Board of Commissioners September 12, 2024
7:30 PM Hybrid Workshop Meeting Minutes
Board Members Present: Commissioner Mullin-President, Joshua B. Young-Vice President, Jane Kennedy-Commissioner, Lorraine Tindaro-Commissioner, and Mark Evans-Commissioner.
Staff Members Present: Don Vymazal-Township Manager and Secretary, Denise Miller-Assistant Township Secretary and Administrative Assistant (Zoom), Abbey Swan-Director of Community Enhancement, and Mr. Stackhouse Director of Building and Life Safety.
Professionals Present: Kristin Camp-Township Solicitor, Ross Bickhart-Township Engineer.
Special Guest: Steve Dintino-Civil Service Commission.
The Board of Commissioners’ (BOC) August 12, 2024, agenda was posted on the Township website, at the township building on August 11, 2024, and agendas were made available for the meeting. The 2024 Township BOC meetings were published in the Daily Local Newspaper, on December 27, 2023.
Commissioner Mullin called the meeting to order and Salute to the Flag at 7:35 PM.
Commissioner Mullin stated that there was an Executive Session prior to tonight's meeting regarding personnel matters.
Citizens to be Heard – There were none.
1. Engineering
1.1 2024 Road Program – Mr. Bickhart noted that the ADA ramp construction will start on September 23, 2024.
1.2 Spackman-Davis Farmhouse Roof – Mr. Bickhart noted that all contracts are signed, and the pre-construction.meeting was held. They will have a meeting with the Contractor to work through the best ways to salvage or restore historical components of the porch on the south end of the building. Construction will commence the week of October 1, 2024.
Mark DeYoung of 20 Beaver Run Road asked what construction is being done at the farmhouse, how much will it cost, and where will the funds come from. Mr. Bickhart replied that the existing farmhouse roof and the south side of the porch will be removed and replaced. It will cost approximately $185,000.00.
1.3 Beaver Creek Trail Segment 5 – Mr. Bickhart noted that in using a different methodology, the stormwater systemfits in the corner of the site. Once the vacuum holes are tested at the gas pipeline that runs through the site and infiltration testing at the location of the proposed stormwater management system are completed, they will complete the design and gather the permit information.
Dan Hagan of 217 Park Drive asked where can see the proposed trail. Mr. Bickhart shared his screen of the proposed trail and stated that nothing would be harmed if what they are building was flooded.
Tony DiSario of 251 Loomis Avenue asked if segment 5 for engineering work. Commissioner Mullin replied “yes.” Mr. DiSario asked if the Township would apply for a grant to pay for this. Mr. Vymazal replied that Township Staff met with the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) and they are optimistic about funding the entire or part of this project. The plan is to propose this concept for construction. Mr. DiSario asked the cost of the project. Ms. Swan replied that once Mr. Bickhart has completed the design, they will have an estimate of the entire project cost. Mr. DiSario asked if this project is in a flood zone. Mr. Vymazal replied that there is flooding in this area.
2. Township Manager
2.1 Medical Marijuana Ordinance Advertisement – Ms. Camp noted that this ordinance was drafted for the Township
to be prepared if the state legalized marijuana. Ms. Camp reviewed the ordinance for the Board and public. Ms. Camp also noted that the draft ordinance must go before the Township Planning Commission (PC) and the Chester County Planning Commission (CCPC). Commissioner Evans questioned the time of closure from 11:00 AM to 8:00 AM. Ms. Camp replied that she reviewed other municipalities’ ordinances regarding different closure times. Commissioner Young asked if the draft can be sent to the PC first, receive their comments, and then send it to the CCPC. Ms. Camp replied that it can be sent to the Caln Township PC first.
Commissioner Kennedy asked if skill game machines are regulated. Ms. Camp replied that they are regulated. Ms. Camp also replied that skill games are not in this ordinance. Chief Elias noted that most gaming enforcement is prioritized if there are other crimes linked or related to drug sales etc. Mr. Stackhouse noted that from a code perspective there is nothing they can do to identify and address this. Mr. Vymazal noted that Harrisburg has been discussing this for several years without a consensus being reached.
Tony DiSario of 251 Loomis Avenue stated that the owner of the business receives 40%, the lessee 40%, and the state receives 20% of skilled game machine revenue. Commissioner Young stated that there are no taxes on money received from skilled games.
Ms. Camp asked the Board if they want to be consistent on the separation distances at 500 or do they want to hear from the PC first. Commissioner Young and Commissioner Mullin replied that they want to hear from the PC first.
2.2 TCDI – Mr. Vymazal noted that the Township was indirectly awarded funding through the Delaware Valley Regional
Planning Commission (DVRPC) for a multi-agency study on multimodal improvements for Lincoln Highway. Proposals are being reviewed as a feasibility standpoint by DVRPC with an anticipated award date in October 2024.
2.3 Public Works Caterpillar Backhoe Purchase – Mr. Vymazal noted that the public works department 2008 backhoe has a series of problems and can no longer manage large projects. They would like to trade in their 2008 backhoe and purchase a new caterpillar backhoe. With a $42,000.00 trade allowance the total cost is $138,800.00 to be paid out of the Liquid Fuels Fund. Mr. Vymazal also noted that the Township receives approximately $410,000.00 per year in liquid fuels money. Currently the balance is $910,000.00. 20% of the fund is allowed for the purchase of equipment.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve the purchase of a 2024 Caterpillar 440 Backhoe Loader paid from the Liquid Fuels Fund in the amount of $138,800.00, which includes $42,000.00 as a trade allowance from a 2008 CST 43E IT Model. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. The vote passed 5-0.
2.4 Civil Service Commission Eligibility List and Certification of Firefighter Applicants – For Board consideration, Steve Dintino of the Civil Service Commission noted that they held a September 11th meeting at 6:30 PM for the purpose of approving an official fire department eligibility list for applicants. Mr. Dintino also noted that there are two people on that list: Cameron James Kronmuller and Nicholas Sands.
Commissioner Young asked if this motion is to approve the eligibility list. Mr. Dintino replied, “that’s correct.”
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve the Civil Service Commission official eligibility list. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Evans. The vote passed 5-0.
2.5 Civil Service Commission Conditional Hiring Offers – Commissioner Young asked if the names need to be stated and what they are being hired for. Mr. Stackhouse replied “yes.” Mr. Stackhouse noted that there are currently two budgeted vacant firefighter positions. Mr. Stackhouse asked for permission to provide two conditional offers of employment from the official eligibility list. Commissioner Young asked if both firefighters will be full-time. Mr. Stackhouse replied that they have two full-time positions open. One of the candidates would be full-time and the other one only wants a part-time position, at this time.
Mr. Stackhouse asked the Board to ask the Civil Service Commission to officially certify the two names previously stated. Mr. Dintino certified Cameron James Kronmuller and Nicholas Sands from the names on the official eligibility list.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to offer conditional hiring offers to Cameron James Kronmuller and Nicholas Sands from the names on the official eligibility list. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy. The vote passed 5-0.
3. Board Minutes to Approve
3.1 August 29, 2024, Minutes – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve the August 29, 2024, minutes.
Moved by Commissioner Kennedy and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. The vote passed 5-0.
4. Finance Department
4.1 Check Approval – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve checks 52642 to 52725. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Evans. The vote passed 5-0.
5. Summary by Applicable Board Liaison
5.1 Parks and Recreation – Commissioner Kennedy reported that Community Day was a success.
5.2 COG – Commissioner Kennedy reported that their meeting on September 9th will be replaced with a “Experts Guide to Planning” seminar held at the Chester County Public Safety Campus in South Coatesville. Commissioner Kennedy also reported discussions on trash/recycling service, transportation, and future guest speakers.
5.3 Municipal Authority – Commissioner Mullin reported that the 2025 proposed budget was forwarded to the
budget committee. The Vice Chair signed the Sewer Capacity Reallocation Extension and Maintenance Agreement and Relinquishment Agreement for the Celebree School Project and signed the Financial Security Agreement for the KIA Auto Leasing Project. Commissioner Mullin also reported that staff and the Authority Engineer were authorized to proceed with Phase 1 emergency stabilization of the existing sewer main located in the easement between Raye Road and Norma Drive.
5.4 DARA – Commissioner Mullin reported that DARA is in discussions with the Borough of Downingtown, West Whiteland, and Uwchlan Townships regarding their flow projections and the future expansion. The modernization project for the DARA plant is in the process of working on their design permitting, financing, and possible grant.
5.5 Fire Board – Commissioner Mullin reported that they did not hold an August meeting, however their draft budget was submitted to the budget committee prior to Board approval.
5.6 Historical Commission – Commissioner Evans reported that their September 18th meeting was cancelled. Commissioner Evans also reported that the last tour for Caln Meetinghouse will be in October.
5.7 Lincoln Highway – Commissioner Young reported that their September 4th meeting was rescheduled to September 24th at 6:30 PM. Commissioner Young also reported that they discussed Lincoln Highway improvements and the draft recreational medical marijuana ordinance.
5.8 Ingleside Golf Course – Commissioner Tindaro reported that they will be interviewing for a Golf Pro. Commissioner Tindaro also reported their next meeting held on September 30th at 12:00 PM, in the pro shop.
6. Additional Business – There were none.
7. Public Comment
Dan Hagan of 217 Park Drive asked when the Cohen Property will be on the PC Agenda. Mr. Vymazal replied that they will be on the September 17th PC agenda.
Mark DeYoung of 20 Beaver Run Road asked the Board if they know anything about an invitation that he received from Main Line Health regarding a meeting they are holding in September regarding 14 acres of the Lloyd Farm property. Commissioner Mullin replied that the Township has not received plans for this property. Mr. Vymazal replied that this organization mailed invitations directly to residents. Mr. Vymazal also replied that the Township has not received any plans for review or comment regarding Lloyd Farm nor have they received a sale of transfer for the property. Commissioner Evans noted that it could be that Main Line Health wants to get resident input before they come before the Board.
Commissioner Evans encouraged residents to visit the Township building lobby to view the “Art in the Park” display.
8. Adjournment
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adjourn the September 12, 2024, Board meeting at 9:15. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. The vote passed 5-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Denise Miller,
Assist. Twp. Secretary

commissioners_minutes_09.12.2024.pdf |