October 15, 2024
The Planning Commission held their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, October 15, 2024, in the Municipal Building at 253 Municipal Dr. and via Zoom as a virtual meeting. A public notice was published in the Daily Local News on December 15, 2023.
The agenda was posted on the Township website and at the Township building on October 8, 2024.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 P.M. by Chairman, John Adam Thomas. Salute to the Flag.
Roll Call – In attendance were John Adam Thomas, William Schew, Ken Simon, Michael Irwin, Tom Parr, Jim Benko and John Caporale.
Township Staff and Consultants in attendance were Don Vymazal, Township Manager; Board of Commissioners’ Liaison to the Planning Commission Lorraine Tindaro; Board of Commissioners’ Co-Liaison to the Planning Commission Mark Evans; and Elizabeth Nagy, Planning Commission Secretary.
Approval of September 17, 2024, meeting Minutes- Being no questions or discussion Mr. Thomas entertained a motion for approval as submitted, moved by John Caporale and seconded by Michael Irwin. With no objections the motion carries 7-0.
Approval of October 7, 2024, meeting Minutes- Being no questions or discussion Mr. Thomas entertained a motion for approval as submitted, moved by William Schew and seconded by Jim Benko. With no objections the motion carries 7-0.
Agenda items –All Fill- 4102 Edges Mill Rd.-Final Land Development – Appearing on behalf of the applicant is Chris Daily of Howell Engineering, Engineer for the applicant and Ryan Edington of All Fill, the applicant. Chris gave a brief overview of the project where the applicant proposes constructing a 4,100 SF flex space to coexist with the current building located at 4060 Edges Mill Rd. Chris went over the review letters submitted and has no issue complying with them. 4 waivers and 1 waiver modification were previously granted under the preliminary land development: 137-66.E(5)(a) The relocation of all trees 12” in diameter or more; 135-305.A to allow a managed release basin as opposed to infiltration; 135-306 to allow a managed release basin as opposed to infiltration and 135-311.C to not require stormwater pipes to have a minimum slope of 1%. The waiver/modification request as to 137-44.1.A(2) to allow for the disturbance of the Riparian Buffer Zone 2 to install a level spreader at the existing stormwater end wall and connect sanitary sewer to the existing manhole. Lowell does not see anything in the review letters that would prevent an approval. Members of the planning commission expressed concern over the removal of the trees on the landscape plan as mentioned in the Arro review letter dated October 1, 2024; page 10, #17. Chris explained that the trees were removed from the plan due to PennDot’s concern that they would block view for vehicles going east, as they would not be able to see a tractor trailer truck pulling out. There was discussion on if they could put greenery all the way across the frontage to hide it from Edges Mill Rd. and the Ryan said that they could explore that. Ryan stated they have been trying to stay within the Historical Commissions vision for the area.
Mark Evans, Chairperson of the Historical Commission, thanked the applicant for working with the Historical Commission. He inquired if the trees could just be pulled back instead of being removed. Per Chris the applicant tried but PennDot would not approve the plan that way.
Cathy Callahan of 931 Bondsville Rd. asked the applicant about the lighting, she is concerned it will be bright, per Chris it will be dimmed like they have it currently. They then discussed that traffic trailer trucks will not be doing down Edges Mill, which was her other concern.
The applicant is seeking a recommendation for final land development. After discussion and questions Mr. Thomas entertained a motion to recommend approval based on satisfying all recommendations of engineer and review letters. The motion was moved by Jim Benko and seconded by John Caporale. With no objections the motion carries 7-0.
Cannabinoid Ordinance- Don Vymazal gave a brief overview of the ordinance which was created to address any future issues that may arise from the sale of cannabinoid substances in stores and vape shops. It will allow Code Enforcement to enforce certain conditions, such as hours of operation, lighting, etc. The Township wanted to present it to the Planning Commission prior to sending it to the Chester County Planning Commission and Board for approval. Commissioner Thomas expressed that he would like to see clauses such as “No paraphernalia may be displayed in windows” and that they may not be next to drug rehabilitation centers, etc. Mr. Vymazal suggested the planning commission investigate that with the Zoning Task Force.
Resident, Cheryl Spalding inquired if the current business would be grandfathered into the ordinance or would it apply to them. Mr. Vymazal stated that they would be grandfathered in until the property switches hands or uses, then it would apply. After discussion and questions Mr. Thomas entertained a motion to approve the Ordinance of zoning change as written. Moved by Tom Parr and seconded by Jim Benko. With no objections the motion passes 7-0.
2025 Meeting schedule- Meetings to be held 3rd Tuesday of each month except May Meeting,
due to elections on May 20th, that meeting will be held May 27, 2024. Mr. Thomas made a motion to accept the 2025 meeting dates as written, moved by Jim Benko and seconded by Tom Parr. With no objections the motion passes 7-0.
Main Line Health – 5030 Horseshoe Pk.- Appearing on behalf of the applicant is Ryan Jennings of Unruh Turner Burke & Frees, attorney for the applicant; Lindsey Breylinger of Bohler Engineering, Civil Engineer for the applicant; Scott Huff of Stantec, Engineer for the applicant; Carolyn Gorman, Senior Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer for Main Line Health ; and Joanna Magnata, Senior Vice President of Main Line Health’s Department of Facilities, Design and Construction. Ryan gave an overview of the project and gave a brief presentation on what the applicant’s plan is and the need in the community for such a location. The applicant proposes to use 14 acres of the 60-acre lot and constructing a 146,000 square foot, four story medical center in the Northern portion of the property. The center will provide the following services: Primary & specialty care; urgent care; imaging services; surgery center; cancer care lab services, rehabilitation services and infusion services. The applicant has submitted a Re-Zoning Ordinance text and map amendment application to rezone the property from R2 to C2. Emphasis was placed on the fact that this will not affect the Lloyd Farmhouse. Joanna Magnata and Carolyn Gorman discussed how Main Line Health had meetings with the community while planning and what services are at the other locations. They feel this is an underserved area with an anticipated growth of 6.2% in this area.
Lindsey Breylinger discussed the purpose of the re-zoning request, that was due to the Township not wanting overlays, and gave an overview of the preliminary land development plan that will be on the November agenda.
There was a lengthy discussion regarding traffic concerns and the effect it would have on the neighborhood as well stormwater control. Cheryl Spalding, resident, expressed concern that the building will be too tall and re-zoning could open the door for developers to re-zone the remainder of Lloyd Farm as C2 in the future. She is concerned this would allow Miller to come back and ask again for approval to build 5 story apartments. She stated the use and plans change with each presentation; it is not consistent. She suggested putting the surgery center in the basement and making the building 3 stories. Ryan state that the building was taller due to the services they provide and to avoid adding impervious coverage, but they can investigate options. She also inquired as to why the applicant filed for a by right instead of Conditional Use. She feels it should have been done by Conditional Use. She requested timeline requirements for each so she can provide that to the public. Mr. Vymazal will put together expectations between the two types.
Mark Evans of 103 Ayerwood Dr. inquired about the meeting Ryan stated he had with the Township Manager, Raymond Stackhouse and the President and Vice President of the Board of Commissioners in April 2024. Mark stated that there was no transparency with the project and, as a member of the Board, was not aware the meeting occurred. He suggested the Township staff and Board president be more forthcoming with information.
Cathy Callahan of 931 Bondsville Rd. expressed that the traffic there is already a nightmare she cannot image the traffic once this is built. She reminded the Township that they legally can deny the re-zoning application. Chris Parr of 582 Lloyd Ave. stated that she does not feel medical center is needed in this area, that this does not have an emergency room which is what this area needs.
Communications – Main Line Health Re-Zoning Ordinance text and map amendment application. Ryan Jennings, attorney for Main Line Health, gave a presentation on their proposed Medical Center that will be on the November agenda for a recommendation for approval of preliminary land development.
Discussion Items - Hybrid Meetings Resolution 2024-16-Don gave an overview of the resolution that was adopted by the Board of Commissioners earlier this year after it was recommended the Township come up with a policy. It allows for adopting as is or with modifications, so he wanted the Planning Commission to take under consideration for next months agenda for review and comments.
Old Business – None
Upcoming Developments - None
Adjournment – With no further agenda items or Commission business, Mr. Thomas made a motion to adjourn the meeting, moved by Tom Parr and seconded by John Caporale. Poll of members: with no objections the motion passes 7–0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:43 P.M.
Subdivision and Land Development Timeclock Dates:
Respectfully submitted,
October 15, 2024
The Planning Commission held their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, October 15, 2024, in the Municipal Building at 253 Municipal Dr. and via Zoom as a virtual meeting. A public notice was published in the Daily Local News on December 15, 2023.
The agenda was posted on the Township website and at the Township building on October 8, 2024.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 P.M. by Chairman, John Adam Thomas. Salute to the Flag.
Roll Call – In attendance were John Adam Thomas, William Schew, Ken Simon, Michael Irwin, Tom Parr, Jim Benko and John Caporale.
Township Staff and Consultants in attendance were Don Vymazal, Township Manager; Board of Commissioners’ Liaison to the Planning Commission Lorraine Tindaro; Board of Commissioners’ Co-Liaison to the Planning Commission Mark Evans; and Elizabeth Nagy, Planning Commission Secretary.
Approval of September 17, 2024, meeting Minutes- Being no questions or discussion Mr. Thomas entertained a motion for approval as submitted, moved by John Caporale and seconded by Michael Irwin. With no objections the motion carries 7-0.
Approval of October 7, 2024, meeting Minutes- Being no questions or discussion Mr. Thomas entertained a motion for approval as submitted, moved by William Schew and seconded by Jim Benko. With no objections the motion carries 7-0.
Agenda items –All Fill- 4102 Edges Mill Rd.-Final Land Development – Appearing on behalf of the applicant is Chris Daily of Howell Engineering, Engineer for the applicant and Ryan Edington of All Fill, the applicant. Chris gave a brief overview of the project where the applicant proposes constructing a 4,100 SF flex space to coexist with the current building located at 4060 Edges Mill Rd. Chris went over the review letters submitted and has no issue complying with them. 4 waivers and 1 waiver modification were previously granted under the preliminary land development: 137-66.E(5)(a) The relocation of all trees 12” in diameter or more; 135-305.A to allow a managed release basin as opposed to infiltration; 135-306 to allow a managed release basin as opposed to infiltration and 135-311.C to not require stormwater pipes to have a minimum slope of 1%. The waiver/modification request as to 137-44.1.A(2) to allow for the disturbance of the Riparian Buffer Zone 2 to install a level spreader at the existing stormwater end wall and connect sanitary sewer to the existing manhole. Lowell does not see anything in the review letters that would prevent an approval. Members of the planning commission expressed concern over the removal of the trees on the landscape plan as mentioned in the Arro review letter dated October 1, 2024; page 10, #17. Chris explained that the trees were removed from the plan due to PennDot’s concern that they would block view for vehicles going east, as they would not be able to see a tractor trailer truck pulling out. There was discussion on if they could put greenery all the way across the frontage to hide it from Edges Mill Rd. and the Ryan said that they could explore that. Ryan stated they have been trying to stay within the Historical Commissions vision for the area.
Mark Evans, Chairperson of the Historical Commission, thanked the applicant for working with the Historical Commission. He inquired if the trees could just be pulled back instead of being removed. Per Chris the applicant tried but PennDot would not approve the plan that way.
Cathy Callahan of 931 Bondsville Rd. asked the applicant about the lighting, she is concerned it will be bright, per Chris it will be dimmed like they have it currently. They then discussed that traffic trailer trucks will not be doing down Edges Mill, which was her other concern.
The applicant is seeking a recommendation for final land development. After discussion and questions Mr. Thomas entertained a motion to recommend approval based on satisfying all recommendations of engineer and review letters. The motion was moved by Jim Benko and seconded by John Caporale. With no objections the motion carries 7-0.
Cannabinoid Ordinance- Don Vymazal gave a brief overview of the ordinance which was created to address any future issues that may arise from the sale of cannabinoid substances in stores and vape shops. It will allow Code Enforcement to enforce certain conditions, such as hours of operation, lighting, etc. The Township wanted to present it to the Planning Commission prior to sending it to the Chester County Planning Commission and Board for approval. Commissioner Thomas expressed that he would like to see clauses such as “No paraphernalia may be displayed in windows” and that they may not be next to drug rehabilitation centers, etc. Mr. Vymazal suggested the planning commission investigate that with the Zoning Task Force.
Resident, Cheryl Spalding inquired if the current business would be grandfathered into the ordinance or would it apply to them. Mr. Vymazal stated that they would be grandfathered in until the property switches hands or uses, then it would apply. After discussion and questions Mr. Thomas entertained a motion to approve the Ordinance of zoning change as written. Moved by Tom Parr and seconded by Jim Benko. With no objections the motion passes 7-0.
2025 Meeting schedule- Meetings to be held 3rd Tuesday of each month except May Meeting,
due to elections on May 20th, that meeting will be held May 27, 2024. Mr. Thomas made a motion to accept the 2025 meeting dates as written, moved by Jim Benko and seconded by Tom Parr. With no objections the motion passes 7-0.
Main Line Health – 5030 Horseshoe Pk.- Appearing on behalf of the applicant is Ryan Jennings of Unruh Turner Burke & Frees, attorney for the applicant; Lindsey Breylinger of Bohler Engineering, Civil Engineer for the applicant; Scott Huff of Stantec, Engineer for the applicant; Carolyn Gorman, Senior Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer for Main Line Health ; and Joanna Magnata, Senior Vice President of Main Line Health’s Department of Facilities, Design and Construction. Ryan gave an overview of the project and gave a brief presentation on what the applicant’s plan is and the need in the community for such a location. The applicant proposes to use 14 acres of the 60-acre lot and constructing a 146,000 square foot, four story medical center in the Northern portion of the property. The center will provide the following services: Primary & specialty care; urgent care; imaging services; surgery center; cancer care lab services, rehabilitation services and infusion services. The applicant has submitted a Re-Zoning Ordinance text and map amendment application to rezone the property from R2 to C2. Emphasis was placed on the fact that this will not affect the Lloyd Farmhouse. Joanna Magnata and Carolyn Gorman discussed how Main Line Health had meetings with the community while planning and what services are at the other locations. They feel this is an underserved area with an anticipated growth of 6.2% in this area.
Lindsey Breylinger discussed the purpose of the re-zoning request, that was due to the Township not wanting overlays, and gave an overview of the preliminary land development plan that will be on the November agenda.
There was a lengthy discussion regarding traffic concerns and the effect it would have on the neighborhood as well stormwater control. Cheryl Spalding, resident, expressed concern that the building will be too tall and re-zoning could open the door for developers to re-zone the remainder of Lloyd Farm as C2 in the future. She is concerned this would allow Miller to come back and ask again for approval to build 5 story apartments. She stated the use and plans change with each presentation; it is not consistent. She suggested putting the surgery center in the basement and making the building 3 stories. Ryan state that the building was taller due to the services they provide and to avoid adding impervious coverage, but they can investigate options. She also inquired as to why the applicant filed for a by right instead of Conditional Use. She feels it should have been done by Conditional Use. She requested timeline requirements for each so she can provide that to the public. Mr. Vymazal will put together expectations between the two types.
Mark Evans of 103 Ayerwood Dr. inquired about the meeting Ryan stated he had with the Township Manager, Raymond Stackhouse and the President and Vice President of the Board of Commissioners in April 2024. Mark stated that there was no transparency with the project and, as a member of the Board, was not aware the meeting occurred. He suggested the Township staff and Board president be more forthcoming with information.
Cathy Callahan of 931 Bondsville Rd. expressed that the traffic there is already a nightmare she cannot image the traffic once this is built. She reminded the Township that they legally can deny the re-zoning application. Chris Parr of 582 Lloyd Ave. stated that she does not feel medical center is needed in this area, that this does not have an emergency room which is what this area needs.
Communications – Main Line Health Re-Zoning Ordinance text and map amendment application. Ryan Jennings, attorney for Main Line Health, gave a presentation on their proposed Medical Center that will be on the November agenda for a recommendation for approval of preliminary land development.
Discussion Items - Hybrid Meetings Resolution 2024-16-Don gave an overview of the resolution that was adopted by the Board of Commissioners earlier this year after it was recommended the Township come up with a policy. It allows for adopting as is or with modifications, so he wanted the Planning Commission to take under consideration for next months agenda for review and comments.
Old Business – None
Upcoming Developments - None
Adjournment – With no further agenda items or Commission business, Mr. Thomas made a motion to adjourn the meeting, moved by Tom Parr and seconded by John Caporale. Poll of members: with no objections the motion passes 7–0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:43 P.M.
Subdivision and Land Development Timeclock Dates:
- Cohen-4109 Lincoln Hwy-Land Development- Predicated on CU approval
- All Fill-4060 Edges Mill Rd-Final Land Development-November 18, 2024
Respectfully submitted,