The burning of Yard Waste; leaves, sticks, limbs, and Trash or Construction Material is NOT permitted in Caln Township. Please be advised that this type of burning is ILLEGAL regardless of whether openly burned, or in a barrel. Offenders are subject to a fine in the amount not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), plus all court costs.
Given that Chester County and Caln Township are currently experiencing community-wide spread of COVID-19, there is a need to minimize any additional pressure on emergency personnel, both in terms of response and unnecessary potential contact with people who may have COVID-19.
Please note that Township Burning Regulations and an Outdoor Burn Permit Application (for recreational and bonfires only) can be obtained by clicking on the link below: (Outdoor Burning Prohibited) (Hazardous Operations Permit)
As a community we need to work together to assure the safety of everyone. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support.
For questions or concerns contact Raymond Stackhouse, Director of Building and Life Safety; rstackhouse@calntownship or 610.384.0600 x 157