Board of Commissioners December 12, 2024
7:30 PM Hybrid Board Meeting
Board Members Present: Paul Mullin-President, Joshua B. Young-Vice President, Jane Kennedy-Commissioner (via Zoom), Lorraine Tindaro-Commissioner, and Mark Evans-Commissioner.
Staff Members Present: Don Vymazal-Township Manager and Secretary, Denise Miller-Assistant Township Secretary and Administrative Assistant, Abbey (A.) Swan-Director of Community Enhancement, Johnnie Huggins-Public Works Director, Nicole Shannon-Manager/Superintendent-Ingleside Golf Course, Ray Stackhouse-Director of Building and Life Safety, Lisa (L.) Swan-Finance Director and Treasurer, Scot Gill-Municipal Authority Director (via Zoom), and Police Chief Elias.
Professionals Present: Township Solicitor Kristin Camp and Engineer Ross Bickhart.
Special Guest: N/A
The Board of Commissioners’ (BOC) December 12, 2024, agenda was posted on the Township website, at the Township building on December 11, 2024, and agendas were made available for the public, at the meeting. The 2024 Township BOC meetings were published in the Daily Local Newspaper, on December 27, 2023.
Call to Order and Salute to the Flag - Commissioner Mullin called the meeting to order at 7:43 PM and called for the Salute to the Flag.
Commissioner Mullin stated that there was an Executive meeting prior to tonight's meeting regarding legal and labor issues.
Citizens by Request – There were none.
Presentation: Barry Cassidy – Revitalization Fund – Mr. Cassidy representing the Downingtown Flood Committee had thirty projects presented at their first meeting, so the Resilience Fund hired someone to assess the projects. The Downingtown Flood Committee discussed having Caln Township join their committee to address Beaver Creek as a joint effort.
Commissioner Mullin stated that most of the work to be done is in Downingtown and part of Lloyd Avenue is in Caln Township.
Cheryl Spaulding of 406 Lloyd Avenue stated that she is on the Downingtown Flood Committee and offered to be the liaison between the Flood Committee and Caln Township.
Dan Hagan of 217 Park Avenue stated that his neighbor previously sent the township emails on Beaver Creek.
2025 Budget Hearing and Public Presentation – Ms. L. Swan stated that the budget was displayed and advertised per
the First-Class Township Code. Ms. L. Swan also stated that she was not aware of any public comments or concerns
regarding the proposed budget.
1. Ordinances
1.1 Ordinance 2024-06 Adoption of Setting the Township Taxes
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adopt Ordinance 2024-06 setting the real estate tax rate for 2025. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. The vote passed 5-0.
1.2 Ordinance 2024-07 Adopting the 2025 Budget for all Funds
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adopt Ordinance 2024-07 adopting the 2025 Township budget for all funds. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Evans. The vote passed 5-0.
2. Department Director Reports – November 2024
2.1 Minquas EMS – N/A
2.2 Fire Department – N/A
2.3 Building and Life Safety – Mr. Stackhouse reported that permits were issued for the Hills at Thorndale Woods. Mr.
Stackhouse also reviewed other departmental progress.
2.4 Community Outreach – Ms. A. Swan reported the continuation of receiving historic photos, and Caln Township
Participated in Chester County’s political sign collection campaign. Ms. Swan also reported on other Township community events.
2.5 Ingleside Golf Course – Ms. Shannon reported 80% in revenue over 2023 revenue. Ms. Shannon also reported that
staff continue to improve the golf course.
2.6 Municipal Authority – Mr. Gill reported that a new trash/recycling contract was signed with a reduction in cost.
Mr. Gill also reported on the status of other projects in his department.
2.7 Police – Chief Elias reported that Cadette Kenny Costello graduates from the police academy tonight. The state
will reimburse the Township 75% of his tuition and 45% of his salary, while attending the academy. Chief Elias also reported on other matters in the police department.
2.8 Public Works – Mr. Huggins reported on the progress within the public works department.
3. Township Solicitor
3.1 Public Hearing: Real Estate Tax Credit to Qualifying Volunteers Ordinance – Ms. Camp stated that this hearing is
for a 100% real estate tax credit for any Chester County fire department or EMS Department volunteer, approved by Chester County. You must own your property or jointly own it and have it as your primary residence to qualify. Ms. Camp also stated that this ordinance was advertised in the Daily Local News paper on December 4, 2024, and sent to the Chester County Law Library for public inspection.
3.2 Ordinance 2024-08 Real Estate Tax Credit to Qualifying Volunteers – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion
to adopt Ordinance 2024-08 amending Chapter 141, Titled, “TAXATION” to provide a real estate tax credit to qualifying volunteers as referred to a fire company or department or non-profit emergency medial service agency identified by the Chester County Commissioners in County of Chester’s Active Volunteer Service Tax Rebate Program. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Evans. The vote passed 5-0.
Ordinance 2024-09 6.5 Tobacco Store Smoke Shop was moved up on the agenda. Ms. Camp stated that this ordinance
is an amendment to the Caln Township Zoning Ordinance defining various uses related to smoke shops, hookah bars, and retail establishments where their primary sale was cannaboid products. Ms. Camp stated that reviews were received by the County of Chester Planning Commission and the Township Planning Commission. Herself and Mr. Stackhouse would like to make a minor change to the proposed ordinance and send it back to the County of Chester Planning Commission and the Township Planning Commission for review.
4. Engineering
4.1 Year End Summary and Look Ahead – Mr. Bickhart reviewed Township projects from 2024.
Mr. Bickhart stated that the 2024 completion of the Reed Street Project combination of drainage improvements and sanitary sewer. This project was 6% under the original bid amount and 76% of the cost was paid through grant money.
Mr. Bickhart stated that the Beaver Creek Trail Segment 5 trail layout, grading, stormwater and erosion and sediment control designs were significantly advanced. Improvement of existing issues, and coordination with the gas pipeline company were also performed.
Mr. Bickhart stated that Township owned storm drainage systems were inspected township wide. This information will prioritize infrastructure repairs.
Mr. Bickhart stated that the culverts at G.O. Carlson Boulevard Project is being designed to clean out and reline the culverts under G.O. Carlson Boulevard. The application will be submitted to the PADEP for a permit. Bidding and construction is anticipated to occur in the first half of 2025. The second phase bank stabilization project is anticipated for the second half of 2025.
Mr. Birkhart stated that the wetland delineation and topographic and utility survey has been completed at Humpton Farms. Their culvert and channel design advanced significantly. The next steps are to coordinate with township staff and adjust the design accordingly and prepare permit applications, bid, and construction documents.
Mr. Birkhart stated that the road repair and resurfacing for one mile of roadway, 4 ADA curb ramps were added for the 2024 Road Program. This project has been completed and is 6% under budget.
4.2 2024 Road Program Quantity Adjustment Change Order – For Board consideration, Mr. Birkhart offered change
order #1 the 2024 Road Program.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve and authorize the Township Manager to sign a Quantity Adjustment Change Order #1 for a reduction of the contract price by $22,099.70. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. The vote passed 5-0.
4.3 2024 Road Program Application for Payment #2 – For Board consideration, Mr. Bickhart offered payment #2 for
the 2024 Road Program.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve and authorize the Township Manager to sign payment #2 payable to Long’s Asphalt in the amount of $20,610.39, contingent on the Engineer receiving all required project closeout documents. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Evans. The vote passed 5-0.
4.4 2025 Road Program PSA – For Board consideration, Mr. Bickhart offered a PSA for the 2025 Road Program.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve and authorize the 2025 Road Program PSA Project #2401231 for a “Not to Exceed” cost of $62,800.00. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Evans. The vote passed 5-0.
4.5 2025 MS4 Program PSA – For Board consideration, Mr. Bickhart offered a PSA for the 2025 MS4 Program.
Commissioner Mullin asked Mr. Bickhart if he has additional ideas for the MS4 public education outreach program. Mr. Bickhart replied that the DEP would like to see additional ways of interacting with the program. Commissioner Young stated that the township previously went to Caln Elementary School and taught their students how to and what not to pour down drains.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve and authorize the Township Manager to sign the 2025 MS4 Program PSA Project #2401230 for a “Not to Exceed” cost of $48,000.00. Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. The vote passed 5-0.
5. Township Manager
5.1 2025 Yearly Meeting Dates for Advertisement – For Board consideration, Mr. Vymazal offered the 2024 yearly
schedule with the November and December meeting date scheduled, so they do not have to be re-advertised at the end of this year.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve and authorize staff to advertise the 2025 yearly meeting dates. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. The vote passed 5-0.
5.2 Chester County Intermediate Unit Update – Mr. Vymazal stated that township staff had meetings with the Chester
County Intermediate Unit (CCIU) and they are proposing a School Resource Officer (SRO).
Chief Elias stated that since the end of August through the end of November school year, the police responded to 159 service calls compared to 123 during the same period a year ago. This represents a 39.3% increase in service calls. Chief Elias also stated that if you look at the 39.3% increase and apply it to the 413 calls from the previous school year it is approximately 536 service calls.
Commissioner Mullin suggested contacting the state for guidance.
Chuck Coxson of 3210 Raye Road stated that it is not clear who is responsible for the CCIU. Mr. Vymazal replied that the Township is seeking clarification on this.
Commissioner Kennedy asked why the Township is responsible for proving something at their expense.
Donna DiPrinzio of 211 Gardenview Drive commented on the school’s responsibility.
5.3 Township Building Flooring – For Board consideration, Mr. Vymazal offered new commercial grade flooring for the
the Township building using COVID Relief Funds (ARPA funds).
Commissioner Mullin asked what happens if the remaining money is not used. Mr. Vymazal replied that the remaining
funds must be returned if the money is not used by the end of 2024.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to authorize the Township to use $20,000.00 from ARPA funds for the Township building commercial grade flooring. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. The vote passed 5-0.
6. Ordinance and Resolutions
6.1 Resolution 2024-27 Municipal Recycling Grant – Mr. Gill stated that this funding will pay for a chipped material
truck at a cost of $148,210.00, two hundred ninety 65 gallon recycle carts at a cost of $17,545.00, forty-nine 95 gallon recycle carts at a cost of $3,259.00. Mr. Gill also stated that the match will be utilizing the reimbursement of the overage amount associated with the purchase of the leaf truck and three hoses in 2023 as part of Grant Agreement #C9900003296, in the amount of $20,633.00.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve Resolution 2024-27 authorizing the Township Manager and President of the Boad of Commissioners to sign all documents necessary for funding through the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Recycling Development and Implementation Grant under Section 902 of the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act (Act 101). Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. The vote passed 5-0.
6.2 Resolution 2024-28 Designation of Agent Resolution – Mr. Stackhouse stated that this resolution is to change the
prior manager’s name to the current manager’s name.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve Resolution 2024-28 authorizing the Township Manager authorization to execute for and behalf of Caln Township, Chester County, all forms and documents for the purpose of obtaining financial assistance under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act; Public Law 93-288 as amended by Public Law 100-707. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Young. The vote passed 5-0.
6.3 Resolution 2024-29 Township Unclaimed Property – For Board consideration, Chief Elias stated that after 90 days
under the States unclaimed laws bikes can be donated to any agency.
Chuck Coxson of 3210 Raye Road stated that he collects scrap for “Scrap for Scouting” and will pick up any non-usable bikes.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve Resolution 2024-29 for Township Unclaimed Property. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. The vote passed 5-0.
6.4 Ordinance 2024-09 Tobacco Store Smoke Shop – Discussion was moved under “Solicitor”.
7. Board Minutes to Approve
7.1 November 12, 2024 – Commissioner Mullin entertained motion to approve the November 12, 2024, Board
minutes. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Evans. The vote passed 5-0.
8. Planning Commission Minutes to Acknowledged
8.1 October 15, 2024 – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to acknowledge Board receipt of the October
15, 2024, Planning Commission minutes. Moved by Commissioner Evans. The vote passed 5-0.
9. Finance Department
9.1 Financial Report – Ms. L. Swan stated that the Township has $24 million for all twenty-four funds through November.
9.2 Check Approval – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve checks 53062 to 53203 and manual check 309. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. The vote passed 5-0.
10. Additional Business
10.1 William Schew – CTMA Reappointment to a 5-Year Term
10.2 Dawn Coughlan – Historical Commission Reappointment to a 4-Year Term
10.3 Donna DiPrinzio – Historical Commission Reappointment to a 4-Year term
10.4 Jim Benko – Planning Commission Reappointment to a 4-Year term
10.5 Charles Coxson – Zoning Hearing Board Reappointment to a 5-Year Term
10.6 Al DiMatteo – Zoning Hearing Board Appointment to a 5-Year Term
10.7 Stephen DePedro – Zoning Hearing Board – 3-Year Term 2023-2025 Corrected to a 5-Year Term
10.8 George Chambers – DARA Reappointment to a 5-Year Term
Commissioner Mullin stated that Mr. DiMatteo was interviewed for a 5-year term on the Township Zoning Hearing Board prior to tonight’s meeting.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve the members and terms as presented. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Young. The vote passed 5-0.
11. Public Comment
George March of 1109 Caln Meetinghouse Road - Civil Service Chair, Mr. March thanked the Board and staff for their professionalism throughout 2024.
12. Adjournment – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adjourn the December 12, 2024, Board
meeting at 9:25 PM. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Evans. The vote passed 5-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Denise Miller,
Assistant Township Secretary