The Planning Commission held their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, in the Municipal Building at 253 Municipal Dr. and via Zoom as a virtual meeting. A public notice was published in the Daily Local News on December 15, 2023.
The agenda was posted on the Township website and at the Township building on June 13, 2024.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 P.M. by Chairman, John Adam Thomas. Salute to the Flag.
Roll Call – In attendance were John Adam Thomas, William Schew, Ken Simon, Michael Irwin, Tom Parr, Jim Benko and John Caporale.
Township Staff and Consultants in attendance were Don Vymazal, Township Manager; Raymond Stackhouse, Director of Building and Life Safety; Board of Commissioners’ Liaison to the Planning Commission Lorraine Tindaro; and Elizabeth Nagy, Planning Commission Secretary.
Approval of March 19, 2024 meeting Minutes- Being no questions or discussion Mr. Thomas entertained a motion for approval as submitted, moved by William Schew and seconded by John Caporale. With no objections the motion carries 7-0.
Agenda items –Habitat for Humanity-1103 Foundry St.-Sketch plan- Appearing on behalf of the applicant was Adam Brower of E.B. Walsh & Associates, Engineer for the applicant. Adam gave a brief overview of the project in which they propose to develop residential housing on 7.7 acres. Adam went over the review letters and cited comment #5, #8, #25 and #26 on the Arro review letter dated 5/29/24.
As to comment #5, the applicant will be seeking a variance from 155-55.C (1) in regard to the requirement of a minimum contiguous land area of 15 acres.
As to comment #8, 155-55.C (5) in regard to “a minimum of 40% of the gross area of the apartment development shall be set aside as common open space” the applicant is considering options to comply. They are thinking of two-story townhouse or twin layouts.
As to comment #25, 137-38 in regard to street intersection offset of at least 200 ft from Eleventh Ave. or aligned with Eleventh. Adam stated to align with Eleventh would be awkward. The separation is currently 150 ft.
As to comment #26, 137-39 in regard to the street width being a minimum of 28 ft. wide, they are currently at 24 ft. and would need to create an extension to make it 28 ft. Mr. Thomas requested the plan have “no parking” signs along both sides of the roadway.
Mr. Thomas was in favor of the project, and they are anticipating submitting a land development plan around Spring 2025.
Kia-2751 Lincoln Hwy-Final land development- Appearing on behalf of the applicant was Lou Colagreco of Riley, Riper, Hollin & Colagreco, Attorney for the applicant; Joe Russella of Howell Engineering, Engineer for the applicant; and the applicant, Jim Sipala. Lou gave a brief overview of the final land development plan, in which the applicant is proposing a car leasing center. The plan had only 1 visible change since the preliminary: adding a brick knee wall on the frontage of Lincoln Hwy. at the Boards request. Lou went over the review letter comments of the Chester County Planning Commission review letter dated 6/4/24 and Arro review letter dated 6/6/24 and Gilmore & Associates review letter dated 5/9/24.
As to comment #9 of the Arro review letter, 1387-16 C (24), regarding the HOP permit, it is currently in the review cycle and expected soon. The applicant needs to re-apply for the HOP permit, it requires a 150 ft. right-of way and the project has 80 ft which is consistent with the other business along that corridor. There will be a bike lane as well as a sidewalk.
As to comment #3 of the Gilmore & Associates review letter, in regard to wash basins exceeding allotted water separator, it is not a drive-thru car wash where both wash bays would be in use at the same time. Vehicles will be cleaned by a hose and bucket system so it should not be an issue.
Being no questions or discussion Mr. Thomas entertained a motion to recommend final approval contingent upon satisfying the comments of the Arro review letter dated 5/29/24, Pennoni review letter dated 6/7/24 and Gilmore and Associates review letter dated 5/9/24. The motion was moved by Tom Parr and seconded by William Schew. John Caporale abstained. With no objections the motion carries 6-0.
Communications – None
Discussion Items – None
Old Business – None
Upcoming Developments - None
Adjournment – With no further agenda items or Commission business, Mr. Thomas made a motion to adjourn the meeting, moved by Jim Benko and seconded by Tom Parr. Poll of members: with no objections the motion passes 7–0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:16 P.M.
To the best of my knowledge, this summarizes the minutes of the June 18, 2024, Planning Commission meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
The Planning Commission held their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, in the Municipal Building at 253 Municipal Dr. and via Zoom as a virtual meeting. A public notice was published in the Daily Local News on December 15, 2023.
The agenda was posted on the Township website and at the Township building on June 13, 2024.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 P.M. by Chairman, John Adam Thomas. Salute to the Flag.
Roll Call – In attendance were John Adam Thomas, William Schew, Ken Simon, Michael Irwin, Tom Parr, Jim Benko and John Caporale.
Township Staff and Consultants in attendance were Don Vymazal, Township Manager; Raymond Stackhouse, Director of Building and Life Safety; Board of Commissioners’ Liaison to the Planning Commission Lorraine Tindaro; and Elizabeth Nagy, Planning Commission Secretary.
Approval of March 19, 2024 meeting Minutes- Being no questions or discussion Mr. Thomas entertained a motion for approval as submitted, moved by William Schew and seconded by John Caporale. With no objections the motion carries 7-0.
Agenda items –Habitat for Humanity-1103 Foundry St.-Sketch plan- Appearing on behalf of the applicant was Adam Brower of E.B. Walsh & Associates, Engineer for the applicant. Adam gave a brief overview of the project in which they propose to develop residential housing on 7.7 acres. Adam went over the review letters and cited comment #5, #8, #25 and #26 on the Arro review letter dated 5/29/24.
As to comment #5, the applicant will be seeking a variance from 155-55.C (1) in regard to the requirement of a minimum contiguous land area of 15 acres.
As to comment #8, 155-55.C (5) in regard to “a minimum of 40% of the gross area of the apartment development shall be set aside as common open space” the applicant is considering options to comply. They are thinking of two-story townhouse or twin layouts.
As to comment #25, 137-38 in regard to street intersection offset of at least 200 ft from Eleventh Ave. or aligned with Eleventh. Adam stated to align with Eleventh would be awkward. The separation is currently 150 ft.
As to comment #26, 137-39 in regard to the street width being a minimum of 28 ft. wide, they are currently at 24 ft. and would need to create an extension to make it 28 ft. Mr. Thomas requested the plan have “no parking” signs along both sides of the roadway.
Mr. Thomas was in favor of the project, and they are anticipating submitting a land development plan around Spring 2025.
Kia-2751 Lincoln Hwy-Final land development- Appearing on behalf of the applicant was Lou Colagreco of Riley, Riper, Hollin & Colagreco, Attorney for the applicant; Joe Russella of Howell Engineering, Engineer for the applicant; and the applicant, Jim Sipala. Lou gave a brief overview of the final land development plan, in which the applicant is proposing a car leasing center. The plan had only 1 visible change since the preliminary: adding a brick knee wall on the frontage of Lincoln Hwy. at the Boards request. Lou went over the review letter comments of the Chester County Planning Commission review letter dated 6/4/24 and Arro review letter dated 6/6/24 and Gilmore & Associates review letter dated 5/9/24.
As to comment #9 of the Arro review letter, 1387-16 C (24), regarding the HOP permit, it is currently in the review cycle and expected soon. The applicant needs to re-apply for the HOP permit, it requires a 150 ft. right-of way and the project has 80 ft which is consistent with the other business along that corridor. There will be a bike lane as well as a sidewalk.
As to comment #3 of the Gilmore & Associates review letter, in regard to wash basins exceeding allotted water separator, it is not a drive-thru car wash where both wash bays would be in use at the same time. Vehicles will be cleaned by a hose and bucket system so it should not be an issue.
Being no questions or discussion Mr. Thomas entertained a motion to recommend final approval contingent upon satisfying the comments of the Arro review letter dated 5/29/24, Pennoni review letter dated 6/7/24 and Gilmore and Associates review letter dated 5/9/24. The motion was moved by Tom Parr and seconded by William Schew. John Caporale abstained. With no objections the motion carries 6-0.
Communications – None
Discussion Items – None
Old Business – None
Upcoming Developments - None
Adjournment – With no further agenda items or Commission business, Mr. Thomas made a motion to adjourn the meeting, moved by Jim Benko and seconded by Tom Parr. Poll of members: with no objections the motion passes 7–0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:16 P.M.
To the best of my knowledge, this summarizes the minutes of the June 18, 2024, Planning Commission meeting.
Respectfully submitted,