Planning Commission Meeting Agenda
March 19, 2019
(Pre-Meeting Workshop Starts at 6:30 PM)
March 19, 2019
(Pre-Meeting Workshop Starts at 6:30 PM)
- Salute to the Flag
- Roll Call
- Approval of Minutes
- Communications
- Discussion Items:
- Downingtown Investors, LLC/Taco Bell (Expires 5/22/19)
- Villages at Hillview – Sewage Facilities Planning Module
- Downingtown Investors, LLC/Taco Bell (Expires 5/22/19)
- Old Business
- New Business
- Adjournment
- Active Subdivision & Land Development Projects:
- Villages at Hillview (Expires March 30, 2019)
- Downingtown Investors, LLC/Taco Bell (Expires 3/31/19)
- Dwell at Caln PRD 2011 (Expires 4/15/19)
- 150 Parkside (Expires 4/21/19)
- Hills at Thorndale Woods Final LD 2015 (Expires 3/31/19)
- 15 Fox Avenue (No Expiration)
- 1103 Foundry Street Sketch 2017 (No Expiration)
- 281 Norton Avenue Benne Sketch 2017 (No Expiration)
- Villages at Hillview (Expires March 30, 2019)

190312_caln_march_pc_agenda.pdf |