Board of Commissioners November 12, 2024
7:30 PM Hybrid Board Meeting Minutes
Board Members Present: Paul Mullin-President, Joshua B. Young-Vice President, Jane Kennedy-Commissioner, Lorraine Tindaro-Commissioner, and Mark Evans-Commissioner.
Staff Members Present: Don Vymazal-Township Manager and Secretary, Denise Miller-Assistant Township Secretary and Administrative Assistant, Abbey A. Swan-Director of Community Enhancement, Johnnie Huggins- Public Works Director, Nicole Shannon Manager/Superintendent-Ingleside Golf Course, Ray Stackhouse-Director of Building and Life Safety, Lisa L. Swan-Finance Director and Treasurer, and Police Chief Elias.
Professionals Present: Kristin Camp-Township Solicitor.
Special Guest: N/A
The Board of Commissioners’ (BOC) November 12, 2024, agenda was posted on the Township website, at the Township building on November 11, 2024, and agendas were made available for the public, at the meeting. The 2024 Township BOC meetings were published in the Daily Local Newspaper, on December 27, 2023.
Call to Order and Salute to the Flag - Commissioner Mullin called the meeting to order at 7:40 PM and called for the Salute to the Flag.
On behalf of the Board, Commissioner Mullin recognized police officers who served our country and now serve the Caln Township Community: Sergeant Joshua Whisler, Detective Tyler Reese, Officers Michael Cabry, Travis Hodes, Colin Kaiser, and Charles Norwood. Officer Norwood is currently deployed on active military duty.
Citizens by Request
Mark DeYoung of 20 Beaver Run Road asked how the Township Planning Commission can have a walkthrough with Mainline Health on their proposed medical center without informing the public. Ms. Camp replied that the Township Planning Commission did not have a walkthrough with Mainline Health; however, they made a presentation at the Planning Commission October 15 advertised meeting.
Presentation: 2025 Budget – Ms. L. Swan presented the 2025 proposed budget with no increase to the General Fund, Debt Service Tax, or Municipal Waste and Recycling. There has been an increase for the Thorndale Volunteer Fire Department from .88 millage rate to 1.134 millage rate, Emergency Medical Services from .20 millage rate to .40 millage rate, and a sewer bill increase of $2.00 per bi-monthly invoice. Ms. L. Swan continued with a power point presentation of the 2025 budget.
Commissioner Evans asked what percentage of school tax is on the resident’s township invoice. Ms. Swan replied that it is 70%. Commissioner Evans stated that $40 million of school taxes is paid to charter schools.
Tony DiSario of 251 Loomis Avenue asked what the $8.1 million bond money was used for. Ms. L. Swan reviewed the budget power point completed projects costing approximately $5 million and open projects to cost approximately $4.2 million.
Marc Fox of 256 Thornridge Drive asked how much FEMA money the Township received from storm Ida. Commissioner Young replied that the Township has not received any money yet. Ms. L. Swan stated that there is $3.8 million remaining for the bond. Commissioner Young stated that the other intended projects will amount to more than $3.8 million using more than the $8.1 million bond.
1. Township Manager
1.1 2025 Yearly Meeting Schedule – Mr. Vymazal presented the 2025 yearly schedule for Board review and
adoption at the December 12 Board meeting. Mr. Vymazal stated that the meeting dates are consistent with the 2024 meeting dates, with no major changes.
1.2 Turf Equipment and Supply Company – For Board consideration, Mr. Vymazal presented a sprayer to be
used primarily for the golf course and can also be used for other various areas in the Township to control weeds. Mr. Vymazal stated that the cost is $70,602.84 to be paid from ARPA funds that came from the pandemic relief funding.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve COSTARS company Turf Equipment and Supply authorizing the purchase of a Toro Multi Pro 5800 sprayer, in the amount of $70,602.84 paid from ARPA funding. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. The vote passed 5-0.
1.3 Hydro Compact Tractor – For Board consideration, Mr. Vymazal presented a tractor for the golf course in the
amount of $33,700.00 to be paid from ARPA funding. Mr. Vymazal stated that there is approximately $149,000.00 remaining in the fund, which must be used or returned to the county.
Commissioner Kennedy asked if the remaining funds could be used for other needed projects in the Township. Mr. Vymazal replied that staff decided that the best use of the remaining balance was to buy equipment because there are time factors in doing projects.
Mr. Disciullo of 235 Park Drive asked if the Township could purchase chipping equipment with ARPA funding, so residents can bring their debris to the township building other than their usual time. Commissioner Young asked if the township still has a chipper. Mr. Vymazal replied that it does; however, the larger piece of multi municipal shared equipment was ruined. Mr. Vymazal also replied that the Township can review Mr. Disciullo’s request.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to authorize the COSTARS purchase of a Hydro Compact Tractor, from Massey Ferguson, in the amount of $33,700.00. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy. The vote passed 5-0.
1.4 Caln Meetinghouse Structural Assessment Phase 1 Services Agreement – For Board consideration, Mr.
Vymazal presented a PSA to engage with the Township Engineer, Gilmore and Associates to complete Phase 1 of an initial structural assessment, in the “not to exceed” amount of $4,500.00. Mr. Vymazal stated that Quaker Stewards approached the township and asked if the Township would consider partnering with them or make an arrangement to preserve the Caln Meetinghouse Historic Property. An initial structural assessment is the first step before a potential partnership or agreement is made.
Commissioner Evans stated that the Old Caln Meetinghouse (OCHC) was founded in 1726 and is owned by a non-profit of Quaker Stewards with approximately three stewards remaining. The Quakers are concerned with the future of the meetinghouse. Commissioner Evans also stated that the property includes a meeting space and cemeteries. One cemetery includes African Americans from the civil war. The meeting house is also listed on the National Register of Historic Places which makes it available for possible grants. Commissioner Mullin stated that the initial assessment is to check the structural integrity of the building and protect the township before the possibility of assuming responsibility of the Old Caln Historical Society and the meeting house.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve and authorize the Township Manager to sign Gilmore & Associates service agreement for the Caln Meetinghouse Structural Assessment Phase 1, for a “not to exceed” price of $4,500.00. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Young. The vote passed 5-0.
1.5 Volunteer Firefighter Tax Credit – Mr. Vymazal recommended moving this matter under Ordinances and
Resolutions. The Board accepted Mr. Vymazal’ s recommendation.
1.6 Lincoln Highway Holiday Lighting – Mr. Vymazal stated that the decorative streetlights have been updated to
accommodate the illuminated holiday lighting. Mr. Vymazal also stated that the holiday lighting will be installed in a couple of weeks.
Illaria Steel of 411 Barley Sheaf Road stated that holiday decorations have been discussed for 25 years.
1.7 Boards and Commissions Opening and Vacancies – Mr. Vymazal stated that there are various opportunities for Boards and Commissions within the Township.
1.8 John Woodcock Appointment – Commissioner Mullin stated that Mr. Woodcock was interviewed by the Board
prior to the November 7, 2024, Board meeting, and he is an excellent candidate for the Planning Commission.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to appoint John Woodcock to the Planning Commission for the remaining 2025-year term. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. The vote passed 5-0.
1.9 Land Swap Proposal – 425 Bondsville Road Apartments Project/3400 Kings Highway Development – Mr.
Vymazal presented a senior affordable apartment complex project at 425 Bondsville that was proposed several years ago. Following the extension of conditional use and before land development, the Board asked the applicant, Mr. Risbon, to review the township stormwater ordinance. Mr. Risbon approached the Township with a land swap proposal to relocate 3.48 acres, located at 425 Bondsville Road, to a parcel of land located at 3400 Kings Highway. In exchange the Township would receive the 3.48-acre property in exchange for a development at 3400 Kings Highway, which is located across from the Spackman-Davis Farm.
Mr. Risbon stated that he is in attendance tonight to answer residents' questions.
Tony DiSario of 251 Loomis Avenue asked if the Township would own the 3.48 acres located at 425 Bondsville Road if there was a land swap, also what would happen with the installed pipes on the same property. Mr. Risbon replied that there is minimal pipework there. Mr. Risbon also replied that if the land swap were approved then he would turn the 3.48-acre property back to nature if the Township would like him to. Mr. Risbon stated that he will bring public water and sewer from the property located at 3400 Kings Highway down to Turkey Hill, if the proposed land swap happens.
Mr. Disciullo of 235 Park Drive asked the Board if they would sell the land at 425 Bondsville Road if the Township became the owners of the property. Commissioner Mullin replied that the current Board will keep the property as open space. Ms. Camp stated that the Board could deed restrict this property.
Peter Callaghan at 931 Bondsville Road stated that they live where Mr. Risbon said that he would bring public water and sewer. Mr. Callaghan asked the total acreage at 3400 Kings Highway. Mr. Vymazal replied that the property is thirty acres. Ms. Camp stated that both properties would have to be surveyed. The 3.48 acres will be assessed as an approved plan with zoning and land development approvals.
Christina Snyder of 1504 Fitzwilliam Court stated that she is concerned if a fourth entrance point is added to 3400 Kings Highway.
Donna DiPrinzio of 211 Garden View Drive stated that she would like to keep 3400 Kings Highway as open space.
Daniel Fallon Esquire is in favor of the land swap.
Cathy Callaghan 931 Bondsville Road stated that she would like to keep 3400 Kings Highway as open space and does not want to tie into public water and sewer.
Vince Talucci of 3513 Kings Highway asked if the property located at 3400 Kings Highway was purchased with county grant funds. Ms. Camp replied that it was not purchased with county grant funds. Commissioner Young replied that the township building was supposed to go on that property. Commissioner Mullin replied that Spackman-Davis Farm was purchased with county grant money. Mr. Talucci stated that he would like 3400 Kings Highway to stay as open space.
Katrina Spaulding of 2715 East Kings Highway would like to keep 3400 Kings Highway as open space.
David MaClasky of 2802 East Kings Highway is concerned with more traffic and does not want to see apartments at 3400 Kings Highway.
Ross Ferdman of 1309 Bondsville Road stated that he is in favor of townhomes at 3400 Kings Highway. He stated that he is also in favor of Mr. Risbon taking public water and sewer to the Turkey Hill.
Commissioner Evans read an email from Albert DiMatteo of 3000 Fisherville Road. Commissioner Evans stated that Mr. DiMatteo is the treasurer of the Spackman-Davis Farm. Mr. DiMatteo is concerned with an increase in traffic and wildlife around 3400 Kings Highway.
Daniel Fallon Esquire asked if this is a situation where if the land swap does not happen, Mr. Risbon will build a senior affordable apartment project at 425 Bondsville Road. Commissioner Mullin replied “yes.” Commissioner Evans asked Mr. Fallon if he is representing Mr. Risbon. Mr. Fallon replied that he is not representing Mr. Risbon.
Cheryl Spaulding of 406 Lloyd Avenue stated that she does not know why the Township is talking about this matter now. This property is not on the market for sale. Ms. Spaulding also stated that 3400 Kings Highway belongs to all the residents of Caln, and she would like it kept as an open space.
Dan Hagan of 211 Park Drive stated that traffic will get worse if the Cohen property located at 4109 Lincoln Highway and the property located at 3400 Kings Highway construction goes in.
Commissioner Mullin stated that the Board will discuss this land swap proposal further. He also stated to call the Township if there are any more questions.
1.10 Spackman-Davis Farm Holiday Decorations – Mr. Vymazal stated that a request was brought forward to
decorate Spackman-Davis Farm for the Christmas Holiday, as it was in 2024. Commissioner Evans and Tom Parr
of the Historical Commission stated that Spackman-Davis Farm will be decorated as it was in 2024.
Illaria Steel of 411 Barley Sheaf Road stated that the Quakers never put bows or ribbons on the schoolhouse door or put candles in the windows.
Cathy Callaghan 931 Bondsville Road commented about putting red bows and candles at her house.
Commissioner Mullin stated that he has concern with the sleigh getting ruined from being out in the weather because it is used for Santa Claus. Ms. A. Swan replied that the Parks and Recreation Board does not use the sleigh anymore because they found an area with better lighting and accessibility. Commissioner Mullin asked if the Christmas tree will be donated for the Spackman-Davis Farm this year. Commissioner Evans replied that the tree will be paid for from their budget; however, Jefferis Family Farm will cut down a tree down for them and give them a good price for the tree.
1.11 PennDOT Connects/DVRPC Complete Streets Resurfacing Program – Mr. Vymazal stated that the Chester
County Planning Commission contacted the township regarding a PennDOT proposal to do a resurfacing program to for various roadways. Chester County Planning Commission and the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission is requesting a letter from the Township before the end of the month if they would like to participate in the project. From a complete streets perspective for areas there is no official and formal trail; however, they can dedicate safety procedures along residential streets. In some cases, it is a permanent feature, in other cases it is an attempt to mitigate trail connections until a more permanent trail system can be developed.
Mr. Vymazal stated that the Chester County Planning Commission is seeking interest if the Township would like PennDOT to review and design possible Complete Streets Shared the Road Standards for Hazelwood Avenue between Marshallton/Thorndale Road and Embreeville Road. This would involve signage, roadway stripping for cyclists and silowet on the roadways. PennDOT would oversee designing and installation of any improvements from a safety standpoint. Upon completion of the project, if PennDOT accepts and feels this would be appropriate for that location, the township would be responsible for the upkeep.
Commissioner Mullin asked if the roads are wide enough to do this. Mr. Vymazal replied that this is a residential road. Ms. Camp replied that when PennDOT improves their projects on roads, they will make it wider to extend the road in the right of ways so there is extra space for bike lanes.
Tonya Hopkins of 348 Essex Street asked if there are funds for additional green arrows at busy intersections. Ms. Hopkins asked who at the township would she schedule a meeting with to discuss this further. Mr. Vymazal replied that he would meet with her.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to incorporate bicycle facilities into Streets Resurfacing Project in concert with PennDOT Connects Initiative on Hazelwood Avenue between Marshallton/Thorndale Road and authorize the Township Manager to send a Township letter to PennDOT. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. The vote passed 5-0.
2. Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration
2.1 Volunteer Firefighter Tax Credit – This ordinance was previously 1.5 on the agenda and moved to Ordinances
and Resolutions for consideration. Mr. Vymazal stated that Chester County enacted a policy to provide a tax credit to those who dedicate their service to their community as volunteer firefighters. Various Municipalities drafted a similar ordinance and policy to encourage and incentivize being a volunteer firefighter. To reduce some administration functions associated with insuring that the provisions in this ordinance are met, the Township would receive documentation from the county that the ordinance provisions have been met.
Commissioner Young stated that this ordinance is also about retaining the volunteers that are already volunteer firefighters. Commissioner Young asked Mr. Stackhouse to present what it takes to be a volunteer firefighter. Mr. Stackhouse stated that you must have three hundred plus hours of training to be qualified and continue with education to remain a volunteer.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to authorize Ms. Camp to advertise the volunteer firefighter tax credit ordinance. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Evans. The vote passed 4-0.
2.2 Ordinance 2024-06 Authorizing the Advertisement of the Adoption of Setting the Township Taxes – For Board
consideration, Mr. Vymazal offered Ordinance 2024-06 for adoption of setting the Township taxes. Mr. Vymazal stated that these taxes were presented in the budget presentation.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to authorize the advertisement of Ordinance 2024-06 for the adoption of setting the Township taxes. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy. The vote passed 4-0.
2.3 Ordinance 2024-07 Authorizing the Advertisement of Adopting the 2025 Budget for all Township Funds – For
Board consideration, Mr. Vymazal offered Ordinance 2024-07 for the advertisement of adopting the 2025 budget.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to authorize the advertisement of Ordinance 2024-07 for the expenditures and expenses as delineated in the year 2025 budget. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Evans. The vote passed 5-0.
2.4 Resolution 2024-25 Police Statewide Local Share Assessment Grant – For Board consideration, Mr. Vymazal
offered Resolution 2024-25 applying for a State Local Share Assessment Grant in the amount of $142,763.74 for two police electric vehicles.
Chief Elias stated that if they are successful with this grant they will have acquired over $400,000.00 in grant funding for equipment. not including the anticipated $100,000.00 from a former police officers’ mother. Chief Elias also stated these two electric vehicles will fit in with the Townships’ Sustainability plan.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve Resolution 2024-25 authorizing the police department to apply for a Statewide Local Share Assessment Grant in the amount of $142,763.74, to be used for the purchase of two (2) 2025 Chevrolet Blazer Electric Police Pursuit vehicles in 2025, and to authorize Police Chief Elias and Finance Director Lisa Swan to execute all documents and agreements between Caln Township and the Commonwealth Financing Authority, and to authorize the finance department to cut a $100.00 check for the grant application fee. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Young. The vote passed 5-0.
2.5 Resolution 2024-26 Thorndale Volunteer Fire Company Statewide Local Share Assessment Grant – For Board
Consideration, Mr. Vymazal offered a grant opportunity to fund approximately half of the next apparatus that is required for the Thorndale Volunteer Fire Company.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve Resolution 2024-26 authorizing Township staff to apply, on behalf of the Thorndale Volunteer Fire Company, for a Statewide Local Share Assessment Grant, in the amount of $638,546.00, to be used for the purchase of an Enforcer Heavy Duty Rescue Pumper, and to authorize the Township Manager Don Vymazal and Finance Director Lisa Swan to execute all documents and agreements between Caln Township and the Commonwealth Financing Authority, and to authorize the finance department to cut a $100.00 check for the grant application fee. Moved by Commissioner Kennedy and seconded by Commissioner Evans. The vote passed 5-0.
3. Board Minutes to Approve
3.1 October 31, 2024
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve the October 31, 2024, Board minutes. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. The vote passed 5-0.
4. Financial Department
4.1 Finance Report – N/A
4.2 Checks 52986 to 53061
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve checks 52986 to 53061. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy. The vote passed 5-0.
5. Summary by Applicable Board Liaison
5.1 Parks and Recreation – Commissioner Kennedy stated that the tree lighting will be held on December 8 at
5:00 PM. Toys for Tots will be collected, and the police station will have a drop box for toys.
5.2 COG – Commissioner Kennedy stated that there has been no new business from what she has been reporting.
5.3 Municipal Authority – Commissioner Mullin stated that Gilmore & Associates (Gilmore) is currently working
on the Phase 2 design portion of the Raye Road project, Gilmore finished the 2025 grouting project and went live on PennBid on October 18, and Gilmore sent plans for the Granger Lane/Caln Meetinghouse extension project to Williams Tranco Pipeline on September 30 for review for the proposed crossing of their gas line.
5.4 DARA – Commissioner Mullin stated that they continue to work on designs for a modernization grant.
5.5 Fire Board – Commissioner Mullin stated that there was not a meeting held in October.
5.6 Historical Commission – Commissioner Evans stated they were discussing their 2025 budget request, the
Spackman-Davis Farmhouse roof is currently being replaced; the Old Caln Historical Society held their first
historical scanning event on November 9, and the best picture that was scanned is lighting the tree at the tree
5.7 Lincoln Highway – Commissioner Young stated that they did not hold a meeting due to a Township budget
committee meeting.
5.8 Ingleside Golf Course – Commissioner Tindaro stated that the golf course aerification has been completed,
the new golf pro and operations manager has been selected and will be revealed shortly, and their next meeting will be held on November 25.
6. Additional Business – There was none.
7. Public Comment
Tony DiSario of 251 Loomis Avenue was concerned with the black coal dust blowing onto his property from the old wharf by the Amtrak railroad tracks. Mr. Stackhouse replied that Amtrak finished encapsulation so he cannot explain the black coal dust on Mr. DiSario’ property.
8. Adjournment – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adjourn the November 12, 2024, Board
meeting. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy. The vote passed 5-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Denise Miller
Assist. Township Secretary
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