Called to Order by Chair Evans at 7:04 PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance
The Chair conducted members Roll call and announcement of guests in attendance:
Commission Member Attendees: 8 (Quorum). Guests: 2
Introduction of Guests
- Don Vymazal
- Mike Bedrick
Approval of 5/15/24 Minutes
Motion by Lorraine T
Second by Donna D
Vote called by Chair Evans
Motion passed 7-0 with 1 abstention
Approval of 6/19/24 Minutes
Motion by Tom P
Second by Patty D
Vote called by Chair Evans
Motion passed 8-0 all in favor
- EVENTS reported the June 29th picnic was a huge success with 164 guests checked in. Received lots of positive feedback. Only complaint was there was no wine.
- SPACKMAN FARM reported was lost a Beech Tree in a recent storm. Looking into saving it or removing it. Also, the farmhouse roof bids came in at a great price - $180K
- MARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIA reported on the June 26th CCHPN awards dinner
- HISTORICAL PRESERVATION Cathy read the Designation of Eligibility letter she received for the Mendenhall-Valentine-Edge House. Is in the process of scheduling a site visit and inspection with Pamella and Jennifer from SHPO to determine final status for National Register of Historic Places.
- Lloyd Farm soy crop is doing good
- Buchanan House has reopened as bar with food from Frida’s Mexican restaurant. Chair asked for a motion to remove resource from Endangered List
Second by Lorraine T
Vote called by Chair Evans
Motion passed 8-0 all in favor
- Copeland Run Academy closed for summer. Will revisit in the fall
- D. Vickers House on pause pending status of property
- Caln Elementary slated to close. Important it be properly repurposed. Chair asked for a motion to add school to Caln at Risk List
Second by Lorraine T
Vote called by Chair Evans
Motion passed 8-0 all in favor
Motion by Donna D
Second by Tom P
Vote called by Chair Evans
Motion passed 8-0 all in favor
- $500 Kelly Phillips for June 29th picnic
Second by Lorraine T
Vote called by Chair Evans
Motion passed 8-0 all in favor
- $321.14 Sunbelt Rentals for June 29th picnic
Second by Lorraine T
Vote called by Chair Evans
Motion passed 8-0 all in favor
- $2277.10 Dixie Picnic for June 29th picnic – Fulsome discussion about whether to pick up this cost. Approved as a one-time deal for a joint event.
Second by Patty D
Vote called by Chair Evans
Motion passed 8-0 all in favor
Tom P reported the flower beds around the Schoolhouse were cleaned up by Abbey and summer helpers from Public Works. They did a great job.
Mark asked for a motion to Adjourn.
Motion by Tom P
Second by Patty D
Vote called by Chair Evans
Motion passed 8-0 all in favor
Meeting adjourned at 8:04 PM

historical_commission_minutes_07.23.2024.pdf |