June 6, 2022 @ 7pm
- Call to Order
- Roll Call – Present: Brett Klukan, Helen Eckel-Wiener, Anne Duzan, Jane Kennedy, Liz Malone, and Abbey Swan. Absent: Isabel Clark
- Public Comment
- Minutes approved – May 2, 2022
- Old business
- P.U.L.L Stations Update – Both PULL stations have been installed. Abbey is waiting on books from AHHAH. After the books arrive, Abbey will publicize the boxes and search for volunteers to monitor them.
- Summer Series Details
- June 17 (Sing 2), July 1 (Hook), August 5 (Chico’s Vibe + fireworks)
- Abbey ordered popcorn bags, so we’re set to go with that. She’ll test out the popcorn maker, screen, and sound system before the event. Sing 2 starts at 8:30, Parks and Rec volunteers will plan to arrive at 7:30. Abbey will get string lights to decorate the bridge and pavilions. Abbey will check in with Debbie from Rita’s, she hasn’t heard back from her at this point. Abbey will bring bottled water for emergencies and try to see if anyone from Alex’s Lemonade Stand want to attend.
- Wildflower Park Update
- Abbey met this week with the grant folks from PennState Extension to learn about the requirements of the grant we are receiving from them.
- Community Day Update
- Community Day is confirmed to take place in the Park instead of on GO Carlson. Giant is happy to let us use their parking. Thorndale UMC will let us use their parking lot for vendor parking. Sponsorships are coming in. Abbey’s lining up activities. Parks and Rec will discuss hosting a booth.
- Parks Tour Recap
- We had a nice time exploring our parks and the Spackman Farm property.
- New Business
- Dog Park Planting – Anne
- Anne presented her urine-tolerant planting trial in the dog park. She planned out gardens using the free plants and got them planted once they arrived. 10 sites are participating in the trial – all up and down the Northeast. The nursery included a sign which is posted in the beds. She also suggested running a fundraiser for the dog park allowing people to purchase memorial bricks or pavers to use around the benches.
- Possible joint event with Historical Commission
- The Historical Commission asked us to see if Parks and Rec might be interested in a joint event, possibly at the Spackman Farm and perhaps around the holidays. The group is open to the idea, but thought maybe a fall event, to highlight the farm might make more sense (since we already have multiple holiday events). We discussed a hay ride and/or activities in the barn. A presentation of the property’s history would also be interesting.
- Bus trips – Jane asked if we’re going to do any trips. Abbey’s happy to try to find a new bus company if the group would like to offer some. We then talked about bringing back the historic trolley tour with the Historical Society.
- Dog Park Planting – Anne
- Adjournment