bid Results for 258 Horseshoe Drive Demolition
- Lowest Qualified Bidder for This Project is BrightFields, Inc., in the Amount of $73,600.00
Township Manager – Ms. Denne
- Review of Proposed Ordinance for Fees Associated with Portnoff Collections for Deliquent Accounts
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration
- Request for Consideration to Approve Resolution 2022-04 A Resolution Designating the 2022 Response Territories for Emergency Service in Caln Township (Tabled 01/13/2022)
- Request for Consideration to Advertise an Ordinance Approving Appointment of Solicitor, Interest Assessment and Attorney Fees and Collection Fees Added to the Amount Collected as Part of Unpaid Municipal Claims for Delinquent Accounts
Minutes to Approve
- Request to Consider Approval of Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes of June 30, 2022
Finance Department – Ms. Swan
- Motion to Approve General Checks 48491 to 48549
Boards and Commissions Updates – Summary by Applicable Board Liaison
- Parks and Recreation
- Municipal Authority
- Fire Board
- Historical Commission
- Lincoln Highway
Additional Business
- Consideration of Settlement Agreement and Acceptance of Resignation of Mitchell Rock as Deputy Chief of the Caln Police Department
july_14_2022_agenda.pdf |