Board of Commissioners July 25, 2024
7:30 PM Hybrid Business Meeting Minutes
Board Members Present: Paul Mullin-President, Joshua B. Young-Vice President, Jane Kennedy-Commissioner, Lorraine Tindaro-Commissioner, and Mark Evans-Commissioner.
Staff Members Present: Don Vymazal-Township Manager and Secretary, Denise Miller-Assistant Township Secretary and Administrative Assistant, Abbey Swan-Director of Community Enhancement, Lisa Swan-Director of Finance and Township Treasurer, Johnnie Huggins-Director of Public Works, Scot Gill- Director of the Municipal Authority, Ray Stackhouse-Director of Building and Life Safety, Nicole Shannon-Ingleside Golf Course General Manager/Superintendent, and Police Chief Elias.
Professionals Present: Kristin Camp-Township Solicitor, Ross Bickhart-Gilmore & Associates, Chief Taylor-Thorndale Volunteer Fire Company, Assistant Chief Matt Taylor-Minquas, Gina Gerber-KIA Counsel.
Special Guest: N/A
The Board of Commissioners’ (BOC) July 25, 2024, agenda was posted on the Township website, at the Township building on July 24, 2024, and agendas were made available for the public, at the meeting. The 2024 Township BOC meetings were published in the Daily Local Newspaper, on December 27, 2023.
Commissioner Mullin called the meeting to order at 7:40 PM and then called for the Salute to the Flag.
Commissioner Mullin noted an Executive Session prior to tonight's meeting regarding legal matters.
Citizens to be Heard – There were none.
1. Township Solicitor
1.1 Medical Marijuana Ordinance
Ms. Camp stated that she is continuing to work on some of the issues with this ordinance and will present a draft to the Board at a future meeting.
1.2 DMS Realty, LP for KIA Automobile Leasing Final Motion
For Board consideration, Ms. Camp offered a motion for the Final Land Development Application of DMS Realty, LP.
Ms. Gerber stated that all the outstanding items on the review letters are “will comply” items. The recorded plan will be revised to reflect compliance with those review letters. Ms. Gerber also stated that there are no issues with the Final Land Development motion.
Mr. Russella stated that they agreed to install a brick wall along the property which will have landscaping in front and behind. The LED lighting fixtures allow the intensity of the lights to be adjusted if they are determined to be too intense. Commissioner Evans stated that he is comfortable with the light shining on Lincoln Highway for safety reasons. Mr. Russella replied that there are decorative lights along Lincoln Highway, which will light the sidewalk and bike lane for safety and security. Commissioner Mullin asked the height of the brick wall. Mr. Russella replied that the brick wall is 30 inches high with the piers a little higher.
Commissioner Mullin asked what type of boundary is in the back of the KIA property to shield the lights from the Casa Herra restaurant. Mr. Russella replied that there will be a parallel continuous row of a variety of deciduous and evergreen plants that will shield the lighting from the restaurant parking lot. Commissioner Mullin asked if their lighting is on for 24 hours per day for the security of their vehicles. Mr. Russella replied that they are on for 24 hours per day.
Commissioner Kennedy asked their timeline for starting business. Mr. Russella replied that workwise their timeline will be the end of 2024.
Commissioner Mullin asked if their car washing bays are like the “regular” car wash sites with power pressures. Mr. Russella replied that there are two “bucket wash” bays to wash the vehicles delivered to the lots and for detailing their cars.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion for the Final Land Development Application of DMS Realty, LP for KIA Automobile Leasing located at 2751 Lincoln Highway. Moved by Commissioner Kennedy and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. With Commissioner Young voting nae, the vote passed 4-1.
2. Engineering
2.1 Spackman–Davis Farmhouse Roof Award Letter
For Board consideration, Mr. Bickhart offered the Spackman-Davis Farmhouse Roof Award to Detwiler Roofing, Inc. in the amount of $182,612.00.
Commissioner Young asked Mr. Bickhart to explain what the add-alternates are. Mr. Bickhart replied that add-alternate #1 is to remove and replace the porch flooring and the structure of the flooring on the southern main porch of the building. In conjunction with that would be some repairs to the porch foundations where the posts come down from the decking and bear on those foundations. Commissioner Young asked if the porch is being re-roofed. Mr. Bickhart replied that the re-roof of the porch is in the base bid. Mr. Bickhart also replied that the base bid includes anchoring the roof structure to the masonry building.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve the low bidder Detwiler Roofing, Inc. for the base bid of $144,460.00, plus add-alternate #1 in the amount of $26,287.00 and add-alternate #2 in the amount of $11,865.00 for a total bid of $182,612.00 for the Spackman-Davis Farmhouse Roof Project #2308004. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy 5-0.
2.2 Spackman–Davis Farmhouse Roof Change Order #2
For Board consideration, Mr. Bickhart offered change order #2 in the amount of $39,730.00 for the Spackman-Davis Farmhouse roof.
Commissioner Mullin asked if this change order is overseeing the whole project. Mr. Bickhart replied that this would be issuing and obtaining all documents and three site visits during the construction period. Commissioner Mullin asked if the Township is under budget for this project including what he stated. Commissioner Evans replied that it is under budget by $200,000.00 to $300,000.00.
Commissioner Evans asked Mr. Bickhart for the project timeline. Mr. Bickhart replied that it would be 75 days to procure materials and work to start at the end of August.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve change order #2 adding construction contract administration and construction observation services, in the amount of $39,730.00 for the Spackman-Davis Farmhouse roof. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. The vote passed 5-0.
3. Resolution
3.1 Multimodal Fund Grant
For Board consideration, Mr. Vymazal offered a motion to authorize the Township to submit an application for the 2024 Multimodal Transportation Fund Grant, for approximately $1.5 million. Mr. Vymazal stated that the Multimodal and ARLE grants together are approximately $3 million.
Commissioner Young asked Mr. Vymazal to explain both grants. Mr. Vymazal replied that the ARLE grant is focused on infrastructure necessary to install lights and provide preliminary pedestrian and cyclist amenities along the shoulder of Lincoln Highway. Mr. Vymazal also replied that the Multimodal Grant builds upon the ARLE grant and provides additional street scape, more formal pedestrian safety, and improve some intersection locations where there have been hazards in the Wedgewood Shopping Center section where an eastbound SEPTA bus stop requires individuals to cross the street to catch the bus.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to authorize the Township to submit an application for the 2024 Multimodal Transportation Fund Grant for Lincoln Highway. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. The vote passed 5-0.
4. Township Manager
4.1 Ingleside Golf Course – Donation to SPCA
For Board consideration, Mr. Vymazal offered a donation to support the SPCA and the animal cruelty division.
A resident asked what happened to warrant this donation. Mr. Vymazal replied that there were seven young deceased puppies found on the Ingleside Golf Course. Commissioner Evans asked if there is another way to donate if you do not golf. Mr. Vymazal replied that staff will upload a link to the Township website, or individuals can stop by the SPCA. Commissioner Mullin stated that it is important to show support for the animals and to make individuals aware that animal cruelty is not tolerated in the Township nor anywhere else.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve a donation of $5.00 for every tee time from July 25 to July 28 from Ingleside Golf Club to be donated to the SPCA. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. The vote passed 5-0.
4.2 Right to Know Anonymous Policy
For Board consideration, Mr. Vymazal offered a Right to Know policy, which follows the Office of Open Records and the State Township Association.
Commissioner Evans asked Mr. Vymazal if an administrative fee can be charged for documents over one hundred pages. Mr. Vymazal replied that currently there is no fee for this; however, he will keep the Board informed if a fee becomes approved.
Charlotte Gibbs of 107 Foundry Street asked if the administration cost is to produce information for residents. Mr. Vymazal replied that the fees are for photocopies. There is no fee for electronic documents.
Commissioner Kennedy asked how many requests Ms. Swan receives. Ms. Swan replied that she has received fifty-seven various requests for 2024.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve Caln Township’s Right to Know Policy. Moved by Commissioner Kennedy and seconded by Commissioner Evans. The vote passed 5-0.
4.3 Thorndale Streetlight Improvements Decorations
Mr. Vymazal stated that the streetlights along Lincoln Highway and the Thorndale Village area do not include an electric outlet at the top of the pole. Each unit would cost $493.00. Commissioner Kennedy asked if the Township should get additional estimates and how many poles are there. Mr. Vymazal replied that there are nineteen poles and if the Township wants decorations this holiday season that this would be the only feasible option; however, he noted that he will see if there is an alternative. Mr. Stackhouse stated that this is for all Township owned lights. Commissioner Mullin asked the dimensions of the decorations and will they be installed opposite of the business flags. Mr. Vymazal replied that they will be similar to an outdoor unit and the business flags would be the best location for decorations. Commissioner Evans stated that this is the type of investment when the Township wants to make their municipality safe and attract businesses. Commission Kennedy suggested a resident online vote for the decorations.
5. Board Minutes to Approve
5.1 July 11, 2024
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve the July 11, 2024, Board minutes. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. The vote passed 5-0.
6. Finance Department
6.1 Financial Report
Ms. Swan gave a brief overview of the finances. Ms. Swan stated that 73% of total revenue has been collected and 62% of expected expenditures are booked.
6.2 Check Approval
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve checks 52398 through 52466 and manual check 305. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Young.
7. Monthly Director Reports
7.1 Building and Life Safety – Mr. Stackhouse gave a brief report on Building and Life Safety and noted a few highlights. Mr. Stackhouse stated that Emergency Services has eleven candidates who were invited to the testing on July 30 at the Public Safety Training Center, they lost two firefighters due to their personal jobs changing, seven people are filling 180 hours’ worth of shifts during the week, Handicrafters would like to be part of their emergency preparedness committee, and the multi-municipal EMS group continues to meet. Mr. Stackhouse also stated that the recent storm left Caln residents without power because of how the power grid is set up. The most affected areas were Parkside and Carver Court. This was the first time that the Township was opened as a cooling center. Commissioner Kennedy asked if there is an evacuation plan for individual areas in the Township. Mr. Stackhouse replied that the Township has an evacuation plan and there is a route through the City of Coatesville even though the underpass was closed. The underpass was closed for several days because trees were on the powerlines and Township staff cannot touch them.
Charlotte Gibbs of 107 Foundry Street asked why the private road to get out of Carver Court and at the Coatesville Area School “the school” had their fences closed. Mr. Stackhouse replied because they are both on private property. Ms. Gibbs asked why the school installed a fence. Mr. Stackhouse replied for security reasons. It was installed on their property line and only the school has a lease agreement with the property owner. Mr. Stackhouse replied that those gates would not stop emergency services from getting through those gates to residents.
Commissioner Young asked if battery backups were installed on the traffic lights when they were upgraded. Mr. Stackhouse replied that some of them work, some do not work, some were never updated. Mr. Stackhouse stated that they recognized that during this storm they did not make sure that some of the new intersections had generators, so they bought generators for those. Commissioner Young stated that he is concerned that all the traffic lights work until someone can get a generator to them. Mr. Stackhouse replied that he is pretty sure that they are the ones that did have battery backup. Commissioner Young stated that especially the lights on Route 30.
Cheryl Spaulding of 406 Lloyd Avenue asked about emergency alerts to residents. Mr. Stackhouse replied that Ready ChesCo does a reverse 911, which goes to the house phone. If you are signed up with Ready ChesCo then you will receive an alert. Commissioner Young encouraged residents to sign up for Ready ChesCo. Commissioner Evans encouraged an evacuation plan for Carver Court and Parkside. Commissioner Mullin encouraged reading the Township newsletter for important information.
7.2 Community Enhancement – Ms. Swan gave a brief report on Community Enhancement and noted a few highlights. Ms. Swan stated that she updated the communications phone numbers and a few groups have contacted her to host training and workshops because they want to see the Township’s BMP’s. meadow project, down spout planters, and rain garden. The first meeting was held on June 15 by the Pennsylvania Organization for Watersheds and Rivers. The next training and workshop will be the Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professionals hosted by Penn State Extension Master Watershed Stewards.
Commissioner Young asked Ms. Swan how the “Art in the Park” events are going. Ms. Swan replied that they are doing well. The art projects are currently displayed at the Coatesville Library and will be displayed at the September 7 Community Day event.
7.3 Ingleside Golf Course – Ms. Shannon gave a brief report on Ingleside Golf Course and noted a
few highlights. Ms. Shannon stated that they had 3,100 golfers and $115,000.00 in revenue.
7.4 Minquas Fire Company Ambulance – Mr. Wagner gave a brief report on Minquas Fire Company
Ambulance service.
Commissioner Mullin stated that the VA Hospital calls reduce the percentage for Caln calls. Mr. Wagner stated that the VA Hospital calls were 292.
7.5 Police Chief – Chief Elias gave a brief report on the police department and noted a few highlights.
Chief Elias stated the five staff years of service milestones and the cadet status. Chief Elias also stated that the cruelty to animals’ investigation will continue until the responsible party is identified. There is a toll-free phone number on the police website for the SPCA where individuals can give information on this incident.
Cheryl Spaulding of 406 Lloyd Avenue asked if Caln municipalities control their sections of the bypass. Chief Elias replied that the 30 bypass is a state road and under the jurisdiction of the Pennsylvania State Police; however, they can still assist them.
7.6 Public Works – Mr. Huggins gave a brief report on the public works department. Mr. Huggins
presented the Glenridge Drive Project.
Commissioner Kennedy asked Mr. Huggins if they are going to do a chipping event from the storm tree damages. Mr. Huggins replied that they are taking phone calls this week for chipping starting July 29. Commissioner Kennedy if this is on the Township website. Mr. Huggins replied that they could put it on the website.
7.7 Thorndale Volunteer Fire Company
Chief Taylor gave a brief report on the fire company and the recent storm.
8. Additional Business – There was none.
9. Public Comment
Chris Fritsch of 250 Seltzer Avenue asked for an update on the Stormwater Project. Mr. Stackhouse replied that all structures have been identified and a map has been populated. A prioritized report may be presented at the August 29 Board meeting. Commissioner Mullin asked Ms. Fritsch how bad her backyard is. Ms. Fritsch replied that her yard is bad.
Charlotte Gibbs of 107 Foundry Street gave a brief report on the private road that has a fence blocking it. Mr. Stackhouse replied that the stormwater comes up from Foundry Street and down through Commissioner Kennedy’s property to Red Raider Way. Ms. Gibbs asked about the stream that goes through her yard. Mr. Stackhouse replied that the Township does own the stream, so they need to find the owner.
10. Adjournment
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adjourn the July 25, 2024, Board meeting at 9:30 PM. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. The vote passed 5-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Denise Miller,
Assist. Twp. Secretary
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