253 Municipal Drive Thorndale, PA 19372
April 25, 2019 7:40 PM
Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
Attendance – Jennifer Breton-President, George Chambers-Vice President, John Contento-Commissioner (Absent), Joshua Young-Commissioner, Lorraine Tindaro-Commissioner, Kristen Denne-Township Manager/Secretary, Chuck Wilson-Township Treasurer, Kristin Camp-Township Solicitor, Bryan Kulakowsky-Township Engineer, and Denise Miller-Assistant Township Secretary.
Commissioner Breton asked for those who would like to speak to approach the podium and state your name and address each time you speak. She also noted that “Citizens to Be Heard” is for agenda items.
Citizens to Be Heard
Commissioner Breton called for Citizens to be Heard.
Township Solicitor – Ms. Camp
Consideration of Motion Granting Preliminary/Final Land Development Approval for Flex Space Building at 4060 Edge’s Mill Road – Ms. Camp noted that the Applicant has forwarded Ms. Denne agricultural renderings that were prepared and circulated via email to the Board which will be attached to the decision if the Board is satisfied with the agriculture which is substantially similar to the plans that were circulated, and would be how the condition is read. Commissioner Tindaro asked the Applicant to clarify the color. The Applicant replied “Beige”. Ms. Camp noted that she can add, to the proposed condition, that she did attach the plan to make it clear that it is a beige color. Commissioner Tindaro asked if the building is mostly steel construction aside from the cement and the stone base along the foundation. The Applicant replied “yes”. She asked if it includes the vertical panel on the east and west side and currently on the rendered plan north and south side. The Applicant replied “It shows all sides”. She then asked if there are three separate entrances like three separate buildings. The Applicant replied that there are three separate entrances/three dividing walls. Ms. Camp replied “three tenant spaces”. For Board consideration and after review of the project, Ms. Camp offered a Motion Granting Preliminary/Final Land Development Approval for Flex Space Building at 4060 Edge’s Mill Road.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to grant Preliminary/Final Land Development Approval for the flex space building located at 4060 Edges Mill Road. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Cathy Callahan 931 Bondsville Road, Cheryl Spaulding 406 Lloyd Avenue, and Mike Bedrick of 1701 Olive Street had questions and comments on the motion. Vote passed 4-0.
Township Engineer – Mr. Kulakowsky
Planning Commission Update – Mr. Kulakowsky gave a brief update.
1) April 16, 2019 Planning Commission Meeting discussion was held on two requested waivers for the CCIU horticultural structure. They asked if they could have smaller roof drains than the required 18” and a waiver from providing a 2” drop across the structures. Mr. Kulakowsky noted he nor ARRO have any objections to either waiver request. He also noted a positive recommendation from the Planning Commission for both waivers. He further noted that the Applicant will be in attendance of the May 9, 2019 Board meeting asking for a Preliminary/Final recommendation for Land Development.
2) Mr. Kulakowsky presented the Board with tentative dates for the 2019 road paving program. He also noted the following roads to be paved. G.O. Carlson Boulevard, Caln Meetinghouse Road, Kingsway Drive, North 11th Avenue, South Bailey Road and Wayne Avenue.
Township Manager – Kristen Denne
Consideration for Street Sweeping Award – Ms. Denne requested to table the street sweeping award until Mr. Fragale is in attendance.
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration
An Ordinance Guaranty Agreement for the Caln Township Municipal Authority– Ms. Denne noted that this is a motion for the advertisement for the Delaware Valley Regional Finance Authority (DELVAL) funding for the Municipal Authority to complete the pump station project. Ms. Camp noted that the actual loan will be from DELVAL to the Municipal Authority. She also noted that DELVAL requires the Township, because they have taxing power, to pledge a full faith credit of their taxes as a guarantee.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to advertise the Ordinance Guaranty Agreement for the Caln Township Municipal Authority, for final approval on May 9, 2019. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Passed 4-0.
Directors Reports
Police Department-Chief Elias – Chief Elias was absent.
Thorndale Fire Department-Chief Donnachie – Chief Donnachie noted a few highlights from his March 2019 report, which was previously provided to the Board.
Director of Buildings and Life Safety-Mr. Stackhouse – Mr. Stackhouse was absent.
Director of Public Works-Mr. Fragale – Mr. Fragale was absent.
Ingleside Golf – Mr. Ward noted a few highlights from his March 2019 report, which was previously provided to the Board. Mark DeYoung 20 Beaver Run Road asked if the Golf Course was losing money. Mr. Wilson replied “yes”. Mr. DeYoung also had further comments and suggestions for the Golf Course.
Finance Department Report-Mr. Wilson
Finance Monthly Report – Mr. Wilson noted a few highlights from his March 2019 report, which was previously provided to the Board.
Consideration to Accept the Municibid for a 2008 Ford Escape in the Amount of $4,800 and a 2010 Ford Escape in the Amount To Be Determined – Mr. Wilson requested to table this motion until the next Township meeting until he receives the 2010 Ford Escape bid amount.
Bill List for Approval – General Manual Check 44 and General Checks 43157 to 43221 – Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to approve general manual check 44 and general checks 43157 to 43221.
Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Young. Cheryl Spaulding 406 Lloyd Avenue had several questions on the motion. Vote passed 4-0.
Additional Business
With great regret, Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to accept the resignation from Commissioner Contento from the Board of Commissioners position. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Vote passed 4-0.
Commissioner Breton noted that the Township will be accepting applications to fill Mr. Contento’s remaining 2019 position ending December 31, 2019 then there will be a special election on the ballot to fill his remaining two years. After further Board discussion, The Township will be accepting applications until May 10 and interviews will be held on May 16 at 7:00 PM. The Board changed the May 30 Board meeting to May 23 to accommodate the requirement to make an appointment. Ms. Camp noted that if the current four Member Board do not make a decision then the four Members and the Vacancy Board Member have another fifteen days to make a decision. If an appointment is still not made, then the Court of Common Please will make it. Ms. Denne noted that Vacancy Board Member, Al DiMatteo is aware of this.
Commissioner Breton noted the Township Vacant Volunteer open positions will be appointed at the May 9 Board Meeting.
Commissioner Breton noted volunteers are needed for Caln Pride Day on April 27, starting at 8:00 AM.
Public Comments
Rick Urban of 54 Carlson Way requested that the For Sale Sign be removed from Lloyd Farm if it is not for sale. He also noted the over grown weeds/grass at the property. Commissioner Breton noted that this is something that Ray Stackhouse would look into.
Joseph Chrupcala of 10 Joseph Court noted cars coming from the gas station at Lloyd and Manor traffic light who make a left turn in front of cars making a right turn. Bryan Kulakowsky noted that the Township Engineer has noted that part of the light it is not functioning correctly. Signal Services is working with the Manufacture to get the video card. Commissioner Breton noted that Mr. Kulakowsky will provide an update on the light at the next meeting.
Joe Reich of 400 Lloyd Avenue noted he spoke with PennDot employee Paul Lutz who is in charge of the signaling of the Lloyd Avenue Bridge and Mr. Lutz said that PennDot is willing to do a lot of the engineering. He also stated that Mr. Lutz was adamant that the Township request a permanent permit and move forward with a light. Bryan Kulakowsky noted that he and the Township Engineer also spoke with Mr. Lutz and they are working on the engineering and a draft survey. Commissioner Breton noted they will look at the engineering costs before they move forward with anything.
Mark DeYoung of 20 Beaver Run Road noted the Sunshine Law, and the requirement of announcing Executive Sessions at the meeting. Commissioner Breton noted that they very rarely meet in Executive Session and when they do, they put it on the agenda. She also noted that the Board has been having open position interviews which are not an executive session. She then noted they had two prior to tonight’s meeting.
Cathy Callahan of 931 Bondsville Road thanked the Board for keeping the public informed on the proposed flex building at 4060 Edges Mill Road, and always having it on the agenda.
Mark Evans of 103 Ayerwood Drive noted the bad accident on Lloyd Avenue and the speed limit. Mr. Evans further acknowledged Commissioner Contento’s retirement from the Board
Commissioner Breton made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Young, to adjourn the April 25, 2019 meeting at 8:45 PM. Vote passed 4-0.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Denise Miller
Assistant Township Secretary
commissioners_minutes_4.25.2019.pdf |